blob: b2bf7b3582755d4fa9198103f48c1ecbbca7d3b6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Lint as: python3
# Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from autotest_lib.utils import labellib
def get_working_bluetooth_btpeer(host) -> int:
Retrieve the number of btpeers in the testbed from the
"working_bluetooth_btpeer" host label as an integer.
@param host: remote.RemoteHost instance representing DUT.
@raises ValueError if the host does not have the "working_bluetooth_btpeer"
label or if it is invalid.
labels = labellib.LabelsMapping(host.host_info_store.get().labels)
working_bluetooth_btpeer = labels.get('working_bluetooth_btpeer')
if working_bluetooth_btpeer is None:
raise ValueError("missing required host label 'working_bluetooth_btpeer'")
working_bluetooth_btpeer = int(working_bluetooth_btpeer)
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError("host label 'working_bluetooth_btpeer' value must be an integer between 1 and %d, inclusive" % MAX_ALLOWED_BTPEERS) from e
if working_bluetooth_btpeer < 1 or working_bluetooth_btpeer > MAX_ALLOWED_BTPEERS:
raise ValueError("host label 'working_bluetooth_btpeer' value must be between 1 and %d, inclusive, but got '%d'" % (
return working_bluetooth_btpeer
def build_tast_btpeer_count_attribute_test_expression(working_bluetooth_btpeers : int, allow_no_required_btpeers : bool = True) -> str:
Builds a tast test selection sub-expression matching sub-attributes of
the "group:bluetooth" tast attribute that selects tests that require
btpeers up to working_bluetooth_btpeers. This sub-expression must come
after "group:bluetooth" in the final tast test selection expression this
is used in.
@param working_bluetooth_btpeers: The number of btpeers this testbed has.
@param allow_no_required_btpeers: If True, the returned expression will
also allow for tests that do not require any btpeers.
@returns The built tast test selection sub-expression as a string.
if working_bluetooth_btpeers <= 0 and not allow_no_required_btpeers:
raise ValueError("working_bluetooth_btpeers must be greater than 0 if allow_no_required_btpeers is False, got %d" % working_bluetooth_btpeers)
expr = '('
if working_bluetooth_btpeers > 0:
expr_segments = []
for i in range(1, working_bluetooth_btpeers + 1):
expr += ' || '.join(expr_segments)
if allow_no_required_btpeers:
expr_segments = []
for i in range(1, MAX_ALLOWED_BTPEERS + 1):
expr_segments.append('!' + (TAST_BTPEERS_COUNT_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT % i))
if working_bluetooth_btpeers > 0:
expr += ' || '
expr += '(' + ' && '.join(expr_segments) + ')'
expr += ')'
return expr