blob: 6ae54937a9cc7a7debed1271851d31459a207923 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import os
import re
import StringIO
import common
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error, utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import dev_server
TELEMETRY_RUN_BENCHMARKS_SCRIPT = 'tools/perf/run_multipage_benchmarks'
TELEMETRY_RUN_TESTS_SCRIPT = 'tools/telemetry/run_tests'
# Result Statuses
class TelemetryResult(object):
"""Class to represent the results of a telemetry run.
This class represents the results of a telemetry run, whether it ran
successful, failed or had warnings.
def __init__(self, exit_code=0, stdout='', stderr=''):
"""Initializes this TelemetryResultObject instance.
@param status: Status of the telemtry run.
@param stdout: Stdout of the telemetry run.
@param stderr: Stderr of the telemetry run.
if exit_code == 0:
self.status = SUCCESS_STATUS
self.status = FAILED_STATUS
self.perf_keyvals = {}
self._stdout = stdout
self._stderr = stderr
self.output = '\n'.join([stdout, stderr])
def _cleanup_value(self, value):
"""Cleanup a value string.
Given a string representing a value clean it up by removing the space
and parenthesis around the units, and either append the units or get
rid of them.
loadtime (ms) -> loadtime_ms
image_count () -> image_count
image_count (count) -> image_count
CodeLoad (score (bigger is better)) -> CodeLoad_score
load_percent (%) -> load_percent
score (runs/s) -> score_runs_per_s
@param value: Value we are cleaning up.
@result a String representing the cleaned up value.
value_sections = value.split(' (')
value_name = value_sections[0]
# There can be sub-parens in the units -> if so remove them.
units = value_sections[1].split('(')[0]
units = units.split(')')[0]
if units is '%':
units = 'percent'
if '/' in units:
units = units.replace('/','_per_')
if not units:
return value_name
if value_name.endswith(units):
return value_name
return '_'.join([value_name, units])
def parse_benchmark_results(self):
"""Parse the results of a telemetry benchmark run.
Stdout has the format of CSV at the top and then the output repeated
in RESULT block format below.
We will parse the CSV part to get the perf key-value pairs we are
interested in.
Example stdout:
url,average_commit_time (ms),average_image_gathering_time (ms)
RESULT average_commit_time: <URL>= <SCORE> score
RESULT average_image_gathering_time: <URL>= <SCORE> score
We want to generate perf keys in the format of value-url i.e.:
Where we also removed non non-alphanumeric characters except '.', '_',
and '-'.
Stderr has the format of Warnings/Tracebacks. There is always a default
warning of the display enviornment setting. Followed by warnings of
page timeouts or a traceback.
If there are any other warnings we flag the test as warning. If there
is a traceback we consider this test a failure.
@param exit_code: Exit code of the the telemetry run. 0 == SUCCESS,
otherwise it is a warning or failure.
@param stdout: Stdout of the telemetry run.
@param stderr: Stderr of the telemetry run.
@returns A TelemetryResult instance with the results of the telemetry
# The output will be in CSV format.
if not self._stdout:
# Nothing in stdout implies a test failure.
logging.error('No stdout, test failed.')
self.status = FAILED_STATUS
stdout_lines = self._stdout.splitlines()
value_names = None
for line in stdout_lines:
if not line:
if not value_names and line.startswith('url,'):
# This line lists out all the values we care about and we drop
# the first one as it is the url name.
value_names = line.split(',')[1:]
# Clean up each value name.
value_names = [self._cleanup_value(v) for v in value_names]
logging.debug('Value_names: %s', value_names)
if not value_names:
if ' ' in line:
# We are in a non-CSV part of the output, ignore this line.
# We are now a CSV line we care about, parse it accordingly.
line_values = line.split(',')
# Grab the URL
url = line_values[0]
# We want the perf keys to be format value|url. Example:
# Andd replace all non-alphanumeric characters except
# '-', '.' and '_' with '_'
url_values_names = [re.sub(r'[^\w.-]', '_', '-'.join([v, url]))
for v in value_names]
logging.debug('Perf Keyvals: %s', self.perf_keyvals)
if self.status is SUCCESS_STATUS:
# Otherwise check if simply a Warning occurred or a Failure,
# i.e. a Traceback is listed.
self.status = WARNING_STATUS
for line in self._stderr.splitlines():
if line.startswith('Traceback'):
self.status = FAILED_STATUS
class TelemetryRunner(object):
"""Class responsible for telemetry for a given build.
This class will extract and install telemetry on the devserver and is
responsible for executing the telemetry benchmarks and returning their
output to the caller.
def __init__(self, host):
"""Initializes this telemetry runner instance.
If telemetry is not installed for this build, it will be.
self._host = host
logging.debug('Grabbing build from AFE.')
build = host.get_build()
if not build:
logging.error('Unable to locate build label for host: %s.',
raise error.AutotestError('Failed to grab build for host %s.' %
logging.debug('Setting up telemetry for build: %s', build)
self._devserver = dev_server.ImageServer.resolve(build)
self._telemetry_path = self._devserver.setup_telemetry(build=build)
logging.debug('Telemetry Path: %s',self._telemetry_path)
def _run_telemetry(self, script, test_or_benchmark):
"""Runs telemetry on a dut.
@param script: Telemetry script we want to run. For example:
@param test_or_benchmark: Name of the test or benchmark we want to run,
with the page_set (if required) as part of the
@returns A TelemetryResult Instance with the results of this telemetry
devserver_hostname = self._devserver.url().split(
telemetry_args = ['ssh',
'--remote=%s' % self._host.hostname,
logging.debug('Running Telemetry: %s', ' '.join(telemetry_args))
output = StringIO.StringIO()
error_output = StringIO.StringIO()
exit_code = 0
result =' '.join(telemetry_args), stdout_tee=output,
exit_code = result.exit_status
except error.CmdError as e:
# Telemetry returned a return code of not 0; for benchmarks this
# can be due to a timeout on one of the pages of the page set and
# we may still have data on the rest. For a test however this
# indicates failure.
logging.debug('Error occurred executing telemetry.')
exit_code = e.result_obj.exit_status
stdout = output.getvalue()
stderr = error_output.getvalue()
logging.debug('Telemetry completed with exit code: %d.\nstdout:%s\n'
'stderr:%s', exit_code, stdout, stderr)
return TelemetryResult(exit_code=exit_code, stdout=stdout,
def run_telemetry_test(self, test):
"""Runs a telemetry test on a dut.
@param test: Telemetry test we want to run.
@returns A TelemetryResult Instance with the results of this telemetry
logging.debug('Running telemetry test: %s', test)
telemetry_script = os.path.join(self._telemetry_path,
result = self._run_telemetry(telemetry_script, test)
if result.status is FAILED_STATUS:
raise error.TestFail('Telemetry test: %s failed.',
return result
def run_telemetry_benchmark(self, benchmark, page_set, keyval_writer=None):
"""Runs a telemetry benchmark on a dut.
@param benchmark: Benchmark we want to run.
@param page_set: Page set we want to use.
@param keyval_writer: Should be a instance with the function
write_perf_keyval(), if None, no keyvals will be
written. Typically this will be the job object
from a autotest test.
@returns A TelemetryResult Instance with the results of this telemetry
logging.debug('Running telemetry benchmark: %s with page set: %s.',
benchmark, page_set)
telemetry_script = os.path.join(self._telemetry_path,
page_set_path = os.path.join(self._telemetry_path,
'tools/perf/page_sets/%s' % page_set)
benchmark_with_pageset = ' '.join([benchmark, page_set_path])
result = self._run_telemetry(telemetry_script, benchmark_with_pageset)
if keyval_writer:
if result.status is WARNING_STATUS:
raise error.TestWarn('Telemetry Benchmark: %s with page set: %s'
' exited with Warnings.' % (benchmark,
if result.status is FAILED_STATUS:
raise error.TestFail('Telemetry Benchmark: %s with page set: %s'
' failed to run.' % (benchmark,
return result