blob: 98477edfe25b257448d28f659887f2bd9d33ec71 [file] [log] [blame]
import glob, logging, os, re, time
from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils as bin_utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error, utils
class DevStat(object):
Device power status. This class implements generic status initialization
and parsing routines.
def __init__(self, fields, path=None):
self.fields = fields
self.path = path
def reset_fields(self):
Reset all class fields to None to mark their status as unknown.
for field in self.fields.iterkeys():
setattr(self, field, None)
def read_val(self, file_name, field_type):
path = os.path.join(self.path, file_name)
f = open(path, 'r')
out = f.readline()
val = field_type(out)
return val
return field_type(0)
def read_all_vals(self):
for field, prop in self.fields.iteritems():
if prop[0]:
val = self.read_val(prop[0], prop[1])
setattr(self, field, val)
class BatteryStat(DevStat):
Battery status.
float charge_full: Last full capacity reached [Ah]
float charge_full_design: Full capacity by design [Ah]
float charge_now: Remaining charge [Ah]
float current_now: Battery discharge rate [A]
float energy: Current battery charge [Wh]
float energy_full: Last full capacity reached [Wh]
float energy_full_design: Full capacity by design [Wh]
float energy_rate: Battery discharge rate [W]
float remaining_time: Remaining discharging time [h]
float voltage_min_design: Minimum voltage by design [V]
float voltage_now: Voltage now [V]
battery_fields = {
'charge_full': ['charge_full', float],
'charge_full_design': ['charge_full_design', float],
'charge_now': ['charge_now', float],
'current_now': ['current_now', float],
'voltage_min_design': ['voltage_min_design', float],
'voltage_now': ['voltage_now', float],
'energy': ['', ''],
'energy_full': ['', ''],
'energy_full_design': ['', ''],
'energy_rate': ['', ''],
'remaining_time': ['', '']
def __init__(self, path=None):
super(BatteryStat, self).__init__(self.battery_fields, path)
def update(self):
self.charge_full = self.charge_full / 1000000
self.charge_full_design = self.charge_full_design / 1000000
self.charge_now = self.charge_now / 1000000
self.current_now = self.current_now / 1000000
self.voltage_min_design = self.voltage_min_design / 1000000
self.voltage_now = self.voltage_now / 1000000 = self.voltage_now * self.charge_now
self.energy_full = self.voltage_now * self.charge_full
self.energy_full_design = self.voltage_now * self.charge_full_design
self.energy_rate = self.voltage_now * self.current_now
self.remaining_time = 0
if self.current_now:
self.remaining_time = / self.energy_rate
class LineStat(DevStat):
Power line status.
bool online: Line power online
linepower_fields = {
'is_online': ['online', int]
def __init__(self, path=None):
super(LineStat, self).__init__(self.linepower_fields, path)
def update(self):
self.read_all_vals() = self.is_online == 1
class SysStat(object):
System power status for a given host.
battery: A list of BatteryStat objects.
linepower: A list of LineStat opbjects.
def __init__(self):
self.battery = None
self.linepower = None
battery_path = glob.glob('/sys/class/power_supply/BAT*')
linepower_path = glob.glob('/sys/class/power_supply/AC*')
if battery_path and linepower_path:
self.battery_path = battery_path[0]
self.linepower_path = linepower_path[0]
raise error.TestError('Battery or Linepower path not found')
def refresh(self):
Initialize device power status objects for a single battery and a
single power line by parsing the output of devkit-power -d.
self.battery = [ BatteryStat(self.battery_path) ]
self.linepower = [ LineStat(self.linepower_path) ]
def get_status():
Return a new power status object (SysStat). A new power status snapshot
for a given host can be obtained by either calling this routine again and
constructing a new SysStat object, or by using the refresh method of the
SysStat object.
status = SysStat()
return status
class CPUFreqStats(object):
CPU Frequency statistics
def __init__(self):
cpufreq_stats_path = '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/stats/' + \
self._file_paths = glob.glob(cpufreq_stats_path)
if not self._file_paths:
logging.debug('time_in_state file not found')
self._stats = self._read_stats()
def refresh(self, incremental=True):
This method returns the percentage time spent in each of the CPU
frequency levels.
@incremental: If False, stats returned are from when the system
was booted up. Otherwise, stats are since the last time
stats were refreshed.
stats = self._read_stats()
diff_stats = stats
if incremental:
diff_stats = self._do_diff(stats, self._stats)
percent_stats = self._to_percent(diff_stats)
self._stats = stats
return percent_stats
def _read_stats(self):
stats = {}
for path in self._file_paths:
data = utils.read_file(path)
for line in data.splitlines():
list = line.split()
freq = int(list[0])
time = int(list[1])
if freq in stats:
stats[freq] += time
stats[freq] = time
return stats
def _get_total_time(self, stats):
total_time = 0
for freq in stats:
total_time += stats[freq]
return total_time
def _to_percent(self, stats):
percent_stats = {}
total_time = self._get_total_time(stats)
for freq in stats:
percent_stats[freq] = stats[freq] * 100.0 / total_time
return percent_stats
def _do_diff(self, stats_new, stats_old):
diff_stats = {}
for freq in stats_new:
diff_stats[freq] = stats_new[freq] - stats_old[freq]
return diff_stats
class CPUIdleStats(object):
CPU Idle statistics
# TODO (snanda): Handle changes in number of c-states due to events such
# as ac <-> battery transitions.
# TODO (snanda): Handle non-S0 states. Time spent in suspend states is
# currently not factored out.
def __init__(self):
self._num_cpus = bin_utils.count_cpus()
self._time = time.time()
self._stats = self._read_stats()
def refresh(self):
This method returns the percentage time spent in each of the CPU
idle states. The stats returned are from whichever is the later of:
a) time this class was instantiated, or
b) time when refresh was last called
time_now = time.time()
stats = self._read_stats()
diff_stats = self._do_diff(stats, self._stats)
diff_time = time_now - self._time
percent_stats = self._to_percent(diff_stats, diff_time)
self._time = time_now
self._stats = stats
return percent_stats
def _read_stats(self):
cpuidle_stats = {}
cpuidle_path = '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpuidle'
cpus = glob.glob(cpuidle_path)
for cpu in cpus:
state_path = os.path.join(cpu, 'state*')
states = glob.glob(state_path)
for state in states:
latency = int(utils.read_file(os.path.join(state, 'latency')))
if not latency:
# C0 state. Skip it since the stats aren't right for it.
name = utils.read_file(os.path.join(state, 'name')).rstrip('\n')
time = int(utils.read_file(os.path.join(state, 'time')))
if name in cpuidle_stats:
cpuidle_stats[name] += time
cpuidle_stats[name] = time
return cpuidle_stats
def _to_percent(self, stats, test_time):
# convert time from sec to us.
test_time *= 1000 * 1000
# scale time by the number of CPUs in the system
test_time *= self._num_cpus
percent_stats = {}
non_c0_time = 0
for state in stats:
percent_stats[state] = stats[state] * 100.0 / test_time
non_c0_time += stats[state]
c0_time = test_time - non_c0_time
percent_stats['C0'] = c0_time * 100.0 / test_time
return percent_stats
def _do_diff(self, stats_new, stats_old):
diff_stats = {}
for state in stats_new:
diff_stats[state] = stats_new[state] - stats_old[state]
return diff_stats
class USBSuspendStats(object):
# TODO (snanda): handle hot (un)plugging of USB devices
# TODO (snanda): handle duration counters wraparound
def __init__(self):
usb_stats_path = '/sys/bus/usb/devices/*/power'
self._file_paths = glob.glob(usb_stats_path)
if not self._file_paths:
logging.debug('USB stats path not found')
self._active, self._connected = self._read_stats()
def refresh(self, incremental=True):
This method returns the percentage time spent in active state for
all USB devices in the system.
@incremental: If False, stats returned are from when the system
was booted up. Otherwise, stats are since the last time
stats were refreshed.
active, connected = self._read_stats()
if incremental:
percent_active = (active - self._active) * 100.0 / \
(connected - self._connected)
percent_active = active * 100.0 / connected
self._active = active
self._connected = connected
return percent_active
def _read_stats(self):
total_active = 0
total_connected = 0
for path in self._file_paths:
active_duration_path = os.path.join(path, 'active_duration')
connected_duration_path = os.path.join(path, 'connected_duration')
if not os.path.exists(active_duration_path) or \
not os.path.exists(connected_duration_path):
logging.debug('duration paths do not exist for: %s', path)
active = int(utils.read_file(active_duration_path))
connected = int(utils.read_file(connected_duration_path))
logging.debug('device %s active for %.2f%%',
path, active * 100.0 / connected)
total_active += active
total_connected += connected
return total_active, total_connected