blob: cd50d70abbeb627d7bd1a29b218f8df0a247b585 [file] [log] [blame]
# Lint as: python2, python3
# Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import json
import logging
import os
import requests
import six
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import autotemp
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.cros.update_engine import nebraska_wrapper
_MINIOS_TRUTHY_VALUES = ('1', 'true', 'yes', 'y')
def to_bool(value, default_value=False, truthy_values=_MINIOS_TRUTHY_VALUES):
Converts 'value' to a boolean if it is one of the supported types.
Only (bool, strings) are supported at the moment.
@param value: The value to convert to a boolean.
@param default_value: Boolean to return if 'value' is not a supported type.
@param truthy_values: The list of values that should be considered to mean
@return: True/False or default_value if value is not a supported type.
if isinstance(value, bool):
return value
elif isinstance(value, str):
return value.lower() in truthy_values
return default_value
class NebraskaService:
Remotely sets up nebraska on the DUT.
This service is different from
`autotest_lib.client.cros.update_engine.nebraska_wrapper.NebraskaWrapper` in
that it is used by server-only tests to remotely launch nebraska on the DUT.
def __init__(self, test, host, payload_url=None, **props_to_override):
Initializes the NebraskaService.
@param test: Instance of the test using the service.
@param host: The DUT we will be running on.
@param payload_url: The payload that will be returned in responses for
update requests. This can be a single URL string or a list of URLs
to return multiple payload URLs (such as a platform payload + DLC
payloads) in the responses.
@param props_to_override: Dictionary of key/values to use in responses
instead of the default values in payload_url's properties file.
self._host = host
self._test = test
# _update_metadata_dir is the directory for storing the json metadata
# files associated with the payloads.
# _update_payloads_address is the address of the update server where
# the payloads are staged.
self._update_metadata_dir = None
self._update_payloads_address = None
if payload_url:
# Normalize payload_url to be a list.
if not isinstance(payload_url, list):
payload_url = [payload_url]
self._update_metadata_dir = self._host.get_tmp_dir()
self._update_payloads_address = ''.join(
# Download the metadata files and save them in a tempdir for general
# use.
for url in payload_url:
def get_payload_properties_file(self, payload_url, target_dir, **kwargs):
Downloads the payload properties file into a directory on the DUT.
@param payload_url: The URL to the update payload file.
@param target_dir: The directory on the DUT to download the file into.
@param kwargs: A dictionary of key/values that needs to be overridden on
the payload properties file.
payload_props_url = payload_url + '.json'
_, _, file_name = payload_props_url.rpartition('/')
response = json.loads(self._get_url(payload_props_url))
# Override existing keys if any.
for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs):
# Don't set default None values. We don't want to override good
# values to None.
if v is not None:
response[k] = v
self._write_remote_file(os.path.join(target_dir, file_name),
except (IOError, ValueError) as err:
raise error.TestError(
'Failed to get update payload properties: %s with error: %s'
% (payload_props_url, err))
def start(self, **kwargs):
"""Launch nebraska on DUT."""
# Generate nebraska configuration.
)'Start nebraska service')
def stop(self):
"""Stop Nebraska service."""'Stop nebraska service')
self._host.upstart_stop('nebraska')'rm', args=('-f', nebraska_wrapper.NEBRASKA_CONFIG))
def _create_startup_config(self, **kwargs):
Creates a nebraska startup config file. If this file is present, nebraska
can be started by upstart.
@param kwargs: A dictionary of key/values for nebraska config options.
See platform/dev/nebraska/ for more info.
@return: A dictionary of nebraska config options.
conf = {}
if self._update_metadata_dir:
conf['update_metadata'] = self._update_metadata_dir
if self._update_payloads_address:
conf['update_payloads_address'] = self._update_payloads_address
for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs):
conf[k] = v
return conf
def _create_remote_dir(self, remote_dir, owner=None):
Create directory on DUT.
@param remote_dir: The directory to create.
@param owner: Set owner of the remote directory.
permission = '1777'
if owner:
permission = '1770'['mkdir', '-p', '-m', permission, remote_dir])
if owner:'chown', args=(owner, remote_dir))
def _get_url(self, url):
Get the payload from a URL. Attempts to do this using requests and falls
back to using curl on the DUT to handle the case where a test is being
run remotely but targeting lab infrastructure.
@param url: The url we want to fetch.
@return: The textual payload at the url.
return requests.get(url).text
except (requests.exceptions.RequestException) as err:
'Failed to get textual payload from %s with error: %s',
url, err)
# Try getting url via curl running on the DUT.
return self._host.run_output(['curl', url])
def _write_remote_file(self,
Write content to filepath on DUT.
@param permission: set permission to 0xxx octal number of remote file.
@param owner: set owner of remote file.
tmpdir = autotemp.tempdir(unique_id='minios')
tmp_path = os.path.join(, os.path.basename(filepath))
with open(tmp_path, 'w') as f:
if permission is not None:
os.chmod(tmp_path, permission)
self._create_remote_dir(os.path.dirname(filepath), owner)
self._host.send_file(tmp_path, filepath, delete_dest=True)
if owner is not None:'chown', args=(owner, filepath))