blob: 16688a47fb54c5d961edccc392f898afe4497b82 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
set -e
# shellcheck source=./
. "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${0}")")/"
test_read_from_flash_in_bootloader_mode_without_modifying_RDP_level() {
local file_read_from_flash="test.bin"
# Given:
# * Hardware write protect is disabled
# (so we can use bootloader to read and change RDP level)
# * Software write protect is enabled
# * RDP is at level 1
# Then:
# * Reading from flash without changing the RDP level should fail
# (and we should not have read any bytes from flash).
# * The firmware should still be functional because mass erase is NOT
# triggered since we are NOT changing the RDP level.
echo "Reading firmware without modifying RDP level"
# This should fail and the file should be empty
if read_from_flash_in_bootloader_mode_without_modifying_RDP_level \
"${file_read_from_flash}"; then
echo "Should not be able to read from flash"
exit 1
check_file_size_equals_zero "${file_read_from_flash}"
echo "Checking that firmware is still functional"
rm -rf "${file_read_from_flash}"
test_read_from_flash_in_bootloader_mode_while_setting_RDP_to_level_0() {
local file_read_from_flash="test.bin"
local original_fw_file="$1"
local file_expected_byte_size="$(get_file_size ${original_fw_file})"
# Given:
# * Hardware write protect is disabled
# (so we can use bootloader to read and change RDP level)
# * Software write protect is enabled
# * RDP is at level 1
# Then:
# * Setting the RDP level to 0 (after being at level 1) should trigger
# a mass erase.
# * A mass erase sets all flash bytes to 0xFF, so all bytes read from flash
# should have that value.
# * Since the flash was mass erased, the firmware should no longer function.
echo "Reading firmware after setting RDP to level 0"
# This command partially fails (and returns an error) because it causes the
# flash to be mass erased, but we should still have a file with the contents
# that we can compare against.
read_from_flash_in_bootloader_mode_while_setting_RDP_to_level_0 \
"${file_read_from_flash}" || true
echo "Checking that value read is made up entirely of OxFF bytes"
check_file_contains_all_0xFF_bytes \
"${file_read_from_flash}" "${file_expected_byte_size}"
# Make sure the flash was really erased
echo "Checking that firmware is non-functional"
rm -rf "${file_read_from_flash}"
echo "Running test to validate RDP level 1"
readonly ORIGINAL_FW_FILE="$1"
check_file_exists "${ORIGINAL_FW_FILE}"
echo "Making sure hardware write protect is DISABLED and software write \
protect is ENABLED"
echo "Validating initial state"
echo "Checking that firmware is functional"
test_read_from_flash_in_bootloader_mode_while_setting_RDP_to_level_0 \