blob: 903bfdb6a7f131175b90a46fba9a961379c5ec77 [file] [log] [blame]
# Lint as: python2, python3
# Copyright (c) 2023 The Chromium OS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Host object for OpenWrt devices.
Host customization provided for fine-tuning autotest reset, verification,
and provisioning on OpenWrt devices.
import logging
import re
import common
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import ssh_host
OS_TYPE_OPENWRT = 'openwrt'
class OpenWrtHost(ssh_host.SSHHost):
"""OpenWrt-specific host class."""
def check_host(host, timeout=10):
Check if the given host is OpenWrt host.
@param host: An ssh host representing a device.
@param timeout: The timeout for the run command.
@return: True if the host is a OpenWrt device, otherwise False.
device_info_manufacturer =
'test -f /etc/device_info && '
'grep DEVICE_MANUFACTURER /etc/device_info').stdout
match = re.match("(?m)^DEVICE_MANUFACTURER='OpenWrt'$",
return True if match else False
except (error.AutoservRunError, error.AutoservSSHTimeout):
return False
def _initialize(self, *args, **dargs):'Initializing OpenWrt host')
super(OpenWrtHost, self)._initialize(*args, **dargs)
def get_os_type(self):
def get_arch(self):
# TODO(b/274812850): autotest wifi: OpenWrt to get arch including
# SoC and product model at runtime
return 'ramips-mt7621-ubnt_unifi-6-lite'