blob: c41d5e432ad3ce15ab698a479c81f1c2c7fe9e44 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import array
import fcntl
import os
import struct
import uuid
from autotest_lib.client.bin import test, utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
class firmware_CheckEOPState(test.test):
"""Validates that the ME has been told by firmware that POST is done"""
# Needed by autotest
version = 1
def read_post_boot_state(self):
"""Fail if the ME should be capable of reporting EOP but doesn't."""
HECI_MKHI = uuid.UUID('{8e6a6715-9abc-4043-88ef-9e39c6f63e0f}')
IOCTL_MEI_CONNECT_CLIENT = 0xc0104801 # _IOWR('H', 1, 16);
mei_dev ='/dev/mei0', os.O_RDWR)
except OSError:
raise error.TestFail('ME device not found, probably old kernel.')
# Connect to MKHI
buf = array.array('B', 16 * [0])
struct.pack_into('<16s', buf, 0, HECI_MKHI.bytes_le)
fcntl.ioctl(mei_dev, IOCTL_MEI_CONNECT_CLIENT, buf)
max_msg_length, protocol_version = struct.unpack_from('<IB', buf)
# Protocol 2 appears to be the minimum version that allows querying EOP
if protocol_version < 2:
raise error.TestNAError(
'ME protocol too old. Not checking for EOP.')
# query EOP State
group_id = 0xff
command = 0x1d
os.write(mei_dev, struct.pack('<BBBB', group_id, command, 0, 0))
inb =, max_msg_length)
if len(inb) != 8:
raise error.TestFail('Unknown response by ME.')
group_id_resp, command_plus_80, rsvd, result, eop_state = struct.unpack(
'<BBBBI', inb)
if (group_id_resp != group_id) or (command_plus_80 != command | 0x80):
raise error.TestFail('ME didn\'t respond to Query EOP State.')
if result == 0x8d:
raise error.TestFail('ME didn\'t understand Query EOP State.')
if result == 0x8e:
raise error.TestFail('ME reported failure on Query EOP State.')
if result != 0:
raise error.TestFail(
'ME gave unknown response to Query EOP State.')
# if True, EOP has been issued by firmware and we're in Post-Boot State
eop_state = (eop_state & 0xff) == 0
return eop_state
def run_once(self, expect_me_present=True):
"""Fail unless ME returns Post-Boot State
@param expect_me_present: False means the system has no ME.
cpu_family = utils.get_cpu_soc_family()
if cpu_family not in ('x86_64', 'i386'):
raise error.TestNAError(
'This test is not applicable, '
'because a non-Intel device has been detected. '
'Such devices do not have an ME (Management Engine)')
if utils.is_intel_uarch_older_than('Tiger Lake'):
raise error.TestNAError('Skipping test for EOP on pre-TGL')