blob: baae716a54ac0efe2f8b9389d4495fe326d8c622 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
Constants used in attenuator scripts.
These constants are specific to the following development platform:
hardware: BeagleBone board (revision A3)
operating system: Angstrom Linux v2011.11-core (Core edition)
image version:
import collections
PINMUX_PATH = '/sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux/'
SYS_GPIO_PATH = '/sys/class/gpio/'
EXPORT_FILE = 'export'
UNEXPORT_FILE = 'unexport'
DIRECTION_FILE = 'direction'
GPIO = 'gpio'
MODE_OUT = 'out'
VALUE_FILE = 'value'
# NB: GPIO pin has pin mux mode of 'OMAP_MUX_MODE7', see docstring of
# get_pin_muxing_modes() in
# Index of GPIO banks. Each GPIO bank is 32-bit long.
GPIO0 = 0
GPIO1 = 1
GPIO2 = 2
# GPIO pin specification:
# bank: an integer, GPIO bank number ([0, 3])
# bit: an integer, bit number within the bank ([0, 7])
# pinmux_file: a string, pin muxing file name.
# pin_name: a string, GPIO pin name.
GpioPin = collections.namedtuple('GpioPin',
['bank', 'bit', 'pinmux_file', 'pin_name'])
# NB: we use pins across GPIOs b/c they are physically adjacent on the board
# Variable attenuator 0, bits 0 through 7 (ascending order)
VA0 = [
GpioPin(GPIO1, 31, 'gpmc_csn2', 'GPIO1_31'),
GpioPin(GPIO1, 30, 'gpmc_csn1', 'GPIO1_30'),
GpioPin(GPIO1, 5, 'gpmc_ad5', 'GPIO1_5'),
GpioPin(GPIO1, 4, 'gpmc_ad4', 'GPIO1_4'),
GpioPin(GPIO1, 1, 'gpmc_ad1', 'GPIO1_1'),
GpioPin(GPIO1, 0, 'gpmc_ad0', 'GPIO1_0'),
GpioPin(GPIO1, 29, 'gpmc_csn0', 'GPIO1_29'),
GpioPin(GPIO2, 22, 'lcd_vsync', 'GPIO2_22'),
# Variable attenuator 1, bits 0 through 7 (ascending order)
VA1 = [
GpioPin(GPIO1, 6, 'gpmc_ad6', 'GPIO1_6'),
GpioPin(GPIO1, 2, 'gpmc_ad2', 'GPIO1_2'),
GpioPin(GPIO1, 3, 'gpmc_ad3', 'GPIO1_3'),
GpioPin(GPIO2, 2, 'gpmc_advn_ale', 'TIMER4'),
GpioPin(GPIO2, 3, 'gpmc_oen_ren', 'TIMER7'),
GpioPin(GPIO2, 5, 'gpmc_ben0_cle', 'TIMER5'),
GpioPin(GPIO2, 4, 'gpmc_wen', 'TIMER6'),
GpioPin(GPIO1, 13, 'gpmc_ad13', 'GPIO1_13'),
# Variable attenuator 2, bits 0 through 7 (ascending order)
VA2 = [
GpioPin(GPIO1, 12, 'gpmc_ad12', 'GPIO1_12'),
GpioPin(GPIO0, 23, 'gpmc_ad9', 'EHRPWM2B'),
GpioPin(GPIO0, 26, 'gpmc_ad10', 'GPIO0_26'),
GpioPin(GPIO1, 15, 'gpmc_ad15', 'GPIO1_15'),
GpioPin(GPIO1, 14, 'gpmc_ad14', 'GPIO1_14'),
GpioPin(GPIO0, 27, 'gpmc_ad11', 'GPIO0_27'),
GpioPin(GPIO2, 1, 'mcasp0_fsr', 'GPIO2_1'),
GpioPin(GPIO0, 22, 'gpmc_ad11', 'EHRPWM2A'),
# Variable attenuator 3, bits 0 through 7 (ascending order)
VA3 = [
GpioPin(GPIO2, 24, 'lcd_pclk', 'GPIO2_24'),
GpioPin(GPIO2, 23, 'lcd_hsync', 'GPIO2_23'),
GpioPin(GPIO2, 25, 'lcd_ac_bias_en', 'GPIO2_25'),
GpioPin(GPIO0, 10, 'lcd_data14', 'UART5_CTSN'),
GpioPin(GPIO0, 11, 'lcd_data15', 'UART5_RTSN'),
GpioPin(GPIO0, 9, 'lcd_data13', 'UART4_RTSN'),
GpioPin(GPIO2, 17, 'lcd_data11', 'UART3_RTSN'),
GpioPin(GPIO0, 8, 'lcd_data12', 'UART4_CTSN'),
# pin muxing map
VALID_PORTS = range(0, 4)
# By design attenuator supports variable attenuation from 0dB to roughly 95dB
# on each variable attenuator (stored as a 7-bit integer, MSB is always 0).
VALID_BIT_VALUE = ['0', '1']
class AttenuatorError(Exception):
"""Base exception for this module."""