blob: 2d59528cf57ba46b183ea57e046deb71275bdcf7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
AUTHOR = "ChromeOS Distributed Fleet Platform"
NAME = "distributed_arc_qual_cts_shard6"
PURPOSE = "Optimized test suite for distributed satlab tests"
TEST_CLASS = "suite"
TEST_TYPE = "Server"
DOC = """
This suite is used to qualify new Distributed Lab containers with cts tests.
import common
from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import dynamic_suite
def predicate(test):
if not hasattr(test, 'suite') or not hasattr(test, 'name'):
return False
if not NAME in test.suite.split(','):
return False
# Strip off the cheets_CTS_P. from the test name before comparing to args
name =['.') + 1:]
if 'tests' in args_dict and name not in args_dict['tests']:
return False
return True
args_dict['name'] = NAME
args_dict['job'] = job
args_dict['max_runtime_mins'] = 10080
args_dict['timeout_mins'] = 10080