blob: eada992cfe5997599fa2251fa4d2e80348553b2a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
AUTHOR = "asadrieh, chromeos-engprod-platform-syd"
NAME = "performance_cuj_sprite"
PURPOSE = "Tast wrapper suite for running performance CUJ Tast tests on MainLab and Satlab."
TEST_CLASS = "suite"
TEST_TYPE = "Server"
DOC = """
This suite executes a set of performance CUJ (critical user journey) test cases.
Supposed to be run by internal google infra structure.
@param build: The name of the image to test.
Ex: x86-mario-release/R17-1412.33.0-a1-b29
@param board: The board to test on. Ex: x86-mario
@param pool: The pool of machines to utilize for scheduling. If pool=None
board is used.
@param dry_run: simulate test execution without stressing the storage.
@param SKIP_IMAGE: (optional) If present and True, don't re-image devices.
import common
from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import dynamic_suite
args_dict['name'] = NAME
args_dict['job'] = job
args_dict['timeout_mins'] = 10080 # entire suite timeout after 7 days
args_dict['max_runtime_mins'] = 10080 # one test timeout after 7 days