blob: 6aa9f98c659ef8729c8b7af4979b1ad4e3030871 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import argparse
import collections
import contextlib
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import stat
import subprocess
import tempfile
import textwrap
import zipfile
# Use 'sudo pip install jinja2' to install.
from jinja2 import Template
# TODO(ihf): Assign better TIME to control files. Scheduling uses this to run
# LENGTHY first, then LONG, MEDIUM etc. But we need LENGTHY for the collect
# job, downgrade all others. Make sure this still works in CQ/smoke suite.
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This file has been automatically generated. Do not edit!
AUTHOR = 'ARC++ Team'
NAME = '{{name}}'
ATTRIBUTES = '{{attributes}}'
DEPENDENCIES = '{{dependencies}}'
JOB_RETRIES = {{job_retries}}
TEST_TYPE = 'server'
TIME = '{{test_length}}'
MAX_RESULT_SIZE_KB = {{max_result_size_kb}}
{%- if sync_count and sync_count > 1 %}
SYNC_COUNT = {{sync_count}}
{%- endif %}
{%- if priority %}
PRIORITY = {{priority}}
{%- endif %}
DOC = '{{DOC}}'
{% if sync_count and sync_count > 1 %}
from autotest_lib.server import utils as server_utils
def run_CTS(ntuples):
host_list = [hosts.create_host(machine) for machine in ntuples]
{% else %}
def run_CTS(machine):
host_list = [hosts.create_host(machine)]
{%- endif %}
{%- if max_retries != None %}
{%- endif %}
target_module={% if target_module %}'{{target_module}}'{% else %}None{%endif%},
target_plan={% if target_plan %}'{{target_plan}}'{% else %}None{% endif %},
{%- if uri %}
{%- endif %}
{%- for arg in extra_args %}
{%- endfor %}
{% if sync_count and sync_count > 1 -%}
ntuples, failures = server_utils.form_ntuples_from_machines(machines,
# Use log=False in parallel_simple to avoid an exception in setting up
# the incremental parser when SYNC_COUNT > 1.
parallel_simple(run_CTS, ntuples, log=False)
{% else -%}
parallel_simple(run_CTS, machines)
{% endif %}
_ALL = 'all'
# The dashboard suppresses upload to APFE for GS directories (based on autotest
# tag) that contain 'tradefed-run-collect-tests'. b/119640440
# Do not change the name/tag without adjusting the dashboard.
_COLLECT = 'tradefed-run-collect-tests-only-internal'
_PUBLIC_COLLECT = 'tradefed-run-collect-tests-only'
# The set of flaky modules that we want to seprate their run from other modules.
_FLAKY_MODULES = {'CtsFileSystemTestCases'}
# TODO(ihf): Update timeouts once P is more stable.
# Timeout in hours.
'CtsFileSystemTestCases': 2.5,
_ALL: 12.0,
_COLLECT: 2.0,
# Any test that runs as part as blocking BVT needs to be stable and fast. For
# this reason we enforce a tight timeout on these modules/jobs.
# Timeout in hours. (0.1h = 6 minutes)
_SMOKE = [
# TODO(b/113641546): add to CQ/PFQ when it's ready.
# 'CtsAccountManagerTestCases',
_BVT_ARC = [
# TODO(b/113641546): add to CQ/PFQ when it's ready.
# 'CtsPermission2TestCases',
# The suite is divided based on the run-time hint in the *.config file.
VMTEST_INFO_SUITES = collections.OrderedDict()
# Modules that are known to download and/or push media file assets.
# Run `eject` for (and only for) each device with RM=1 in lsblk output.
"\'lsblk -do NAME,RM | sed -n s/1$//p | xargs -n1 eject\'")
# Preconditions applicable to public and internal tests.
'CtsAppSecurityHostTestCases': [_EJECT_REMOVABLE_DISK_COMMAND],
'CtsJobSchedulerTestCases': [_EJECT_REMOVABLE_DISK_COMMAND],
# Preconditions applicable to public tests.
'CtsCameraTestCases': ['lighting'],
'CtsMediaTestCases': ['noloopback'],
# This information is changed based on regular analysis of the failure rate on
# partner moblabs.
'CtsNetTestCases': 10,
'CtsSecurityHostTestCases': 10,
'CtsUsageStatsTestCases': 10,
'CtsFileSystemTestCases': 10,
'CtsBluetoothTestCases': 10,
# This information is changed based on regular analysis of the job run time on
# partner moblabs.
_TEST_LENGTH = {1: 'FAST', 2: 'SHORT', 3: 'MEDIUM', 4: 'LONG', 5: 'LENGTHY'}
'CtsDeqpTestCases': 4, # LONG
'CtsMediaTestCases': 4,
'CtsMediaStressTestCases': 4,
'CtsSecurityTestCases': 4,
'CtsCameraTestCases': 4,
_ALL: 4,
# Even though collect tests doesn't run very long, it must be the very first
# job executed inside of the suite. Hence it is the only 'LENGTHY' test.
'tradefed-run-collect-tests-only-internal': ['suite:arc-cts'],
def get_tradefed_build(line):
"""Gets the build of Android CTS from tradefed.
@param line Tradefed identification output on startup. Example:
Android Compatibility Test Suite 7.0 (3423912)
@return Tradefed CTS build. Example: 2813453.
# Sample string: Android Compatibility Test Suite for Instant Apps 1.0 (4898911)
m =' \((.*)\)', line)
if m:
logging.warning('Could not identify build in line "%s".', line)
return '<unknown>'
def get_tradefed_revision(line):
"""Gets the revision of Android CTS from tradefed.
@param line Tradefed identification output on startup. Example:
Android Compatibility Test Suite for Instant Apps 1.0 (4898911)
@return Tradefed CTS revision. Example: 6.0_r6.
m ='Android Compatibility Test Suite for Instant Apps (.*) \(',
if m:
logging.warning('Could not identify revision in line "%s".', line)
return None
def get_bundle_abi(filename):
"""Makes an educated guess about the ABI.
In this case we chose to guess by filename, but we could also parse the
xml files in the module. (Maybe this needs to be done in the future.)
if filename.endswith(''):
return 'arm'
if filename.endswith(''):
return 'x86'
raise Exception('Could not determine ABI from "%s".' % filename)
def get_bundle_revision(filename):
"""Makes an educated guess about the revision.
In this case we chose to guess by filename, but we could also parse the
xml files in the module.
m ='(?<=android-cts-)(.*)-linux', filename)
if m is not None:
return None
def get_extension(module, abi, revision, public=False):
"""Defines a unique string.
Notice we chose module revision first, then abi, as the module revision
changes at least on a monthly basis. This ordering makes it simpler to
add/remove modules.
@param module: CTS module which will be tested in the control file. If 'all'
is specified, the control file will runs all the tests.
@param public: boolean variable to specify whether or not the bundle is from
public source or not.
@return string: unique string for specific tests. If public=True then the
string is "<abi>.<module>", otherwise, the unique string is
if public:
return '%s.%s' % (abi, module)
return '%s.%s.%s' % (revision, abi, module)
def get_doc(modules, abi, is_public):
"""Defines the control file DOC string."""
if not modules.intersection(get_collect_modules(is_public)):
# Generate per-module DOC
doc = ('Run module %s of the '
'Android Compatibility Test Suite for Instant Apps (CTS Instant)'
' using %s ABI in the ARC++ container.' % (', '.join(
sorted(list(modules))), abi))
doc = ('Run all of the '
'Android Compatibility Test Suite for Instant Apps (CTS Instant)'
' using %s ABI in the ARC++ container.' % (abi))
return doc
def get_controlfile_name(module, abi, revision, public=False):
"""Defines the control file name.
@param module: CTS module which will be tested in the control file. If 'all'
is specified, the control file will runs all the tests.
@param public: boolean variable to specify whether or not the bundle is from
public source or not.
@return string: control file for specific tests. If public=True or
module=all, then the name will be "control.<abi>.<module>",
otherwise, the name will be
return 'control.%s' % get_extension(module, abi, revision, public)
def get_sync_count(_modules, _abi, _is_public):
return 1
def get_suites(modules, abi, is_public):
"""Defines the suites associated with a module.
@param module: CTS module which will be tested in the control file. If 'all'
is specified, the control file will runs all the tests.
# TODO(ihf): Make this work with the "all" and "collect" generation,
# which currently bypass this function.
if is_public:
# On moblab everything runs in the same suite.
return ['suite:cts_P']
# As this is not called for the "all" runs we can safely assume that each
# module runs in suite:arc-cts.
suites = ['suite:arc-cts']
for module in modules:
if module in get_collect_modules(is_public) or module == _ALL:
# We collect all tests both in arc-cts and arc-cts-qual as both have
# a chance to be complete (and used for submission).
suites += ['suite:arc-cts-qual']
if module in _EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES:
# Special cases come with their own suite definitions.
suites += _EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES[module]
if module in _SMOKE:
# Handle VMTest by adding a few jobs to suite:smoke.
suites += ['suite:smoke']
if module not in get_collect_modules(is_public) and abi == 'x86':
# Handle a special builder for running all of CTS in a betty VM.
# TODO(ihf): figure out if this builder is still alive/needed.
vm_suite = None
for suite in VMTEST_INFO_SUITES:
if not vm_suite:
vm_suite = suite
if module in VMTEST_INFO_SUITES[suite]:
vm_suite = suite
if vm_suite:
suites += ['suite:%s' % vm_suite]
# One or two modules hould be in suite:bvt-arc to cover CQ/PFQ. A few
# spare/fast modules can run in suite:bvt-perbuild in case we need a
# replacement for the module in suite:bvt-arc (integration test for
# cheets_CTS only, not a correctness test for CTS content).
if module in _BVT_ARC:
suites += ['suite:bvt-arc']
elif module in _BVT_PERBUILD and abi == 'arm':
suites += ['suite:bvt-perbuild']
return sorted(list(set(suites)))
def get_dependencies(modules, abi, is_public):
"""Defines lab dependencies needed to schedule a module.
Currently we only care about x86 ABI tests, which must run on Intel boards.
@param module: CTS module which will be tested in the control file. If 'all'
is specified, the control file will runs all the tests.
@param abi: string that specifies the application binary interface of the
current test.
@param is_public: boolean variable to specify whether or not the bundle is
from public source or not.
dependencies = ['arc']
if abi == 'x86':
# Unlike regular CTS we have to target the native ABI only.
for module in modules:
if is_public and module in _PUBLIC_DEPENDENCIES:
return ', '.join(dependencies)
def get_job_retries(modules, is_public):
"""Define the number of job retries associated with a module.
@param module: CTS module which will be tested in the control file. If a
special module is specified, the control file will runs all
the tests without retry.
# TODO(haddowk): remove this when cts p has stabalized.
if is_public:
return 1
retries = 1 # 0 is NO job retries, 1 is one retry etc.
for module in modules:
# We don't want job retries for module collection or special cases.
if (module in get_collect_modules(is_public) or module == _ALL):
retries = 0
return retries
def get_max_retries(modules, abi, suites, is_public):
"""Partners experiance issues where some modules are flaky and require more
retries. Calculate the retry number per module on moblab.
@param module: CTS module which will be tested in the control file.
retry = -1
if is_public:
# In moblab at partners we may need many more retries than in lab.
for module in modules:
retry = max(retry, _PUBLIC_MODULE_RETRY_COUNT[module])
# See if we have any special values for the module, chose the largest.
for module in modules:
if module in _CTS_MAX_RETRIES:
retry = max(retry, _CTS_MAX_RETRIES[module])
# Ugly overrides.
for module in modules:
# In bvt we don't want to hold the CQ/PFQ too long.
if ('suite:bvt-arc' in suites or
'suite:bvt-perbuild' in suites and abi == 'arm'):
retry = 3
# During qualification we want at least 9 retries, possibly more.
if 'suite:arc-cts-qual' in suites:
retry = max(retry, 9)
# Collection should never have a retry. This needs to be last.
if module in get_collect_modules(is_public):
retry = 0
if retry >= 0:
return retry
# Default case omits the retries in the control file, so
# can chose its own value.
return None
def get_max_result_size_kb(modules, is_public):
"""Returns the maximum expected result size in kB for autotest.
@param modules: List of CTS modules to be tested by the control file.
for module in modules:
if module in get_collect_modules(is_public):
# Both arm, x86 tests results normally is below 100MB.
# 1000MB should be sufficient for CTS tests and dump logs for
# android-cts.
return 1000 * 1024
# Individual module normal produces less results than all modules, which
# is ranging from 4MB to 50MB.
# 500MB should be sufficient to handle all the cases.
return 500 * 1024
def get_extra_args(modules, is_public):
"""Generate a list of extra arguments to pass to the test.
Some params are specific to a particular module, particular mode or
combination of both, generate a list of arguments to pass into the template.
@param modules: List of CTS modules to be tested by the control file.
extra_args = set()
preconditions = set()
login_preconditions = set()
for module in modules:
if is_public:
preconditions = preconditions | set(
login_preconditions = login_preconditions | set(
if module in _PRECONDITION:
preconditions = preconditions | set(_PRECONDITION[module])
# Notice: we are just squishing the preconditions for all modules together.
# We do not honor any ordering, instead we ensure every precondition is
# added only once. This may not always be correct. In such a case one should
# split the bookmarks in a way that the modules with conflicting
# preconditions end up in separate control files.
if preconditions:
# To properly escape the public preconditions we need to format the list
# manually using join.
extra_args.add('precondition_commands=[%s]' % ', '.join(
if login_preconditions:
extra_args.add('login_precondition_commands=[%s]' % ', '.join(
return sorted(list(extra_args))
def get_test_length(modules):
""" Calculate the test length based on the module name.
To better optimize DUT's connected to moblab, it is better to run the
longest tests and tests that require limited resources. For these modules
override from the default test length.
@param module: CTS module which will be tested in the control file. If 'all'
is specified, the control file will runs all the tests.
@return string: one of the specified test lengths:
length = 3 # 'MEDIUM'
for module in modules:
length = max(length, _OVERRIDE_TEST_LENGTH[module])
return _TEST_LENGTH[length]
def get_test_priority(modules, is_public):
""" Calculate the test priority based on the module name.
On moblab run all long running tests and tests that have some unique
characteristic at a higher priority (50).
This optimizes the total run time of the suite assuring the shortest
time between suite kick off and 100% complete.
@param module: CTS module which will be tested in the control file.
@return int: None if priorty not to be overridden or 50
priority = 0
if is_public:
for module in modules:
if (module in _OVERRIDE_TEST_LENGTH or
module.split('.')[0] in _OVERRIDE_TEST_LENGTH):
priority = max(priority, 50)
if module == _PUBLIC_COLLECT:
priority = max(priority, 70)
return priority
def _format_collect_cmd(retry):
"""Returns a list specifying tokens for tradefed to list all tests."""
if retry:
return None
cmd = ['run', 'commandAndExit', 'collect-tests-only', '--disable-reboot']
for m in _MEDIA_MODULES:
cmd.append('%s:skip-media-download:true' % m)
return cmd
def _format_modules_cmd(is_public, modules=None, retry=False):
"""Returns list of command tokens for tradefed."""
cmd = ['run', 'commandAndExit', 'retry' if retry else 'cts-instant']
if retry:
if _ALL in modules:
for module in _FLAKY_MODULES:
cmd += ['--exclude-filter', module]
elif len(modules) == 1:
cmd += ['--module', list(modules)[0]]
raise Exception('cts-instant cannot include multiple modules')
# For runs create a logcat file for each individual failure.
# Not needed on moblab, nobody is going to look at them.
if not (modules.intersection(_DISABLE_LOGCAT_ON_FAILURE) or is_public):
return cmd
def get_run_template(modules, is_public, retry=False):
"""Command to run the modules specified by a control file."""
cmd = None
if modules.intersection(get_collect_modules(is_public)):
if _COLLECT in modules or _PUBLIC_COLLECT in modules:
cmd = _format_collect_cmd(retry=retry)
elif _ALL in modules:
cmd = _format_modules_cmd(is_public, modules, retry=retry)
cmd = _format_modules_cmd(is_public, modules, retry=retry)
return cmd
def get_retry_template(modules, is_public):
"""Command to retry the failed modules as specified by a control file."""
return get_run_template(modules, is_public, retry=True)
def get_extra_modules_dict(is_public):
if is_public:
def get_extra_modules(is_public):
extra_modules_dict = get_extra_modules_dict(is_public)
modules = []
for _, extra_modules in extra_modules_dict.items():
modules += extra_modules
return set(modules)
def get_modules_to_remove(is_public):
if is_public:
return get_extra_modules_dict(is_public).keys()
return []
def calculate_timeout(modules, suites, is_public):
"""Calculation for timeout of tradefed run.
Timeout is at least one hour, except if part of BVT_ARC.
Notice these do get adjusted dynamically by number of ABIs on the DUT.
if 'suite:bvt-arc' in suites:
return int(3600 * _BVT_TIMEOUT)
timeout = 0
# First module gets 1h (standard), all other half hour extra (heuristic).
delta = 3600
for module in modules:
# Modules that run very long are encoded here.
if module in _CTS_TIMEOUT:
timeout += int(3600 * _CTS_TIMEOUT[module])
timeout += delta
delta = 1800
return timeout
def needs_push_media(modules):
"""Oracle to determine if to push several GB of media files to DUT."""
if modules.intersection(set(_NEEDS_PUSH_MEDIA)):
return True
return False
def get_controlfile_content(combined,
"""Returns the text inside of a control file.
@param combined: name to use for this combination of modules.
@param modules: list of CTS modules which will be tested in the control
file. If 'all' is specified, the control file will runs
all the tests.
# We tag results with full revision now to get result directories containing
# the revision. This fits stainless/ better.
tag = '%s' % get_extension(combined, abi, revision, is_public)
# For test_that the NAME should be the same as for the control file name.
# We could try some trickery here to get shorter extensions for a default
# suite/ARM. But with the monthly uprevs this will quickly get confusing.
name = 'cheets_CTS_Instant.%s' % tag
if not suites:
suites = get_suites(modules, abi, is_public)
attributes = ', '.join(suites)
uri = None if is_public else uri
target_module = None
if (combined not in get_collect_modules(is_public) and combined != _ALL):
target_module = combined
for target, m in get_extra_modules_dict(is_public).items():
if combined in m:
target_module = target
dependencies=get_dependencies(modules, abi, is_public),
job_retries=get_job_retries(modules, is_public),
max_result_size_kb=get_max_result_size_kb(modules, is_public),
DOC=get_doc(modules, abi, is_public),
max_retries=get_max_retries(modules, abi, suites, is_public),
timeout=calculate_timeout(modules, suites, is_public),
run_template=get_run_template(modules, is_public),
retry_template=get_retry_template(modules, is_public),
priority=get_test_priority(modules, is_public),
extra_args=get_extra_args(modules, is_public),
sync_count=get_sync_count(modules, abi, is_public))
def get_tradefed_data(path, is_public):
"""Queries tradefed to provide us with a list of modules.
Notice that the parsing gets broken at times with major new CTS drops.
tradefed = os.path.join(path,
# Forgive me for I have sinned. Same as: chmod +x tradefed.
os.chmod(tradefed, os.stat(tradefed).st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
cmd_list = [tradefed, 'list', 'modules']'Calling tradefed for list of modules.')
# TODO(ihf): Get a tradefed command which terminates then refactor.
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd_list, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
modules = []
build = '<unknown>'
line = ''
revision = None
# The process does not terminate, but we know the last test.
while True:
line = p.stdout.readline().strip()
# Android Compatibility Test Suite 7.0 (3423912)
if line.startswith('Android Compatibility Test Suite '):'Unpacking: %s.', line)
build = get_tradefed_build(line)
revision = get_tradefed_revision(line)
elif line.startswith('Cts'):
elif line.startswith('cts-'):
elif line.startswith('signed-Cts'):
elif line.startswith('Saved log to'):
break # TODO(ihf): Fix using this as EOS.
elif line.isspace or line.startswith('Use "help"'):
logging.warning('Ignoring "%s"', line)
for module in get_modules_to_remove(is_public):
return modules, build, revision
def download(uri, destination):
"""Download |uri| to local |destination|."""
if uri.startswith('http'):
subprocess.check_call(['wget', uri, '-P', destination])
elif uri.startswith('gs'):
subprocess.check_call(['gsutil', 'cp', uri, destination])
raise Exception
def pushd(d):
"""Defines pushd."""
current = os.getcwd()
def unzip(filename, destination):
"""Unzips a zip file to the destination directory."""
with pushd(destination):
# We are trusting Android to have a sane zip file for us.
with zipfile.ZipFile(filename) as zf:
def get_collect_modules(is_public):
if is_public:
return set([_PUBLIC_COLLECT])
return set([_COLLECT])
def TemporaryDirectory(prefix):
"""Poor man's python 3.2 import."""
tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=prefix)
yield tmp
def get_word_pattern(m, l=1):
"""Return the first few words of the CamelCase module name.
Break after l+1 CamelCase word.
Example: CtsDebugTestCases -> CtsDebug.
s = re.findall('^[a-z]+|[A-Z]*[^A-Z0-9]*', m)[0:l + 1]
# Ignore Test or TestCases at the end as they don't add anything.
if len(s) > l:
if s[l].startswith('Test'):
return ''.join(s[0:l])
if s[l - 1] == 'Test' and s[l].startswith('Cases'):
return ''.join(s[0:l - 1])
return ''.join(s[0:l + 1])
def combine_modules_by_common_word(modules):
"""Returns a dictionary of (combined name, set of module) pairs.
This gives a mild compaction of control files (from about 320 to 135).
'CtsVoice' -> ['CtsVoiceInteractionTestCases', 'CtsVoiceSettingsTestCases']
d = dict()
# On first pass group modules with common first word together.
for module in modules:
pattern = get_word_pattern(module)
v = d.get(pattern, [])
d[pattern] = v
# Second pass extend names to maximum common prefix. This keeps control file
# names identical if they contain only one module and less ambiguous if they
# contain multiple modules.
combined = dict()
for key in sorted(d):
# Instead if a one syllable prefix use longest common prefix of modules.
prefix = os.path.commonprefix(d[key])
# Beautification: strip Tests/TestCases from end of prefix, but only if
# there is more than one module in the control file. This avoids
# slightly strange combination of having CtsDpiTestCases1/2 inside of
# CtsDpiTestCases (now just CtsDpi to make it clearer there are several
# modules in this control file).
if len(d[key]) > 1:
prefix = re.sub('TestCases$', '', prefix)
prefix = re.sub('Tests$', '', prefix)
# Beautification: CtsMedia files run very long and are unstable. Give
# each module its own control file, even though this heuristic would
# lump them together.
if prefix.startswith('CtsMedia'):
for media in d[key]:
combined[media] = set([media])
combined[prefix] = set(d[key])
# Sanity check.
#print key, len(d[key]), prefix, d[key]
print 'Reduced number of control files from %d to %d.' % (len(modules),
return combined
def combine_modules_by_bookmark(modules):
"""Return a manually curated list of name, module pairs.
Ideally we split "all" into a dictionary of maybe 10-20 equal runtime parts.
(Say 2-5 hours each.) But it is ok to run problematic modules alone.
d = dict()
# Figure out sets of modules between bookmarks. Not optimum time complexity.
for bookmark in _QUAL_BOOKMARKS:
if modules:
for module in sorted(modules):
if module < bookmark:
v = d.get(bookmark, set())
d[bookmark] = v
# Remove processed modules.
if bookmark in d:
modules = modules - d[bookmark]
# Clean up names.
combined = dict()
for key in sorted(d):
v = sorted(d[key])
# New name is first element '_-_' last element.
# Notice there is a bug in $ADB_VENDOR_KEYS path name preventing
# arbitrary characters.
prefix = v[0] + '_-_' + v[-1]
combined[prefix] = set(v)
return combined
def write_controlfile(name, modules, abi, revision, build, uri, suites,
"""Write a single control file."""
filename = get_controlfile_name(name, abi, revision, is_public)
content = get_controlfile_content(name, modules, abi, revision, build, uri,
suites, is_public)
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
def write_moblab_controlfiles(modules, abi, revision, build, uri, is_public):
"""Write all control files for moblab.
Nothing gets combined.
Moblab uses one module per job. In some cases like Deqp which can run super
long it even creates several jobs per module. Moblab can do this as it has
less relative overhead spinning up jobs than the lab.
for module in modules:
write_controlfile(module, set([module]), abi, revision, build, uri,
['suite:cts_P'], is_public)
def write_regression_controlfiles(modules, abi, revision, build, uri,
"""Write all control files for stainless/ToT regression lab coverage.
Regression coverage on tot currently relies heavily on watching stainless
dashboard and sponge. So instead of running everything in a single run
we split CTS into many jobs. It used to be one job per module, but that
became too much in P (more than 300 per ABI). Instead we combine modules
with similar names and run these in the same job (alphabetically).
# CTS Instant is relatively small (= shorter turnaround time), and very
# unlikely to fail alone (= regression almost always caught by the
# corresponding CTS module.) For now we don't generate this type of control
# files.
def write_qualification_controlfiles(modules, abi, revision, build, uri,
"""Write all control files to run "all" tests for qualification.
Qualification was performed on N by running all tests using tradefed
sharding (specifying SYNC_COUNT=2) in the control files. In skylab
this is currently not implemented, so we fall back to autotest sharding
all CTS tests into 10-20 hand chosen shards.
# For cts-instant, qualication control files are expected to cover
# regressions as well. Hence the 'suite:arc-cts' is added.
suites = ['suite:arc-cts', 'suite:arc-cts-qual']
for module in _FLAKY_MODULES.intersection(modules):
write_controlfile(module, set([module]), abi, revision, build, uri,
suites, is_public)
write_controlfile('all.except-flaky', set([_ALL]), abi, revision, build,
uri, suites, is_public)
def write_collect_controlfiles(_modules, abi, revision, build, uri, is_public):
"""Write all control files for test collection used as reference to
compute completeness (missing tests) on the CTS dashboard.
suites = ['suite:arc-cts', 'suite:arc-cts-qual']
if is_public:
suites = ['suite:cts_P']
for module in get_collect_modules(is_public):
write_controlfile(module, set([module]), abi, revision, build, uri,
suites, is_public)
def main(uris, is_public):
"""Downloads each bundle in |uris| and generates control files for each
module as reported to us by tradefed.
for uri in uris:
abi = get_bundle_abi(uri)
# Get tradefed data by downloading & unzipping the files
with TemporaryDirectory(prefix='cts-android_') as tmp:'Downloading to %s.', tmp)
download(uri, tmp)
bundle = os.path.join(tmp, os.path.basename(uri))'Extracting %s.', bundle)
unzip(bundle, tmp)
modules, build, revision = get_tradefed_data(tmp, is_public)
if not revision:
raise Exception('Could not determine revision.')'Writing all control files.')
if is_public:
write_moblab_controlfiles(modules, abi, revision, build, uri,
write_regression_controlfiles(modules, abi, revision, build,
uri, is_public)
write_qualification_controlfiles(modules, abi, revision, build,
uri, is_public)
write_collect_controlfiles(modules, abi, revision, build, uri,
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Create control files for a CTS bundle on GS.',
help='List of Google Storage URIs to CTS bundles. Example:\n'
help='Generate the public control files for CTS, default generate'
' the internal control files')
args = parser.parse_args()
main(args.uris, args.is_public)