blob: 7d2c083dbdf592c92f39949721f4856761e6fe23 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
AUTHOR = "dhaddock, ChromiumOS"
NAME = ""
"contacts": [
"bug_component": "b:908319",
"criteria": "Tests an N-to-N update and user login between versions."
TEST_TYPE = "server"
ATTRIBUTES = "suite:au-perbuild"
DOC = """
This tests an N-to-N update. That means it will update to the same version
that the DUT was provisioned with. This test will be used in the CQ to ensure
changes don't break autoupdate.
In the lab, a job_repo_url will be passed directly to the test. It contains
information about the build to use and the IP address of lab cache server to
download update payloads from.
When running the test from your workstation, the source of update payloads
differs depending on where the DUT is located/what network it is on:
1. DUT is in the CrOS lab or connected physically to the lab network.
- Payloads by default will be retrieved from a static caching server in the
2. DUT is at your desk and NOT connected to the CrOS lab network.
- Payloads will be retrieved from a public GS bucket in this case.
The test will automatically determine which situation you are in, but you can
use the "running_at_desk=True" arg if you wish to force the public bucket flow.
Example usage:
test_that <DUT> --board=<board>
- Payload origin will be automatically determined based on the DUTs network.
- Version currently on the DUT will be used as the update's target version.
test_that <DUT> --board=<board> --args="build=R102-14643.0.0"
- Payload origin will be automatically determined based on the DUTs network.
- R102-14643.0.0 will be used as the update's target version.
test_that <DUT> --board=<board> --args="running_at_desk=True"
- Public GS bucket will be used.
- Version currently on the DUT will be used as the update's target version.
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils
args_dict = utils.args_to_dict(args)
def run(machine):
host = hosts.create_host(machine)
job.run_test('autoupdate_Basic', host=host, full_payload=False,
job.parallel_simple(run, machines)