blob: 4068c40c0727cd60f108142a5a92a10e83a5369f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "filepath.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <vector>
#include "utils.h"
inline void AppendToString(std::string* target, std::string& source) {
FilePath FilePath::DirName() {
FilePath new_path(path_);
std::string::size_type last_separator =
new_path.path_.find_last_of(kSeparators, std::string::npos);
unsigned int letter = 0;
if (last_separator == std::string::npos) {
// path_ is in the current directory.
new_path.path_.resize(letter + 1);
} else if (last_separator == letter + 1) {
// path_ is in the root directory.
new_path.path_.resize(letter + 2);
} else if (last_separator == letter + 2 &&
IsSeparator(new_path.path_[letter + 1])) {
// path_ is in "//" (possibly with a drive letter); leave the double
// separator intact indicating alternate root.
new_path.path_.resize(letter + 3);
} else if (last_separator != 0) {
// path_ is somewhere else, trim the basename.
if (!new_path.path_.length())
new_path.path_ = kCurrentDirectory;
return new_path;
const std::string& FilePath::value() const {
return this->path_;
bool FilePath::IsSeparator(char character) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(kSeparators) - 1; ++i) {
if (character == kSeparators[i]) {
return true;
return false;
FilePath FilePath::Append(const FilePath& path) {
// return FilePath(this->path_ + path.path_);
std::string component = path.value();
std::string appended = component;
std::string without_nuls;
std::string::size_type nul_pos = component.find(kStringTerminator);
if (nul_pos != std::string::npos) {
// without_nuls = component.substr(0, nul_pos);
appended = std::string(without_nuls);
// DCHECK(appended.length() <= 0 || appended[0] !=
// this->separator.c_str()[0]);
if ( == 0 && !appended.empty()) {
// Append normally doesn't do any normalization, but as a special case,
// when appending to kCurrentDirectory, just return a new path for the
// component argument. Appending component to kCurrentDirectory would
// serve no purpose other than needlessly lengthening the path, and
// it's likely in practice to wind up with FilePath objects containing
// only kCurrentDirectory when calling DirName on a single relative path
// component.
return FilePath(appended);
FilePath new_path(path_);
// Don't append a separator if the path is empty (indicating the current
// directory) or if the path component is empty (indicating nothing to
// append).
if (!appended.empty() && !new_path.path_.empty()) {
// Don't append a separator if the path still ends with a trailing
// separator after stripping (indicating the root directory).
char tmp = new_path.path_.back();
if (!IsSeparator(tmp)) {
// Don't append a separator if the path is just a drive letter.
if (FindDriveLetter(new_path.path_) + 1 != new_path.path_.length()) {
new_path.path_.append(1, kSeparators[0]);
AppendToString(&new_path.path_, appended);
return new_path;
void FilePath::StripTrailingSeparatorsInternal() {
// If there is no drive letter, start will be 1, which will prevent
// stripping the leading separator if there is only one separator. If there
// is a drive letter, start will be set appropriately to prevent stripping
// the first separator following the drive letter, if a separator
// immediately follows the drive letter.
std::string::size_type start = FindDriveLetter(path_) + 2;
std::string::size_type last_stripped = std::string::npos;
for (std::string::size_type pos = path_.length();
pos > start && IsSeparator(path_[pos - 1]); --pos) {
// If the string only has two separators and they're at the beginning,
// don't strip them, unless the string began with more than two
// separators.
if (pos != start + 1 || last_stripped == start + 2 ||
!IsSeparator(path_[start - 1])) {
path_.resize(pos - 1);
last_stripped = pos;
std::string::size_type FindDriveLetter(std::string path) {
// This is dependent on an ASCII-based character set, but that's a
// reasonable assumption. iswalpha can be too inclusive here.
if (path.length() >= 2 && path[1] == L':' &&
((path[0] >= L'A' && path[0] <= L'Z') ||
(path[0] >= L'a' && path[0] <= L'z'))) {
return 1;
return std::string::npos;
bool CreateDirectory(FilePath& full_path) {
std::vector<FilePath> subpaths;
// Collect a list of all parent directories.
FilePath last_path = full_path;
for (FilePath path = full_path.DirName(); path.value() != last_path.value();
path = path.DirName()) {
last_path = path;
// Iterate through the parents and create the missing ones.
for (auto i = subpaths.rbegin(); i != subpaths.rend(); ++i) {
if (check_dir_existence(i->value().c_str()))
if (mkdir(i->value().c_str(), 0700) == 0)
// Mkdir failed, but it might have failed with EEXIST, or some other error
// due to the the directory appearing out of thin air. This can occur if
// two processes are trying to create the same file system tree at the same
// time. Check to see if it exists and make sure it is a directory.
if (!check_dir_existence(i->value().c_str())) {
return false;
return true;