blob: 6cc8c04e06b4be10e08673ecd204f67ab08518f7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from autotest_lib.server import utils
from autotest_lib.server.cros.bluetooth import bluetooth_test
AUTHOR = 'chromeos-bluetooth'
NAME = 'bluetooth_AdapterCLSanity.cl_HID_keyboard_reports_test'
PURPOSE = ('Test bluetooth adapter receiving reports from '
'bluetooth HID devices.')
CRITERIA = 'Adapter should receive HID events correctly.'
ATTRIBUTES = 'suite:bluetooth_flaky'
TIME = 'SHORT' # ~2 minutes on octopus
TEST_CATEGORY = 'Functional'
TEST_CLASS = 'bluetooth'
TEST_TYPE = 'server'
DEPENDENCIES = 'bluetooth, chameleon:bt_peer'
DOC = """
Verify that the bluetooth adapter of the DUT could receive HID reports
sent from a connected bluetooth device correctly.
Specifically, the following subtests are executed in this autotest.
- test_reset_on_adapter
- test_pairable
- test_discover_device
- test_pairing
- test_connection_by_adapter
- test_keyboard_input_from_trace
- test_disconnection_by_adapter
- test_remove_pairing
args_dict = utils.args_to_dict(args)
chameleon_args = hosts.CrosHost.get_chameleon_arguments(args_dict)
newblue_enable = args_dict['newblue'] == 'enable'\
if 'newblue' in args_dict else False
def run(machine):
host = hosts.create_host(machine, chameleon_args=chameleon_args)
bluetooth_test.enable_newblue(host=host, enable=newblue_enable)
job.run_test('bluetooth_AdapterCLSanity', host=host,
num_iterations=1, test_name=NAME.split('.')[1])
parallel_simple(run, machines)