blob: 0604d241523c371e093e3b65d72fdd063b25ae54 [file] [log] [blame]
# Lint as: python2, python3
# HID has one keymapping, and linux input for the event recorder has another.
# This is not complete, just for initial debugging
linux_input_keymap = {
2: '1',
3: '2',
4: '3',
5: '4',
6: '5',
7: '6',
8: '7',
9: '8',
10: '9',
11: '0',
12: '-',
13: '=',
14: '\b',
15: '\t',
16: 'q',
17: 'w',
18: 'e',
19: 'r',
20: 't',
21: 'y',
22: 'u',
23: 'i',
24: 'o',
25: 'p',
26: '{',
27: '}',
28: '\n',
30: 'a',
31: 's',
32: 'd',
33: 'f',
34: 'g',
35: 'h',
36: 'j',
37: 'k',
38: 'l',
39: ';',
40: '\'',
41: '`',
43: '\\',
44: 'z',
45: 'x',
46: 'c',
47: 'v',
48: 'b',
49: 'n',
50: 'm',
51: ',',
52: '.',
53: '/',
57: ' ',