blob: 4e6bf16bb00fe6d1694e5ab31462f2a800fcd928 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""This file provides util functions used by RPM infrastructure."""
import collections
import csv
import logging
import os
import time
import common
import rpm_infrastructure_exception
from config import rpm_config
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import enum
MAPPING_FILE = os.path.join(
rpm_config.get('CiscoPOE', 'servo_interface_mapping_file'))
POWERUNIT_HOSTNAME_KEY = 'powerunit_hostname'
POWERUNIT_OUTLET_KEY = 'powerunit_outlet'
HYDRA_HOSTNAME_KEY = 'hydra_hostname'
class PowerUnitInfo(object):
"""A class that wraps rpm/poe information of a device."""
POWERUNIT_TYPES = enum.Enum('POE', 'RPM', string_value=True)
def __init__(self, device_hostname, powerunit_type,
powerunit_hostname, outlet, hydra_hostname=None):
self.device_hostname = device_hostname
self.powerunit_type = powerunit_type
self.powerunit_hostname = powerunit_hostname
self.outlet = outlet
self.hydra_hostname = hydra_hostname
def get_powerunit_info(afe_host):
"""Constructe a PowerUnitInfo instance from an afe host.
@param afe_host: A host object.
@returns: A PowerUnitInfo object populated with the power management
unit information of the host.
if (not POWERUNIT_HOSTNAME_KEY in afe_host.attributes or
not POWERUNIT_OUTLET_KEY in afe_host.attributes):
raise rpm_infrastructure_exception.RPMInfrastructureException(
'Can not retrieve complete rpm information'
'from AFE for %s, please make sure %s and %s are'
' in the host\'s attributes.' % (afe_host.hostname,
if HYDRA_HOSTNAME_KEY in afe_host.attributes
else None)
return PowerUnitInfo(
class LRUCache(object):
"""A simple implementation of LRU Cache."""
def __init__(self, size, expiration_secs=DEFAULT_EXPIRATION_SECS):
@param size: Size of the cache.
@param expiration_secs: The items expire after |expiration_secs|
Set to None so that items never expire.
self.size = size
self.cache = collections.OrderedDict()
self.timestamps = {}
self.expiration_secs = expiration_secs
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Get an item from the cache"""
# pop and insert the element again so that it
# is moved to the end.
value = self.cache.pop(key)
self.cache[key] = value
return value
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
"""Insert an item into the cache."""
if key in self.cache:
elif len(self.cache) == self.size:
removed_key, _ = self.cache.popitem(last=False)
self.cache[key] = value
self.timestamps[key] = time.time()
def __contains__(self, key):
"""Check whether a key is in the cache."""
if (self.expiration_secs is not None and
key in self.timestamps and
time.time() - self.timestamps[key] > self.expiration_secs):
return key in self.cache
def load_servo_interface_mapping(mapping_file=MAPPING_FILE):
Load servo-switch-interface mapping from a CSV file.
In the file, the first column represents servo hostnames,
the second column represents switch hostnames, the third column
represents interface names. Columns are saparated by comma.
A row without a servo hostname indicates that no servo
has been connected to the corresponding interface.
This method ignores such rows.
@param mapping_file: A csv file that stores the mapping.
If None, the setting in rpm_config.ini will be used.
@return a dictionary that maps servo host name to a
tuple of switch hostname and interface.
e.g. {
'chromeos1-rack3-host12-servo': ('chromeos1-poe-switch1', 'fa31')
@raises: rpm_infrastructure_exception.RPMInfrastructureException
when arg mapping_file is None.
if not mapping_file:
raise rpm_infrastructure_exception.RPMInfrastructureException(
'mapping_file is None.')
servo_interface = {}
with open(mapping_file) as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
for row in reader:
servo_hostname = row[0].strip()
switch_hostname = row[1].strip()
interface = row[2].strip()
if servo_hostname:
servo_interface[servo_hostname] = (switch_hostname, interface)
return servo_interface
def reload_servo_interface_mapping_if_necessary(
check_point, mapping_file=MAPPING_FILE):
"""Reload the servo-interface mapping file if it is modified.
This method checks if the last-modified time of |mapping_file| is
later than |check_point|, if so, it reloads the file.
@param check_point: A float number representing a time, used to determine
whether we need to reload the mapping file.
@param mapping_file: A csv file that stores the mapping, if none,
the setting in rpm_config.ini will be used.
@return: If the file is reloaded, returns a tuple
(last_modified_time, servo_interface) where
the first element is the last_modified_time of the
mapping file, the second element is a dictionary that
maps servo hostname to (switch hostname, interface).
If the file is not reloaded, return None.
@raises: rpm_infrastructure_exception.RPMInfrastructureException
when arg mapping_file is None.
if not mapping_file:
raise rpm_infrastructure_exception.RPMInfrastructureException(
'mapping_file is None.')
last_modified = os.path.getmtime(mapping_file)
if check_point < last_modified:
servo_interface = load_servo_interface_mapping(mapping_file)'Servo-interface mapping file %s is reloaded.',
return (last_modified, servo_interface)
return None