blob: 5a5f97b1f0321463f39609cc582e3b497ca19e58 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import collections
import json
import numpy
import os
import re
import time
import urllib
import urllib2
from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import lsbrelease_utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import retry
from autotest_lib.client.cros.power import power_status
from autotest_lib.client.cros.power import power_utils
class BaseDashboard(object):
"""Base class that implements method for prepare and upload data to power
def __init__(self, logger, testname, resultsdir=None, uploadurl=None):
"""Create BaseDashboard objects.
logger: object that store the log. This will get convert to
dictionary by self._convert()
testname: name of current test
resultsdir: directory to save the power json
uploadurl: url to upload power data
self._logger = logger
self._testname = testname
self._resultsdir = resultsdir
self._uploadurl = uploadurl
def _create_powerlog_dict(self, raw_measurement):
"""Create powerlog dictionary from raw measurement data
Data format in go/power-dashboard-data.
raw_measurement: dictionary contains raw measurement data
A dictionary of powerlog
powerlog_dict = {
'format_version': 4,
'timestamp': time.time(),
'test': self._testname,
'dut': self._create_dut_info_dict(raw_measurement['data'].keys()),
'power': raw_measurement,
return powerlog_dict
def _create_dut_info_dict(self, power_rails):
"""Create a dictionary that contain information of the DUT.
MUST be implemented in subclass.
power_rails: list of measured power rails
DUT info dictionary
raise NotImplementedError
def _save_json(self, powerlog_dict, resultsdir, filename='power_log.json'):
"""Convert powerlog dict to human readable formatted JSON and
append to <resultsdir>/<filename>.
powerlog_dict: dictionary of power data
resultsdir: directory to save formatted JSON object
filename: filename to append to
if not os.path.exists(resultsdir):
raise error.TestError('resultsdir %s does not exist.' % resultsdir)
filename = os.path.join(resultsdir, filename)
with file(filename, 'a') as f:
json.dump(powerlog_dict, f, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
def _upload(self, powerlog_dict, uploadurl):
"""Convert powerlog dict to minimal size JSON and upload to dashboard.
powerlog_dict: dictionary of power data
uploadurl: url to upload the power data
data_obj = {'data': json.dumps(powerlog_dict)}
encoded = urllib.urlencode(data_obj)
req = urllib2.Request(uploadurl, encoded)
@retry.retry(urllib2.URLError, blacklist=[urllib2.HTTPError])
def _do_upload():
def _convert(self):
"""Convert data from self._logger object to raw power measurement
MUST be implemented in subclass.
raw measurement dictionary
raise NotImplementedError
def upload(self):
"""Upload powerlog to dashboard and save data to results directory.
raw_measurement = self._convert()
powerlog_dict = self._create_powerlog_dict(raw_measurement)
if self._resultsdir is not None:
self._save_json(powerlog_dict, self._resultsdir)
if self._uploadurl is not None:
self._upload(powerlog_dict, self._uploadurl)
class ClientTestDashboard(BaseDashboard):
"""Dashboard class for autotests that run on client side.
def _create_dut_info_dict(self, power_rails):
"""Create a dictionary that contain information of the DUT.
power_rails: list of measured power rails
DUT info dictionary
dut_info_dict = {
'board': utils.get_board(),
'version': {
'hw': utils.get_hardware_revision(),
'milestone': lsbrelease_utils.get_chromeos_release_milestone(),
'os': lsbrelease_utils.get_chromeos_release_version(),
'channel': lsbrelease_utils.get_chromeos_channel(),
'firmware': utils.get_firmware_version(),
'ec': utils.get_ec_version(),
'kernel': utils.get_kernel_version(),
'sku': {
'cpu': utils.get_cpu_name(),
'memory_size': utils.get_mem_total_gb(),
'storage_size': utils.get_disk_size_gb(utils.get_root_device()),
'display_resolution': utils.get_screen_resolution(),
'ina': {
'version': 0,
'ina': power_rails,
'note': '',
if power_utils.has_battery():
# Round the battery size to nearest tenth because it is fluctuated
# for platform without battery nominal voltage data.
dut_info_dict['sku']['battery_size'] = round(
power_status.get_status().battery[0].energy_full_design, 1)
dut_info_dict['sku']['battery_shutdown_percent'] = \
return dut_info_dict
class MeasurementLoggerDashboard(ClientTestDashboard):
"""Dashboard class for power_status.MeasurementLogger.
def __init__(self, logger, testname, resultsdir=None, uploadurl=None):
super(MeasurementLoggerDashboard, self).__init__(logger, testname,
resultsdir, uploadurl)
self._unit = None
self._type = None
self._padded_domains = None
def _create_padded_domains(self):
"""Pad the domains name for dashboard to make the domain name better
sorted in alphabetical order"""
def _convert(self):
"""Convert data from power_status.MeasurementLogger object to raw
power measurement dictionary.
raw measurement dictionary
power_dict = collections.defaultdict(dict, {
'sample_count': len(self._logger.readings) - 1,
'sample_duration': 0,
'average': dict(),
'data': dict(),
if power_dict['sample_count'] > 1:
total_duration = self._logger.times[-1] - self._logger.times[0]
power_dict['sample_duration'] = \
1.0 * total_duration / power_dict['sample_count']
for i, domain_readings in enumerate(zip(*self._logger.readings)):
if self._padded_domains:
domain = self._padded_domains[i]
domain =[i]
# Remove first item because that is the log before the test begin.
power_dict['data'][domain] = domain_readings[1:]
power_dict['average'][domain] = \
if self._unit:
power_dict['unit'][domain] = self._unit
if self._type:
power_dict['type'][domain] = self._type
return power_dict
class PowerLoggerDashboard(MeasurementLoggerDashboard):
"""Dashboard class for power_status.PowerLogger.
def __init__(self, logger, testname, resultsdir=None, uploadurl=None):
if uploadurl is None:
uploadurl = ''
super(PowerLoggerDashboard, self).__init__(logger, testname, resultsdir,
self._unit = 'watt'
self._type = 'power'
class SimplePowerLoggerDashboard(ClientTestDashboard):
"""Dashboard class for simple system power measurement taken and publishing
it to the dashboard.
def __init__(self, duration_secs, power_watts, testname, resultsdir=None,
if uploadurl is None:
uploadurl = ''
super(SimplePowerLoggerDashboard, self).__init__(
None, testname, resultsdir, uploadurl)
self._unit = 'watt'
self._type = 'power'
self._duration_secs = duration_secs
self._power_watts = power_watts
def _convert(self):
"""Convert vbat to raw power measurement dictionary.
raw measurement dictionary
power_dict = {
'sample_count': 1,
'sample_duration': self._duration_secs,
'average': {'vbat': self._power_watts},
'data': {'vbat': [self._power_watts]}
return power_dict
class CPUStatsLoggerDashboard(MeasurementLoggerDashboard):
"""Dashboard class for power_status.CPUStatsLogger.
def __init__(self, logger, testname, resultsdir=None, uploadurl=None):
if uploadurl is None:
uploadurl = ''
super(CPUStatsLoggerDashboard, self).__init__(logger, testname,
resultsdir, uploadurl)
def _split_domain(domain):
"""Return domain_type and domain_name for given domain.
Example: Split ................... to ........... and .......
cpuidle_C1E-SKL cpuidle C1E-SKL
cpuidle_0_3_C0 cpuidle_0_3 C0
cpupkg_C0_C1 cpupkg C0_C1
cpufreq_0_3_1512000 cpufreq_0_3 1512000
domain: cpu stat domain name to split
tuple of domain_type and domain_name
# Regex explanation
# .*? matches type non-greedily (cpuidle)
# (?:_\d+_\d+)? matches cpu part, ?: makes it not a group (_0_3)
# .* matches name greedily (C0_C1)
return re.match(r'(.*?(?:_\d+_\d+)?)_(.*)', domain).groups()
def _convert(self):
power_dict = super(CPUStatsLoggerDashboard, self)._convert()
for rail in power_dict['data']:
if rail.startswith('wavg_'):
power_dict['type'][rail] = 'cpufreq_wavg'
power_dict['unit'][rail] = 'kilohertz'
power_dict['type'][rail] = self._split_domain(rail)[0]
power_dict['unit'][rail] = 'percent'
return power_dict
def _create_padded_domains(self):
"""Padded number in the domain name with dot to make it sorted
cpuidle_C1-SKL, cpuidle_C1E-SKL, cpuidle_C2-SKL, cpuidle_C10-SKL
will be changed to
cpuidle_C.1-SKL, cpuidle_C.1E-SKL, cpuidle_C.2-SKL, cpuidle_C10-SKL
which make it in alphabetically order.
longest = collections.defaultdict(int)
searcher = re.compile(r'\d+')
number_strs = []
splitted_domains = \
[self._split_domain(domain) for domain in]
for domain_type, domain_name in splitted_domains:
result =
if not result:
number_str =
longest[domain_type] = max(longest[domain_type], len(number_str))
self._padded_domains = []
for i in range(len(
if not number_strs[i]:
domain_type, domain_name = splitted_domains[i]
formatter_component = '{:.>%ds}' % longest[domain_type]
# Change "cpuidle_C1E-SKL" to "cpuidle_C{:.>2s}E-SKL"
formatter_str = domain_type + '_' + \
searcher.sub(formatter_component, domain_name, count=1)
# Run "cpuidle_C{:_>2s}E-SKL".format("1") to get "cpuidle_C.1E-SKL"