blob: 91f017e8f592abb257bb9b4614dd051ae566691f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2008 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Provides a factory method to create a host object."""
from contextlib import closing
from contextlib import contextmanager
import logging
import os
from autotest_lib.client.bin import local_host
from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import deprecation
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config
from autotest_lib.server import utils as server_utils
from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import constants
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import android_host
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import cros_host
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import host_info
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import jetstream_host
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import moblab_host
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import openwrt_host
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import gce_host
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import gsc_devboard_host
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import ssh_host
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import labstation_host
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import file_store
CONFIG = global_config.global_config
# Default ssh options used in creating a host.
# for tracking which hostnames have already had job_start called
_started_hostnames = set()
# A list of all the possible host types, ordered according to frequency of
# host types in the lab, so the more common hosts don't incur a repeated ssh
# overhead in checking for less common host types.
host_types = [
cros_host.CrosHost, labstation_host.LabstationHost,
moblab_host.MoblabHost, jetstream_host.JetstreamHost, gce_host.GceHost,
'android': android_host.AndroidHost,
'cros': cros_host.CrosHost,
'jetstream': jetstream_host.JetstreamHost,
'moblab': moblab_host.MoblabHost,
'openwrt': openwrt_host.OpenWrtHost,
'labstation': labstation_host.LabstationHost
'CrosHost': cros_host.CrosHost,
'JetstreamHost': jetstream_host.JetstreamHost,
'MoblabHost': moblab_host.MoblabHost,
'OpenWrtHost': openwrt_host.OpenWrtHost,
'LabstationHost': labstation_host.LabstationHost
# Timeout for early connectivity check to the host, in seconds.
def _get_host_arguments(machine, **args):
"""Get parameters to construct a host object.
There are currently 2 use cases for creating a host.
1. Through the server_job, in which case the server_job injects
the appropriate ssh parameters into our name space and they
are available as the variables ssh_user, ssh_pass etc.
2. Directly through factory.create_host, in which case we use
the same defaults as used in the server job to create a host.
3. Through neither of the above, in which case args can be provided
and should be respected if a globa
@param machine: machine dict
@return: A dictionary containing arguments for host specifically hostname,
afe_host, user, password, port, ssh_verbosity_flag and
hostname, afe_host = server_utils.get_host_info_from_machine(machine)
connection_pool = server_utils.get_connection_pool_from_machine(machine)
host_info_store = host_info.get_store_from_machine(machine)
info = host_info_store.get()
g = globals()
# For each arg, try to fetch the arg from the globals...
# If its not there, then try to get it from **args.
# If its not there, use the default.
default_user = DEFAULT_SSH_USER if 'user' not in args else args['user']
user = info.attributes.get('ssh_user', g.get('ssh_user', default_user))
default_pass = DEFAULT_SSH_PASS if 'ssh_pass' not in args else args['ssh_pass']
password = info.attributes.get('ssh_pass', g.get('ssh_pass',
default_port = DEFAULT_SSH_PORT if 'ssh_port' not in args else args['ssh_port']
port = info.attributes.get('ssh_port', g.get('ssh_port', default_port))
default_verbosity = DEFAULT_SSH_VERBOSITY if 'ssh_verbosity_flag' not in args else args['ssh_verbosity_flag']
ssh_verbosity_flag = info.attributes.get('ssh_verbosity_flag',
default_options = DEFAULT_SSH_OPTIONS if 'ssh_options' not in args else args['ssh_options']
ssh_options = info.attributes.get('ssh_options',
hostname, user, password, port = server_utils.parse_machine(hostname, user,
password, port)
if port:
port = int(port)
host_args = {
'hostname': hostname,
'afe_host': afe_host,
'host_info_store': host_info_store,
'user': user,
'password': password,
'port': port,
'ssh_verbosity_flag': ssh_verbosity_flag,
'ssh_options': ssh_options,
'connection_pool': connection_pool,
return host_args
def _detect_host(connectivity_class, hostname, **args):
"""Detect host type.
Goes through all the possible host classes, calling check_host with a
basic host object. Currently this is an ssh host, but theoretically it
can be any host object that the check_host method of appropriate host
type knows to use.
@param connectivity_class: connectivity class to use to talk to the host
(ParamikoHost or SSHHost)
@param hostname: A string representing the host name of the device.
@param args: Args that will be passed to the constructor of
the host class.
@returns: Class type of the first host class that returns True to the
check_host method.
preset_host = _preset_host(hostname, **args)
if preset_host:
logging.debug("Using preset_host %s for %s ", preset_host.__name__,
return preset_host
with closing(connectivity_class(hostname, **args)) as host:
for host_module in host_types:'Attempting to autodetect if host is of type %s',
if host_module.check_host(host, timeout=10):
if 'port' in args and args['port']:
os.environ['HOST_%s_%d' % (hostname, args['port'])] = str(
os.environ['HOST_%s' % hostname] = str(
return host_module
logging.warning('Unable to apply conventional host detection methods, '
'defaulting to chromeos host.')
return cros_host.CrosHost
def _preset_host(hostname, **args):
"""Check the environmental variables to see if the host type has been set.
@param hostname: A string representing the host name of the device.
@returns: Class type of the host, if previously found & set in
_detect_host, else None.
if 'port' in args and args['port']:
preset_host = os.getenv('HOST_%s_%d' % (hostname, args['port']))
preset_host = os.getenv('HOST_%s' % hostname)
if preset_host:
return LOOKUP_DICT.get(preset_host, None)
def _choose_connectivity_class(hostname, ssh_port):
"""Choose a connectivity class for this hostname.
@param hostname: hostname that we need a connectivity class for.
@param ssh_port: SSH port to connect to the host.
@returns a connectivity host class.
if (hostname == 'localhost' and ssh_port == DEFAULT_SSH_PORT):
return local_host.LocalHost
elif gsc_devboard_host.IsGSCDevboardHost(hostname):
return local_host.LocalHost
return ssh_host.SSHHost
def _verify_connectivity(connectivity_class, hostname, **args):
"""Verify connectivity to the host.
Any interaction with an unreachable host is guaranteed to fail later. By
checking connectivity first, duplicate errors / timeouts can be avoided.
if connectivity_class == local_host.LocalHost:
return True
assert connectivity_class == ssh_host.SSHHost
with closing(ssh_host.SSHHost(hostname, **args)) as host:'test :', timeout=_CONNECTIVITY_CHECK_TIMEOUT_S,
def create_companion_hosts(companion_hosts):
"""Wrapped for create_hosts for making host objects on companion duts.
@param companion_hosts: str or list of extra_host hostnames
@returns: A list of host objects for each host in companion_hosts
if not isinstance(companion_hosts, list):
companion_hosts = [companion_hosts]
hosts = []
for host in companion_hosts:
return hosts
# TODO(kevcheng): Update the creation method so it's not a research project
# determining the class inheritance model.
def create_host(machine, host_class=None, connectivity_class=None, **args):
"""Create a host object.
This method mixes host classes that are needed into a new subclass
and creates a instance of the new class.
@param machine: A dict representing the device under test or a String
representing the DUT hostname (for legacy caller support).
If it is a machine dict, the 'hostname' key is required.
Optional 'afe_host' key will pipe in afe_host
from the autoserv runtime or the AFE.
@param host_class: Host class to use, if None, will attempt to detect
the correct class.
@param connectivity_class: DEPRECATED. Connectivity class is determined
@param args: Args that will be passed to the constructor of
the new host class.
@returns: A host object which is an instance of the newly created
host class.
# Argument deprecated
if connectivity_class is not None:
connectivity_class = None
detected_args = _get_host_arguments(machine, **args)
hostname = detected_args.pop('hostname')
afe_host = detected_args['afe_host']
info_store = detected_args['host_info_store'].get()
host_os = None
full_os_prefix = constants.OS_PREFIX + ':'
# Let's grab the os from the labels if we can for host class detection.
for label in info_store.labels:
if label.startswith(full_os_prefix):
host_os = label[len(full_os_prefix):]
logging.debug('Detected host os: %s from info_store.', host_os)
connectivity_class = _choose_connectivity_class(hostname, args['port'])
# TODO(kevcheng): get rid of the host detection using host attributes.
host_class = (host_class
or OS_HOST_DICT.get(afe_host.attributes.get('os_type'))
or OS_HOST_DICT.get(host_os))
if host_class is android_host.AndroidHost:
# We don't have direct ssh access to Android devices, so we do
# not need connectivity_class for AndroidHost here.
connectivity_class = None
if host_class is None and gsc_devboard_host.IsGSCDevboardHost(hostname):
host_class = gsc_devboard_host.GSCDevboardHost
if host_class is None:
# TODO(pprabhu) If we fail to verify connectivity, we skip the costly
# host autodetection logic. We should ideally just error out in this
# case, but there are a couple problems:
# - VMs can take a while to boot up post provision, so SSH connections
# to moblab vms may not be available for ~2 minutes. This requires
# extended timeout in _verify_connectivity() so we don't get speed
# benefits from bailing early.
# - We need to make sure stopping here does not block repair flows.
_verify_connectivity(connectivity_class, hostname, **args)
host_class = _detect_host(connectivity_class, hostname, **args)
except (error.AutoservRunError, error.AutoservSSHTimeout):
logging.exception('Failed to verify connectivity to host.'
' Skipping host auto detection logic.')
host_class = cros_host.CrosHost
logging.debug('Defaulting to CrosHost.')
# create a custom host class for this machine and return an instance of it
if connectivity_class:
classes = (host_class, connectivity_class)
custom_host_class = type("%s_host" % hostname, classes, {})
custom_host_class = host_class'creating host class for {} w/ {}||'.format(hostname, args))
host_instance = custom_host_class(hostname, **args)
# call job_start if this is the first time this host is being used
if hostname not in _started_hostnames:
return host_instance
def create_target_machine(machine, **kwargs):
"""Create the target machine, accounting for containers.
@param machine: A dict representing the test bed under test or a String
representing the testbed hostname (for legacy caller
If it is a machine dict, the 'hostname' key is required.
Optional 'afe_host' key will pipe in afe_host
from the autoserv runtime or the AFE.
@param kwargs: Keyword args to pass to the testbed initialization.
@returns: The target machine to be used for verify/repair.
is_moblab = CONFIG.get_config_value('SSP', 'is_moblab', type=bool,
hostname = machine['hostname'] if isinstance(machine, dict) else machine
if (utils.is_in_container() and is_moblab and
hostname in ['localhost', '']):
hostname = CONFIG.get_config_value('SSP', 'host_container_ip', type=str,
if isinstance(machine, dict):
machine['hostname'] = hostname
machine = hostname
logging.debug('Hostname of machine is converted to %s for the test to '
'run inside a container.', hostname)
return create_host(machine, **kwargs)
def create_target_host(hostname, host_info_path=None, host_info_store=None,
servo_uart_logs_dir=None, **kwargs):
"""Create the target host, accounting for containers.
@param hostname: hostname of the device
@param host_info_path: path to the host info file to create host_info
@param host_info_store: if exist then using as the primary host_info
instance when creaating machine
@param kwargs: Keyword args to pass to the testbed initialization.
@yield: The target host object to be used for you :)
if not host_info_store and host_info_path:
host_info_store = file_store.FileStore(host_info_path)
if host_info_store:
machine = {
'hostname': hostname,
'host_info_store': host_info_store,
'afe_host': server_utils.EmptyAFEHost()
machine = hostname
host = create_target_machine(machine, **kwargs)
if servo_uart_logs_dir and host.servo:
host.servo.uart_logs_dir = servo_uart_logs_dir
yield host