blob: 2a9dbcf0aa299ff1f56eef51d7e968b6164a1de8 [file] [log] [blame]
# this is a sample job to build xen and kernel with xen patches.
# The xen unstable tarball comes with scripts that will automatically
# patch a linux kernel, however, in some cases, PPC for example, the
# kernel is built from a seperate source. The xen class supports
# defining your own kernel job, and handing that to the xen job. If
# no kernel job is specified, it will create one using the kernel source
# that the xen tarball uses.
xensrc = ''
# uncomment the section below if you want to specify your own kernel job
# for the xen build
# ------ start uncomment ------
#print "TEST: initing kernel"
#testkernel = job.kernel('/usr/local/src/linux-2.6.18.tar.bz2') # 2.4.18
#print "TEST: initing xen"
#testxen = job.xen(xensrc, kjob = testkernel)
# ------ end uncomment ------
# build xen using default xen kernel
# comment the next two lines out if you are using the above custom
# kernel job
print "TEST: initing xen"
testxen = job.xen(xensrc)
print "TEST: building xen"
print "TEST: installing xen"
# using a dir in tmp as xen install needs root perms
testxen.install(tag='autotest', prefix='/tmp/xen')
# uncomment if you run as root and want to install the xen build
# testxen.boot()