blob: 256216330f8bf15611e400e8d64c01708532c7a7 [file] [log] [blame]
import logging
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.virt import virt_test_utils
def run_timedrift_with_reboot(test, params, env):
Time drift test with reboot:
1) Log into a guest.
2) Take a time reading from the guest and host.
3) Reboot the guest.
4) Take a second time reading.
5) If the drift (in seconds) is higher than a user specified value, fail.
@param test: KVM test object.
@param params: Dictionary with test parameters.
@param env: Dictionary with the test environment.
vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360))
session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=timeout)
# Collect test parameters:
# Command to run to get the current time
time_command = params.get("time_command")
# Filter which should match a string to be passed to time.strptime()
time_filter_re = params.get("time_filter_re")
# Time format for time.strptime()
time_format = params.get("time_format")
drift_threshold = float(params.get("drift_threshold", "10"))
drift_threshold_single = float(params.get("drift_threshold_single", "3"))
reboot_iterations = int(params.get("reboot_iterations", 1))
# Get initial time
# (ht stands for host time, gt stands for guest time)
(ht0, gt0) = virt_test_utils.get_time(session, time_command,
time_filter_re, time_format)
# Reboot
for i in range(reboot_iterations):
# Get time before current iteration
(ht0_, gt0_) = virt_test_utils.get_time(session, time_command,
time_filter_re, time_format)
# Run current iteration"Rebooting: iteration %d of %d...",
(i + 1), reboot_iterations)
session = vm.reboot(session)
# Get time after current iteration
(ht1_, gt1_) = virt_test_utils.get_time(session, time_command,
time_filter_re, time_format)
# Report iteration results
host_delta = ht1_ - ht0_
guest_delta = gt1_ - gt0_
drift = abs(host_delta - guest_delta)"Host duration (iteration %d): %.2f",
(i + 1), host_delta)"Guest duration (iteration %d): %.2f",
(i + 1), guest_delta)"Drift at iteration %d: %.2f seconds",
(i + 1), drift)
# Fail if necessary
if drift > drift_threshold_single:
raise error.TestFail("Time drift too large at iteration %d: "
"%.2f seconds" % (i + 1, drift))
# Get final time
(ht1, gt1) = virt_test_utils.get_time(session, time_command,
time_filter_re, time_format)
if session:
# Report results
host_delta = ht1 - ht0
guest_delta = gt1 - gt0
drift = abs(host_delta - guest_delta)"Host duration (%d reboots): %.2f",
reboot_iterations, host_delta)"Guest duration (%d reboots): %.2f",
reboot_iterations, guest_delta)"Drift after %d reboots: %.2f seconds",
reboot_iterations, drift)
# Fail if necessary
if drift > drift_threshold:
raise error.TestFail("Time drift too large after %d reboots: "
"%.2f seconds" % (reboot_iterations, drift))