blob: 6aed064d152e304f6ec85c4b5c68fe7197863887 [file] [log] [blame]
# Lint as: python2, python3
# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Autotest communcations to the Hosts (DUTs) via TLS ExecDutCommand."""
import common
import grpc
import logging
import six
import time
from autotest_lib.server.hosts.tls_client import autotest_common_pb2
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils
class TLSExecDutCommandClient():
"""Object for sending commands to a host, and getting the response."""
def __init__(self, tlsconnection, hostname):
"""Configure the grpc channel."""
if tlsconnection.alive:
self.stub = tlsconnection.stub
raise error.TLSConnectionError(
"TLS connection is not alive when try to creating"
" exec_dut_command client.")
self.hostname = hostname
self.tlsconnection = tlsconnection
def run_cmd(self,
Run a command on the host configured during init.
@param cmd: shell cmd to execute on the DUT
@param: stdout_tee/stderr_tee: objects to write the data from the
respective streams to
@param timeout int(seconds): how long to allow the command to run
before forcefully killing it.
@param ignore_timeout: if True, do not raise err on timeouts.
if not self.tlsconnection.alive:
"TLS connection is not up when try to run exec_dut_command.")
result = utils.CmdResult(command=cmd)
self._run(cmd, stdout_tee, stderr_tee, result, timeout)
except grpc.RpcError as e:
if e.code().name == "DEADLINE_EXCEEDED":
if ignore_timeout:
return None
raise error.CmdTimeoutError(
cmd, result,
"Command(s) did not complete within %d seconds" %
raise e
except Exception as e:
raise e
return result
def _run(self, cmd, stdout_tee, stderr_tee, result, timeout):
"""Run the provided cmd, populate the result in place."""
start_time = time.time()
response = self._send_cmd(cmd, timeout)
stdout_buf = six.StringIO()
stderr_buf = six.StringIO()
last_status = 0
if response:
for item in response:
last_status = item.exit_info.status
_log_item(item.stdout, stdout_buf, stdout_tee)
_log_item(item.stderr, stderr_buf, stderr_tee)
result.stdout = stdout_buf.getvalue()
result.stderr = stderr_buf.getvalue()
result.exit_status = last_status
result.duration = time.time() - start_time
def _send_cmd(self, cmd, timeout):
"""Serialize and send the cmd to the TLS service."""
formatted_cmd = autotest_common_pb2.ExecDutCommandRequest(
name=self.hostname, command=cmd)
return self.stub.ExecDutCommand(formatted_cmd, timeout=timeout)
def _log_item(item, buf, tee):
Parse the provided item.
If the item exists, append the provided arr with the item & write to
the provided tee if provided.
if not item:
if tee is not None and tee is not utils.TEE_TO_LOGS: