blob: 337c68e4d913529839b2ea5903e9921568228086 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
NAME = "power_LW.power_VideoCall_lacros_v_ash"
"contacts": ["", ""],
"bug_component": "b:1361410",
"criteria": "This test is a power benchmark test.",
"hw_agnostic": False,
"doc" : "Control file for running power_VideoCall for Ash and Lacros "
"in power lab. This is done with one control file "
"instead of two to ensure that both runs of power_VideoCall are"
"executed on the same DUT, reducing variability. Even if two DUTs "
"are the same SKU, chip variability means that power consumption "
"characteristics will differ.",
TEST_TYPE = "server"
EXTENDED_TIMEOUT = 25200 # 2 hours VC + 4 hours charging + 1 hour guard.
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils
args_dict = utils.args_to_dict(args)
servo_args = hosts.CrosHost.get_servo_arguments(args_dict)
test = 'power_VideoCall'
args_ash = {'pdash_note': args_dict.get('pdash_note', ''),
'min_run_time_percent': 75,
'tast_bundle_path': args_dict.get('tast_bundle_path'),}
args_lacros = {'pdash_note': args_dict.get('pdash_note', ''),
'min_run_time_percent': 75,
'tast_bundle_path': args_dict.get('tast_bundle_path'),
'use_lacros': True}
def run(machine):
host = hosts.create_host(machine, servo_args=servo_args)
job.run_test("power_BatteryChargeControl", host=host,
percent_charge_to_add=None, percent_target_charge=95,
job.run_test("power_LW", host=host, test=test, args=args_lacros,
machine=machine, tag="power_VideoCall_lacros")
job.run_test("power_BatteryChargeControl", host=host,
percent_charge_to_add=None, percent_target_charge=95,
job.run_test("power_LW", host=host, test=test, args=args_ash,
machine=machine, tag="power_VideoCall_ash")
parallel_simple(run, machines)