blob: 4b6fb708f511f82845d94c9579d9117458cd7056 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module for CrOS dynamic test suite generation and execution."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import json
import logging
import os
import time
from lucifer import autotest
from skylab_suite import swarming_lib
SKYLAB_DRONE_SWARMING_WORKER = '/opt/infra-tools/usr/bin/skylab_swarming_worker'
RetryTestSpecs= collections.namedtuple(
def run(tests, retry_handler, dry_run=False):
"""Run a CrOS dynamic test suite.
@param retry_handler: A cros_suite.RetryHandler object.
@param dry_run: Whether to kick off dry runs of the tests.
suite_id = os.environ.get('SWARMING_TASK_ID')
for test in tests:
test_task_id = _schedule_test(test, suite_id=suite_id, dry_run=dry_run)
retry_handler.task_to_test_maps[test_task_id] = RetryTestSpecs(
test=test, remain_retries=test.job_retries - 1)
if suite_id is not None and retry_handler.wait:
retry_handler.suite_id = suite_id
_wait_for_results(retry_handler, dry_run=dry_run)
def _make_trigger_swarming_cmd(swarming_client, suite_id, task_name,
temp_json_path, dimensions, cmd):
"""Form the swarming cmd.
@param swarming_client: The swarming client script.
@param suite_id: The suite id of the test to kick off.
@param task_name: The task name of this swarming command.
@param temp_json_path: The json file to dump the swarming output.
@param dimensions: The dimensions of this swarming command.
@param cmd: The raw command to run in lab.
@return a string swarming command to kick off.
swarming_cmd = [swarming_client, 'trigger',
'--auth-service-account-json', swarming_lib.SERVICE_ACCOUNT,
'--swarming', swarming_lib.SWARMING_SERVER,
'--task-name', task_name,
'--dump-json', temp_json_path, '--raw-cmd']
for dimension in dimensions:
swarming_cmd += ['--dimension', dimension[0], dimension[1]]
if suite_id is not None:
swarming_cmd += ['--tags=%s:%s' % ('parent_task_id', suite_id)]
swarming_cmd += ['--raw-cmd', '--']
swarming_cmd += cmd
return swarming_cmd
def _run_swarming_cmd(swarming_cmd, task_name, temp_json_path):
"""Kick off a swarming cmd.
@param swarming_cmd: The swarming command to run.
@param task_name: The task name of this swarming command.
@param temp_json_path: The json file to dump the swarming output.
@return the swarming task id of this task.
timeout_util = autotest.chromite_load('timeout_util')
cros_build_lib = autotest.chromite_load('cros_build_lib')
new_env = os.environ.copy()
with timeout_util.Timeout(60):
cros_build_lib.RunCommand(swarming_cmd, env=new_env)
with open(temp_json_path) as f:
result = json.load(f)
return result['tasks'][task_name]['task_id']
def _schedule_test(test, suite_id=None, dry_run=False):
"""Schedule a CrOS test.
@param test: A single test to run, represented by ControlData object.
@param suite_id: the suite task id of the test.
@param dry_run: Whether to kick off a dry run of a swarming cmd.
@return the swarming task id of this task.
"""'Scheduling test %s',
swarming_client = os.path.join(
cmd = [SKYLAB_DRONE_SWARMING_WORKER, '-client-test', '-task-name',]
if dry_run:
cmd = ['/bin/echo'] + cmd = 'Echo ' +
dimensions = [('pool', SKYLAB_DRONE_POOL)]
osutils = autotest.chromite_load('osutils')
with osutils.TempDir() as tempdir:
temp_json_path = os.path.join(tempdir, 'temp_summary.json')
swarming_cmd = _make_trigger_swarming_cmd(
swarming_client, suite_id,, temp_json_path,
dimensions, cmd)
return _run_swarming_cmd(swarming_cmd,, temp_json_path)
def _fetch_child_tasks(parent_task_id):
"""Get the child tasks based on a parent swarming task id.
@param parent_task_id: The parent swarming task id.
@return the json output of all child tasks of the given parent task.
swarming_cmd = swarming_lib.get_basic_swarming_cmd('query')
swarming_cmd += ['tasks/list?tags=parent_task_id:%s' % parent_task_id]
timeout_util = autotest.chromite_load('timeout_util')
cros_build_lib = autotest.chromite_load('cros_build_lib')
with timeout_util.Timeout(60):'Checking child tasks:')
child_tasks = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(
swarming_cmd, capture_output=True)
return json.loads(child_tasks.output)
def _wait_for_results(retry_handler, dry_run=False):
"""Wait for child tasks to finish and return their results.
@param retry_handler: a cros_suite.RetryHandler object.
timeout_util = autotest.chromite_load('timeout_util')
with timeout_util.Timeout(retry_handler.timeout_mins * 60):
while True:
json_output = _fetch_child_tasks(retry_handler.suite_id)
for t in retry_handler.retried_tasks:
_retry_test(retry_handler, t['task_id'], dry_run=dry_run)
if retry_handler.finished_waiting():
time.sleep(30)'Finished to wait for child tasks.')
def _retry_test(retry_handler, task_id, dry_run=False):
"""Retry test for a suite.
We will execute the following actions for retrying a test:
1. Schedule the test.
2. Add the test with the new swarming task id to the suite's
retry handler, but reduce its remaining retries by 1.
3. Reduce the suite-level max retries by 1.
4. Remove prevous failed test from retry handler since it's not
actively monitored by the suite.
@param retry_handler: a cros_suite.RetryHandler object.
@param task_id: The swarming task id for the retried test.
@param dry_run: Whether to retry a dry run of the test.
last_retry_specs = retry_handler.task_to_test_maps[task_id]'Retrying test %s, remaining %d retries.',,
last_retry_specs.remain_retries - 1)
retried_task_id = _schedule_test(
retry_handler.task_to_test_maps[retried_task_id] = RetryTestSpecs(
remain_retries=last_retry_specs.remain_retries - 1)
retry_handler.max_retries -= 1
retry_handler.task_to_test_maps.pop(task_id, None)