blob: b94666d3c9432d09104b4bf82c09e0af1fec1b3a [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division
import os
import copy
import json
import string
import base64
import logging
import common
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import hosts
from autotest_lib.server.cros.servo.topology import topology_constants as stc
class ServoTopologyError(Exception):
Generic Exception for failures from ServoTopology object.
class MissingServoError(ServoTopologyError):
Exception to throw when child servo type is missing.
def __init__(self, message, servo_type):
self._servo_type = servo_type
self.message = message
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.message)
class ServoTopology(object):
"""Class to read, generate and validate servo topology in the lab.
The class support detection of servo listed in VID_PID_SERVO_TYPES.
To save servo topology to host-info date passed two steps:
- convert to the json
- encode to base64
# Command to get usb-path to device
SERVOD_TOOL_USB_PATH = 'servodtool device -s %s usb-path'
# Minimal length of usb-path for servo devices connected to the host.
MIN_SERVO_PATH = len('/sys/bus/usb/devices/X')
def __init__(self, servo_host):
self._host = servo_host
def read(self, host_info):
"""Reading servo-topology info."""'Reading servo topology info...')
if not host_info:'The host_info not provided. Skip reading.')
b64_val = host_info.get_label_value(stc.SERVO_TOPOLOGY_LABEL_PREFIX)
self._topology = _parse_string_as_topology(b64_val)
logging.debug('Loaded servo topology: %s', self._topology)
if self._topology:'Servo topology loaded successfully.')
def save(self, host_info_store):
"""Saving servo-topology info."""
if self.is_empty():'Topology is empty. Skip saving.')
if not host_info_store:'The host_info_store not provided. Skip saving.')
return'Saving servo topology info...')
data = _convert_topology_to_string(self._topology)
if not data:'Servo topology fail to save data.'
' Please file a bug.')
host_info = host_info_store.get()
prev_value = host_info.get_label_value(stc.SERVO_TOPOLOGY_LABEL_PREFIX)
if prev_value and prev_value == data:'Servo topology was not changed. Skip saving.')
logging.debug('Previous saved topology: %s', prev_value)
host_info.set_version_label(stc.SERVO_TOPOLOGY_LABEL_PREFIX, data)
host_info_store.commit(host_info)'Servo topology saved successfully.')
def reset(self):
"""Reset topology to the initialize state.
All cash will be reset to empty state.
self._topology = None
def generate(self):
"""Read servo data and create topology."""
self._topology = self._generate()
except Exception as e:
logging.debug('(Not critical) %s', e)'Fail to generate servo-topology')
if not self.is_empty():'Servo topology successfully generated.')
def is_empty(self):
"""If topology data was initialized."""
return not bool(self._topology)
def validate(self, raise_error=False, dual_set=False, compare=False):
"""Validate topology against expected topology.
Validation against:
- set-up expectation: min one child or 2 for DUAL_V4
- last saved topology: check if any device missed
Update topology cache if validation passed successfully.
@params raise_error: raise error if validate did not pass otherwise
return False.
@params dual_set: Check if servo expect DUAL_V4 setup.
@params compare: Validate against saved topology.
new_st = self._generate()
if not new_st or not new_st.get(stc.ST_DEVICE_MAIN):
message = 'Main device is not detected'
return self._process_error(message, raise_error)
children = new_st.get(stc.ST_DEVICE_CHILDREN)
# basic setup has to have minimum one child.
if not children or len(children) < 1:
message = 'Each setup has at least one child'
return self._process_error(message, raise_error)
children_types = [c.get(stc.ST_DEVICE_TYPE) for c in children]
# DUAL_V4 setup has to have cr50 and one more child.
if dual_set:
if stc.ST_CR50_TYPE not in children_types:
return self._missing_servo_error(stc.ST_CR50_TYPE, raise_error)
if len(children) < 2:
message = 'Expected two children but have only one'
return self._process_error(message, raise_error)
if compare and not self.is_empty():
main_device = new_st.get(stc.ST_DEVICE_MAIN)
t = self._topology
old_main = t.get(stc.ST_DEVICE_MAIN)
old_children = t.get(stc.ST_DEVICE_CHILDREN)
if not all([
# Old data is invalid for comparasing
return True
if not self._equal_item(old_main, main_device):
message = 'Main servo was changed'
return self._process_error(message, raise_error)
for child in old_children:
old_type = child.get(stc.ST_DEVICE_TYPE)
if old_type not in children_types:
return self._missing_servo_error(old_type, raise_error)
if len(children) < len(old_children):
message = 'Some child is missed'
return self._process_error(message, raise_error)'Servo topology successfully verified.')
self._topology = new_st
return True
def is_servo_serial_provided(self):
"""Verify that root servo serial is provided."""
root_servo_serial = self._host.servo_serial
if not root_servo_serial:'Root servo serial is not provided.')
return False
logging.debug('Root servo serial: %s', root_servo_serial)
return True
def _process_error(self, message, raise_error):
if not raise_error:'Validate servo topology failed with: %s', message)
return False
raise ServoTopologyError(message)
def _missing_servo_error(self, servo_type, raise_error):
message = 'Missed servo: %s!' % servo_type
if not raise_error:'Validate servo topology failed with: %s', message)
return False
raise MissingServoError(message, servo_type)
def _equal_item(self, old, new):
"""Servo was replugged to another port"""
if old.get(field) != new.get(field):
return False
return True
def _generate(self):
"""Generate and return topology structure.
Read and generate topology structure with out update the state.
logging.debug('Trying generate a servo-topology')
if not self.is_servo_serial_provided():
root_servo_serial = self._host.servo_serial
root_servo = None
children = []
devices = self.get_list_of_devices()
for device in devices:
if not device.is_good():'Skip %s as missing some data', device)
if device.get_serial_number() == root_servo_serial:
root_servo = device.get_topology_item()
if not root_servo:
logging.debug('Root servo missed!')
return None
topology = {
stc.ST_DEVICE_MAIN: root_servo,
stc.ST_DEVICE_CHILDREN: children
logging.debug('Servo topology: %s', topology)
return topology
def _get_servo_hub_path(self, servo_serial):
"""Get path to the servo hub.
The root servo is connected directly to the servo-hub. To find other
servos connected to the hub we need find the path to the servo-hub.
The servod-tool always return direct path to the servo, like:
base path: /sys/bus/usb/devices/
root-servo: 1-3.2.1
the alternative path is '/sys/bus/usb/devices/1-3.2/1-3.2.1/'
where '1-3.2' is path to servo-hub. To extract path to servo-hub
logic parse parse and remove last digit of the port where root servo
connected to the servo-hub.
base path: /sys/bus/usb/devices/
servo-hub: 1-3.2
root-servo: .1
After we will join only base path with servo-hub.
@params servo_serial Serial number of the servo connected to hub
@returns: A string representation of fs-path to servo-hub device
logging.debug('Try to find a hub-path for servo:%s', servo_serial)
cmd_hub = self.SERVOD_TOOL_USB_PATH % servo_serial
servo_path = self._read_line(cmd_hub)
logging.debug('Servo %s path: %s', servo_serial, servo_path)
if not servo_path or len(servo_path) < self.MIN_SERVO_PATH:'Servo not detected.')
return None
base_path = os.path.dirname(servo_path)
root_servo_tail = os.path.basename(servo_path)
# Removing last port as
servo_hub_tail = string.join(root_servo_tail.split('.')[:-1], '.')
return os.path.join(base_path, servo_hub_tail)
def get_root_servo(self):
"""Get root servo device.
@returns: ConnectedServo if device found.
logging.debug('Try to find a root servo')
if not self.is_servo_serial_provided():
return None
# Find the path to the servo-hub folder.
root_servo_serial = self._host.servo_serial
cmd_hub = self.SERVOD_TOOL_USB_PATH % root_servo_serial
servo_path = self._read_line(cmd_hub)
logging.debug('Servo %s path: %s', root_servo_serial, servo_path)
if not servo_path or len(servo_path) < self.MIN_SERVO_PATH:'Servo not detected.')
return None
return self._get_device(servo_path)
def get_list_of_devices(self):
"""Generate list of devices with serials.
Logic based on detecting all device enumerated under servo-hub device.
@returns: Collection of detected device connected to the servo-hub.
logging.debug('Trying generate device-a servo-topology')
if not self.is_servo_serial_provided():
return []
# Find the path to the servo-hub folder.
hub_path = self._get_servo_hub_path(self._host.servo_serial)
if not hub_path:
return []
logging.debug('Servo hub path: %s', hub_path)
# Find all serial filed of devices under servo-hub. Each device
# has to have serial number.
devices_cmd = 'find %s/* -name serial' % hub_path
devices = self._read_multilines(devices_cmd)
children = []
for device in devices:
logging.debug('Child device %s', device)
device_dir = os.path.dirname(device)
child = self._get_device(device_dir)
if not child:
logging.debug('Child missed some data.')
logging.debug('Detected devices: %s', len(children))
return children
def update_servo_version(self, device=None):
"""Update version of servo device.
@params device: ConnectedServo instance.
if not device:
logging.debug('Device is not provided')
device._version = self._read_file(device.get_path(), 'configuration')
logging.debug('New servo version: %s', device.get_version())
def _get_vid_pid(self, path):
"""Read VID and PID of the device.
@params path Absolute path to the device in FS.
@returns: A string representation VID:PID of device.
vid = self._read_file(path, 'idVendor')
pid = self._read_file(path, 'idProduct')
if not vid or not pid:
return None
vid_pid = '%s:%s' % (vid, pid)
logging.debug("VID/PID of device device: '%s'", vid_pid)
return vid_pid
def _get_device(self, path):
"""Create device representation.
@params path: Absolute path to the device in FS.
@returns: ConnectedServo if VID/PID present.
vid_pid = self._get_vid_pid(path)
if not vid_pid:
return None
serial = self._read_file(path, 'serial')
product = self._read_file(path, 'product')
hub_path = self._read_file(path, 'devpath')
configuration = self._read_file(path, 'configuration')
servo_type = stc.VID_PID_SERVO_TYPES.get(vid_pid)
if not servo_type:
return None
return ConnectedServo(device_path=path,
def _read_file(self, path, file_name):
"""Read context of the file and return result as one line.
If execution finished with error result will be empty string.
@params path: Path to the folder where file located.
@params file_name: The file name to read.
if not path or not file_name:
return ''
f = os.path.join(path, file_name)
return self._read_line('cat %s' % f)
def _read_line(self, command):
"""Execute terminal command and return result as one line.
If execution finished with error result will be empty string.
@params command: String to execute.
r =, ignore_status=True, timeout=30)
if r.exit_status == 0:
return r.stdout.strip()
return ''
def _read_multilines(self, command):
"""Execute terminal command and return result as multi-line.
If execution finished with error result will be an empty array.
@params command: String to execute.
r =, ignore_status=True, timeout=30)
if r.exit_status == 0:
return r.stdout.splitlines()
return []
class ConnectedServo(object):
"""Class to hold info about connected detected."""
def __init__(self,
self._path = device_path
self._product = device_product
self._serial = device_serial
self._type = device_type
self._vid_pid = device_vid_pid
self._hub_path = device_hub_path
self._version = device_version
def get_topology_item(self):
"""Extract as topology item."""
return {
stc.ST_DEVICE_SERIAL: self._serial,
stc.ST_DEVICE_TYPE: self._type,
stc.ST_DEVICE_PRODUCT: self._product,
stc.ST_DEVICE_HUB_PORT: self._hub_path
def is_good(self):
"""Check if minimal data for topology item is present."""
return self._serial and self._type and self._hub_path
def get_type(self):
"""Servo type."""
return self._type
def get_path(self):
"""Path to servo folder in sysfs."""
return self._path
def get_serial_number(self):
"""Servo serial number."""
return self._serial
def get_version(self):
"""Get servo version."""
return self._version
def __str__(self):
return ("Device %s:%s (%s, %s) version: %s" %
(self._type, self._serial, self._vid_pid, self._hub_path,
def _convert_topology_to_string(topology):
"""Convert topology to the string respresentation.
Convert topology to json and encode by Base64 for host-info file.
@params topology: Servo topology data
@returns: topology representation in Base64 string
if not topology:
return ''
# generate json similar to golang to avoid extra updates
json_string = json.dumps(topology, separators=(',', ':'))
logging.debug('Servo topology (json): %s', json_string)
except Exception as e:
logging.debug('(Not critical) %s', e)'Failed to convert topology to json')
return ''
# recommended to convert to the bytes for python 3
b64_string = base64.b64encode(json_string.encode("utf-8"))
logging.debug('Servo topology (b64): %s', b64_string)
return b64_string
except Exception as e:
logging.debug('(Not critical) %s', e)'Failed to convert topology to base64')
return ''
def _parse_string_as_topology(src):
"""Parse and load servo topology from string.
Decode Base64 and load as json of servo-topology data.
@params src: topology representation in Base64 string
@returns: servo topology data
if not src:
logging.debug('Servo topology data not present in host-info.')
return None
json_string = base64.b64decode(src)
logging.debug('Servo topology (json) from host-info: %s', json_string)
return json.loads(json_string)
except Exception as e:
logging.debug('(Not critical) %s', e)'Fail to read servo-topology from host-info.')
return None