blob: e39e3ea96faf47148902066422038e260ce45695 [file] [log] [blame]
AUTHOR = "puthik"
NAME = "power_ThermalLoad.option"
PURPOSE = "Run thermal workload and log temperature."
CRITERIA = "This test is a benchmark."
TEST_CATEGORY = "Benchmark"
TEST_CLASS = "power"
TEST_TYPE = "client"
DOC = """
This test is power_ThermalLoad that can use custom args.
- duration: time in seconds to display url and measure power, default 2.5 hours.
- numfish: number of fish to pass to WebGL Aquarium, default 3000 fishes.
HOURS=60 * 60
args_dict = utils.args_to_dict(args)
duration = int(args_dict.get('duration', 2.5 * HOURS))
# utils.args_to_dict convert arg to lower case.
numFish = int(args_dict.get('numfish', 3000))
seconds_period = int(args_dict.get('seconds_period', 20))
pdash_note = args_dict.get('pdash_note', '')
job.run_test('power_ThermalLoad', tag=NAME.split('.')[1], duration=duration,
numFish=numFish, seconds_period=seconds_period,