blob: 7335b79c501f2f8cf46d40b25f14f6df4af469e1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Lint as: python2, python3
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
This file provides functions to implement bluetooth_PeerUpdate test
which downloads chameleond bundle from google cloud storage and updates
peer device associated with a DUT
from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
import os
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import yaml
from datetime import datetime
import common
from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
# The location of the package in the cloud
GS_PUBLIC = 'gs://chromeos-localmirror/distfiles/bluetooth_peer_bundle/'
# NAME of the file that stores python2 commits info in the cloud
PYTHON2_COMMITS_FILENAME = 'bluetooth_python2_commits'
# NAME of the file that stores commits info in the Google cloud storage.
COMMITS_FILENAME = 'bluetooth_commits.yaml'
# The following needs to be kept in sync with values chameleond code
BUNDLE_TEMPLATE='chameleond-0.0.2-{}.tar.gz' # Name of the chamleond package
BUNDLE_DIR = 'chameleond-0.0.2'
CHAMELEON_BOARD = 'fpga_tio'
def run_cmd(peer, cmd):
"""A wrapper around"""
try:'executing command %s on peer',cmd)
result ='exit_status is %s', result.exit_status)'stdout is %s stderr is %s', result.stdout, result.stderr)
output = result.stderr if result.stderr else result.stdout
if result.exit_status == 0:
return True, output
return False, output
except error.AutoservRunError as e:
logging.error('Error while running cmd %s %s', cmd, e)
return False, None
def read_google_cloud_file(filename):
""" Check if update is required
Read the contents of the Googlle cloud file.
@params filename: the filename of the Google cloud file
@returns: the contexts of the file if successful; None otherwise.
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp_file:
tmp_filename =
cmd = 'gsutil cp {} {}'.format(filename, tmp_filename)
result =
if result.exit_status != 0:
logging.error('Downloading file %s failed with %s',
filename, result.exit_status)
return None
with open(tmp_filename) as f:
content =
logging.debug('content of the file %s: %s', filename, content)
return content
except Exception as e:
logging.error('Error in reading %s', filename)
return None
def is_update_needed(peer, latest_commit):
""" Check if update is required
Update if the commit hash doesn't match
@returns: True/False
return not is_commit_hash_equal(peer, latest_commit)
def is_commit_hash_equal(peer, latest_commit):
""" Check if chameleond commit hash is the expected one"""
commit = peer.get_bt_commit_hash()
logging.error('Getting the commit hash failed. Updating the peer %s',
return True
logging.debug('commit %s found on peer %s', commit,
return commit == latest_commit
def perform_update(peer, target_commit):
""" Update the chameleond on the peer"""'copy the file over to the peer')
cur_dir = '/tmp/'
bundle = BUNDLE_TEMPLATE.format(target_commit)
bundle_path = os.path.join(cur_dir, bundle)
logging.debug('package location is %s', bundle_path), '/tmp/')
logging.error('copying the file failed %s ', sys.exc_info())
return False
# Backward compatibility for deploying the chamleeon bundle:
# use 'PY_VERSION=python3' only when the target_commit is not in
# the specified python2 commits. When py_version_option is empty,
# python2 will be used in the deployment.
python2_commits_filename = GS_PUBLIC + PYTHON2_COMMITS_FILENAME
python2_commits = read_google_cloud_file(python2_commits_filename)'target_commit %s python2_commits %s ',
target_commit, python2_commits)
if bool(python2_commits) and target_commit in python2_commits:
py_version_option = ''
py_version_option = 'PY_VERSION=python3'
HOST_NOW = datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')'running make on peer')
cmd = ('cd %s && rm -rf %s && tar zxf %s &&'
'cd %s && find -exec touch -c {} \; &&'
'make install REMOTE_INSTALL=TRUE '
'CHAMELEON_BOARD=%s %s && rm %s%s' %
(cur_dir, BUNDLE_DIR, bundle, BUNDLE_DIR, HOST_NOW,
cur_dir, bundle))
status, _ = run_cmd(peer, cmd)
if not status:'make failed')
return False'chameleond installed on peer')
return True
def restart_check_chameleond(peer):
"""restart chameleond and make sure it is running."""
restart_cmd = 'sudo /etc/init.d/chameleond restart'
start_cmd = 'sudo /etc/init.d/chameleond start'
status_cmd = 'sudo /etc/init.d/chameleond status'
status, _ = run_cmd(peer, restart_cmd)
if not status:
status, _ = run_cmd(peer, start_cmd)
if not status:
logging.error('restarting/starting chamleond failed')
#TODO: Refactor so that we wait for all peer devices all together.
# Wait till chameleond initialization is complete
status, output = run_cmd(peer, status_cmd)
expected_output = 'chameleond is running'
return status and expected_output in output
def update_peer(peer, latest_commit):
"""Update the chameleond on peer devices if required
@params peer: btpeer to be updated
@params latest_commit: target git commit
@returns: (True, None) if update succeeded
(False, reason) if update failed
if peer.get_platform() != 'RASPI':
logging.error('Unsupported peer %s',str(
return False, 'Unsupported peer'
if not perform_update(peer, latest_commit):
return False, 'Update failed'
if not restart_check_chameleond(peer):
return False, 'Unable to start chameleond'
if is_update_needed(peer, latest_commit):
return False, 'Commit not updated after upgrade''updating chameleond succeded')
return True, ''
def update_peers(host, latest_commit):
"""Update the chameleond on alll peer devices of an host"""
if host.btpeer_list == []:
raise error.TestError('Bluetooth Peer not present')
status = {}
for peer in host.btpeer_list:
#TODO(b:160782273) Make this parallel
status[peer] = {}
status[peer]['update_needed'] = is_update_needed(peer,latest_commit)
if not any([v['update_needed'] for v in status.values()]):"Update not needed on any of the peers")
for peer in host.btpeer_list:
if status[peer]['update_needed']:
status[peer]['updated'], status[peer]['reason'] = \
update_peer(peer, latest_commit)
# If any of the peers failed update, raise failure with the reason
if not all([v['updated'] for v in status.values() if v['update_needed']]):
for peer, v in status.items():
if v['update_needed']:
if not v['updated']:
logging.error('updating peer %s failed %s', str(,
raise error.TestFail()'%s peers updated',len([v['updated'] for v in status.values()
if v['update_needed']]))
def get_target_commit(hostname, host_build):
""" Get the target commit per the DUT hostname
Download the yaml file containing the commits, parse its contents,
and cleanup.
The yaml file looks like
lab_curr_commit: d732343cf
lab_next_build: 13721.0.0
lab_next_commit: 71be114
- chromeos15-row8-rack5-host1
- chromeos15-row5-rack7-host7
- chromeos15-row5-rack1-host4
The lab_next_commit will be used only when 3 conditions are satisfied
- the lab_next_commit is non-empty
- the hostname of the DUT can be found in lab_next_hosts
- the host_build of the DUT is the same as lab_next_build
Tests of next build will go back to lab_curr_commit automatically.
The purpose is that in case lab_next_commit is not stable, the DUTs will
go back to use the supposed stable lab_curr_commit.
On the other hand, if lab_next_commit is stable by juding from the lab
dashboard, someone can then copy lab_next_build to lab_curr_commit manually.
@params hostname: the client hostname;
can be a DNS name or a numerical IP address
@params host_build: the image build number of the host
@returns commit in case of success; None in case of failure
# The hostname may have a suffix of '.cros' if the test server
# is located out of the lab. Remove the suffix for consistency.
hostname = hostname.rstrip('.cros')
content = yaml.load(read_google_cloud_file(src))'content of %s: %s', src, content)
commit = content.get('lab_next_commit')
if (hostname in content.get('lab_next_hosts') and
host_build == content.get('lab_next_build') and
bool(commit)):'Next btpeer commit of %s: %s', hostname, commit)
# Otherwise, use the current commit.
commit = content.get('lab_curr_commit')'Current btpeer commit of %s: %s', hostname, commit)
except Exception as e:
logging.error('exception %s in get_target_commit', str(e))
commit = None
return commit
def get_latest_commit():
"""Get the current chameleon bundle commit deployed in the lab.
This function exists for backward compatibility.
Remove this function once the bluetooth_PeerUpdate test is removed.
@returns the current commit in case of success; None in case of failure
commit = get_target_commit(hostname='', host_build='')
return bool(commit), commit
def download_installation_files(host, commit):
""" Download the chameleond installation bundle"""
src_path = GS_PUBLIC + BUNDLE_TEMPLATE.format(commit)
dest_path = '/tmp/' + BUNDLE_TEMPLATE.format(commit)
logging.debug('chamelond bundle path is %s', src_path)
logging.debug('bundle path in DUT is %s', dest_path)
cmd = 'gsutil cp {} {}'.format(src_path, dest_path)
result =
if result.exit_status != 0:
logging.error('Downloading the chameleond bundle failed with %d',
return False
# Send file to DUT from the test server
host.send_file(dest_path, dest_path)
logging.debug('file send to %s %s',host, dest_path)
return True
except Exception as e:
logging.error('exception %s in download_installation_files', str(e))
return False
def cleanup(host, commit):
""" Cleanup the installation file from server."""
dest_path = '/tmp/' + BUNDLE_TEMPLATE.format(commit)
# remove file from test server
if not os.path.exists(dest_path):
logging.debug('File %s not found', dest_path)
return True
logging.debug('Remove file %s', dest_path)
# remove file from the DUT
result ='rm {}'.format(dest_path))
if result.exit_status != 0:
logging.error('Unable to delete %s on dut', dest_path)
return False
return True
except Exception as e:
logging.error('Exception %s in cleanup', str(e))
return False