blob: a82efb53f8620a89b6ad3a74797e53e7e4ad5fd3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Lint as: python2, python3
# Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
def connect_to_wifi(host, ssid, password):
Performs steps needed to configure a CrOS device for Cross Device tests.
@param host: Host to run the command on.
@param ssid: SSID of the Wifi network to connect to
@param password: password to connect to wifi network
'dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.chromium.flimflam / org.chromium.flimflam.Manager.EnableTechnology string:wifi'
try:'/usr/local/autotest/cros/scripts/wifi connect %s %s' %
(ssid, password))
except error.AutoservRunError as e:
if 'already connected' in str(e):
logging.debug('Already connected to network. Ignoring error.')
def get_multi_companion_attributes(cros_hosts, cros_prefix, android_hosts,
android_prefix, max_hosts):
"""Returns all valid attribute combinations for mixed android/CrOS testbeds.
get_multi_companion_attributes(2, 'cros_peers_', 1, 'android_peers_')
((("cros_peers_1" || "cros_peers_2") && !("android_peers_1" || "android_peers_2" || "android_peers_3"))
|| (("cros_peers_1" || "cros_peers_2") && ("android_peers_1"))
|| (("android_peers_1") && !("cros_peers_1" || "cros_peers_2" || "cros_peers_3")))
cros_hosts: The number of CrOS hosts.
cros_prefix: The attribute prefix to use for CrOS peers.
android_hosts: The number of android hosts.
android_prefix: The attribute prefix to use for Android peers.
max_hosts: The maximum number hosts supported.
def create_attr(count, prefix):
attrs = ['"%s%d"' % (prefix, i + 1) for i in range(count)]
return '(' + ' || '.join(attrs) + ')'
if not cros_hosts and not android_hosts:
raise ValueError(
'Either cros_hosts or android_hosts must be greater than 0')
has_cros = create_attr(cros_hosts, cros_prefix)
no_cros = "!" + create_attr(max_hosts, cros_prefix)
has_android = create_attr(android_hosts, android_prefix)
no_android = '!' + create_attr(max_hosts, android_prefix)
attrs = []
# CrOS hosts with no android hosts.
if cros_hosts:
attrs.append('(%s && %s)' % (has_cros, no_android))
# Android and CrOS hosts.
if cros_hosts and android_hosts:
attrs.append('(%s && %s)' % (has_cros, has_android))
# Android hosts with no CrOS hosts.
if android_hosts:
attrs.append('(%s && %s)' % (has_android, no_cros))
return '(' + ' || '.join(attrs) + ')'