blob: 1586627f50ed3897a674bdcfbbcac07de165d857 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
Provides graphics related utils, like capturing screenshots or checking on
the state of the graphics driver.
import glob, logging, os, re, sys
from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
def xcommand(cmd, user=None):
Add the necessary X setup to a shell command that needs to connect to the X
@param cmd: the command line string
@param user: if not None su command to desired user.
@return a modified command line string with necessary X setup
if utils.is_freon():
raise error.TestFail('freon: xcommand is deprecated')
logging.warning("xcommand will be deprecated under freon!")
if user is None:
return 'DISPLAY=:0 XAUTHORITY=/home/chronos/.Xauthority ' + cmd
return 'DISPLAY=:0 XAUTHORITY=/home/chronos/.Xauthority su %s -c \'%s\'' % (
user, cmd)
def xsystem(cmd, user=None, timeout=None, ignore_status=False):
Run the command cmd, using utils.system, after adding the necessary
setup to connect to the X server.
return utils.system(xcommand(cmd, user), timeout=timeout,
def press_key(key_str):
"""Presses the given key(s).
@param key_str: A string of the key(s), like 'ctrl+F4', 'Up'.
if utils.is_freon():
raise error.TestFail('freon: press_key not implemented')
command = 'xdotool key %s' % key_str
XSET = 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib xset'
def do_power_consumption_xset():
""" Called from power_Consumption to immediately disable energy saving. """
if utils.is_freon():
raise error.TestFail('freon: do_power_consumption_xset not implemented')
# Disable X screen saver
xsystem(XSET + ' s 0 0')
# Disable DPMS Standby/Suspend/Off
xsystem(XSET + ' dpms 0 0 0')
# Force monitor on
xsystem(XSET + ' dpms force on')
# Save off X settings
xsystem(XSET + ' q')
def do_power_backlight_xset():
""" Called from power_Backlight to disable screen blanking. """
if utils.is_freon():
raise error.TestFail('freon: do_power_backlight_xset not implemented')
xsystem(XSET + ' s off')
xsystem(XSET + ' dpms 0 0 0')
xsystem(XSET + ' -dpms')
def wakeup_screen():
"""Wake up the screen if it is dark."""
# Move the mouse a little bit to wake up the screen.
xsystem('xdotool mousemove_relative 1 1')
def switch_screen_on(on):
"""Turn the touch screen on/off."""
if on:
xsystem(XSET + ' dpms force on')
xsystem(XSET + ' dpms force off')
def take_screenshot(resultsdir, fname_prefix, extension='png'):
"""Take screenshot and save to a new file in the results dir.
@param resultsdir: Directory to store the output in.
@param fname_prefix: Prefix for the output fname.
@param format: String indicating file format ('png', 'jpg', etc).
the path of the saved screenshot file
old_exc_type = sys.exc_info()[0]
if utils.is_freon():
if old_exc_type is None:
raise error.TestFail('freon: take_screenshot not implemented')
return None
next_index = len(glob.glob(
os.path.join(resultsdir, '%s-*.%s' % (fname_prefix, extension))))
screenshot_file = os.path.join(
resultsdir, '%s-%d.%s' % (fname_prefix, next_index, extension))'Saving screenshot to %s.', screenshot_file)
xsystem('/usr/local/bin/import -window root -depth 8 %s' %
except Exception as err:
# Do not raise an exception if the screenshot fails while processing
# another exception.
if old_exc_type is None:
return screenshot_file
def take_screenshot_crop_by_height(fullpath, final_height, x_offset_pixels,
Take a screenshot, crop to final height starting at given (x, y) coordinate.
Image width will be adjusted to maintain original aspect ratio).
@param fullpath: path, fullpath of the file that will become the image file.
@param final_height: integer, height in pixels of resulting image.
@param x_offset_pixels: integer, number of pixels from left margin
to begin cropping.
@param y_offset_pixels: integer, number of pixels from top margin
to begin cropping.
if utils.is_freon():
raise error.TestFail('freon: take_screenshot_crop_by_height not '
params = {'height': final_height, 'x_offset': x_offset_pixels,
'y_offset': y_offset_pixels, 'path': fullpath}
import_cmd = ('/usr/local/bin/import -window root -depth 8 -crop '
'x%(height)d+%(x_offset)d+%(y_offset)d %(path)s' % params)
return fullpath
def take_screenshot_crop(fullpath, box=None):
Take a screenshot using import tool, crop according to dim given by the box.
@param fullpath: path, full path to save the image to.
@param box: 4-tuple giving the upper left and lower right pixel coordinates.
if utils.is_freon():
raise error.TestFail('freon: take_screenshot_crop not implemented')
if box:
upperx, uppery, lowerx, lowery = box
img_w = lowerx - upperx
img_h = lowery - uppery
import_cmd = ('/usr/local/bin/import -window root -depth 8 -crop '
'%dx%d+%d+%d' % (img_w, img_h, upperx, uppery))
import_cmd = ('/usr/local/bin/import -window root -depth 8')
execute_screenshot_capture('%s %s' % (import_cmd, fullpath))
def _get_display_resolution_freon():
Parses output of modetest to determine the display resolution of the dut.
@return: tuple, (w,h) resolution of device under test.
modetest_output = utils.system_output('modetest -c')
modetest_connector_pattern = (r'\d+\s+\d+\s+(connected|disconnected)\s+'
r'[- 0-9a-zA-Z]+\s+\d+x\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+')
modetest_mode_pattern = (r'\s+.+\d+\s+(\d+)\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+(\d+)\s+'
connected = False
for line in modetest_output.splitlines():
connector_match = re.match(modetest_connector_pattern, line)
if connector_match is not None:
if == 'connected':
connected = True
if connected:
mode_match = re.match(modetest_mode_pattern, line)
if mode_match is not None:
return int(, int(
return None
def _get_display_resolution_x():
Parses output of xrandr to determine the display resolution of the dut.
@return: tuple, (w,h) resolution of device under test.
env_vars = 'DISPLAY=:0.0 XAUTHORITY=/home/chronos/.Xauthority'
cmd = '%s xrandr | egrep -o "current [0-9]* x [0-9]*"' % env_vars
output = utils.system_output(cmd)
match ='(\d+) x (\d+)', output)
if len(match.groups()) == 2:
return int(, int(
return None
def get_display_resolution():
Determines the display resolution of the dut.
@return: tuple, (w,h) resolution of device under test.
if utils.is_freon():
return _get_display_resolution_freon()
return _get_display_resolution_x()
def call_xrandr(args_string=''):
Calls xrandr with the args given by args_string.
|args_string| is a single string containing all arguments.
e.g. call_xrandr('--output LVDS1 --off') will invoke:
'xrandr --output LVDS1 --off'
Return value: Output of xrandr
return utils.system_output(xcommand('xrandr %s' % args_string))
def get_xrandr_output_state():
Retrieves output status of connected display(s) using xrandr.
When xrandr report a display is "connected", it doesn't mean the
display is active. For active display, it will have '*' after display mode.
Return value: dictionary of connected display states.
key = output name
value = True if the display is active; False otherwise.
output = call_xrandr().split('\n')
xrandr_outputs = {}
current_output_name = ''
# Parse output of xrandr, line by line.
for line in output:
if line.startswith('Screen'):
# If the line contains "connected", it is a connected display, as
# opposed to a disconnected output.
if line.find(' connected') != -1:
current_output_name = line.split()[0]
# Temporarily mark it as inactive until we see a '*' afterward.
xrandr_outputs[current_output_name] = False
# If "connected" was not found, this is a line that shows a display
# mode, e.g: 1920x1080 50.0 60.0 24.0
# Check if this has an asterisk indicating it's on.
if line.find('*') != -1 and current_output_name:
xrandr_outputs[current_output_name] = True
# Reset the output name since this should not be set more than once.
current_output_name = ''
return xrandr_outputs
def set_xrandr_output(output_name, enable):
Sets the output given by |output_name| on or off.
output_name name of output, e.g. 'HDMI1', 'LVDS1', 'DP1'
enable True or False, indicating whether to turn on or off
call_xrandr('--output %s --%s' % (output_name, 'auto' if enable else 'off'))
def get_external_connector_name():
"""Gets the name of the external output connector.
@return The external output connector name as a string, if any.
Otherwise, return False.
if utils.is_freon():
raise error.TestFail('freon: get_external_connector_name '
'not implemented')
xrandr_output = get_xrandr_output_state()
for output in xrandr_output.iterkeys():
if (output.startswith('HDMI') or
output.startswith('DP') or
return output
return False
def get_internal_connector_name():
"""Gets the name of the internal output connector.
@return The internal output connector name as a string, if any.
Otherwise, return False.
if utils.is_freon():
raise error.TestFail('freon: get_internal_connector_name '
'not implemented')
xrandr_output = get_xrandr_output_state()
for output in xrandr_output.iterkeys():
# reference: chromium_org/chromeos/display/
if (output.startswith('eDP') or
output.startswith('LVDS') or
return output
return False
def wait_output_connected(output):
"""Wait for output to connect.
@param output: The output name as a string.
@return: True if output is connected; False otherwise.
def _is_connected(output):
"""Helper function."""
xrandr_output = get_xrandr_output_state()
if output not in xrandr_output:
return False
return xrandr_output[output]
if utils.is_freon():
raise error.TestFail('freon: wait_output_connected not implemented')
return utils.wait_for_value(lambda: _is_connected(output),
def execute_screenshot_capture(cmd):
Executes command to capture a screenshot.
Provides safe execution of command to capture screenshot by wrapping
the command around a try-catch construct.
@param import_cmd_string: string, screenshot capture command.
if utils.is_freon():
raise error.TestFail('freon: execute_screenshot_capture not '
old_exc_type = sys.exc_info()[0]
except Exception as err:
# Do not raise an exception if the screenshot fails while processing
# another exception.
if old_exc_type is None:
class GraphicsKernelMemory(object):
Reads from sysfs to determine kernel gem objects and memory info.
# These are sysfs fields that will be read by this test. For different
# architectures, the sysfs field paths are different. The "paths" are given
# as lists of strings because the actual path may vary depending on the
# system. This test will read from the first sysfs path in the list that is
# present.
# e.g. ".../memory" vs ".../gpu_memory" -- if the system has either one of
# these, the test will read from that path.
exynos_fields = {
'gem_objects' : ['/sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/exynos_gem_objects'],
'memory' : ['/sys/class/misc/mali0/device/memory',
tegra_fields = {
'memory': ['/sys/kernel/debug/memblock/memory'],
x86_fields = {
'gem_objects' : ['/sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/i915_gem_objects'],
'memory' : ['/sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/i915_gem_gtt'],
arch_fields = {
'exynos5' : exynos_fields,
'tegra' : tegra_fields,
'i386' : x86_fields,
'x86_64' : x86_fields,
num_errors = 0
def get_memory_keyvals(self):
Reads the graphics memory values and returns them as keyvals.
keyvals = {}
# Get architecture type and list of sysfs fields to read.
arch = utils.get_cpu_soc_family()
if not arch in self.arch_fields:
raise error.TestFail('Architecture "%s" not yet supported.' % arch)
fields = self.arch_fields[arch]
for field_name in fields:
possible_field_paths = fields[field_name]
field_value = None
for path in possible_field_paths:
if utils.system('ls %s' % path):
field_value = utils.system_output('cat %s' % path)
if not field_value:
logging.error('Unable to find any sysfs paths for field "%s"',
self.num_errors += 1
parsed_results = GraphicsKernelMemory._parse_sysfs(field_value)
for key in parsed_results:
keyvals['%s_%s' % (field_name, key)] = parsed_results[key]
if 'bytes' in parsed_results and parsed_results['bytes'] == 0:
logging.error('%s reported 0 bytes', field_name)
self.num_errors += 1
keyvals['meminfo_MemUsed'] = (utils.read_from_meminfo('MemTotal') -
keyvals['meminfo_SwapUsed'] = (utils.read_from_meminfo('SwapTotal') -
return keyvals
def _parse_sysfs(output):
Parses output of graphics memory sysfs to determine the number of
buffer objects and bytes.
output Unprocessed sysfs output
Return value:
Dictionary containing integer values of number bytes and objects.
They may have the keys 'bytes' and 'objects', respectively. However
the result may not contain both of these values.
results = {}
labels = ['bytes', 'objects']
for line in output.split('\n'):
# Strip any commas to make parsing easier.
line_words = line.replace(',', '').split()
prev_word = None
for word in line_words:
# When a label has been found, the previous word should be the
# value. e.g. "3200 bytes"
if word in labels and word not in results and prev_word:
results[word] = int(prev_word)
prev_word = word
# Once all values has been parsed, return.
if len(results) == len(labels):
return results
return results
class GraphicsStateChecker(object):
Analyzes the state of the GPU and log history. Should be instantiated at the
beginning of each graphics_* test.
crash_blacklist = []
dirty_writeback_centisecs = 0
existing_hangs = {}
_BROWSER_VERSION_COMMAND = '/opt/google/chrome/chrome --version'
_HANGCHECK = ['drm:i915_hangcheck_elapsed', 'drm:i915_hangcheck_hung']
_MESSAGES_FILE = '/var/log/messages'
def __init__(self, raise_error_on_hang=True):
Analyzes the initial state of the GPU and log history.
# Attempt flushing system logs every second instead of every 10 minutes.
self.dirty_writeback_centisecs = utils.get_dirty_writeback_centisecs()
self._raise_error_on_hang = raise_error_on_hang
self.graphics_kernel_memory = GraphicsKernelMemory()
if utils.get_cpu_arch() != 'arm':
# TODO(ihf): Freonize glxinfo (
if not utils.is_freon():
cmd = 'glxinfo | grep "OpenGL renderer string"'
cmd = xcommand(cmd)
output =
result = output.stdout.splitlines()[0]'glxinfo: %s', result)
# TODO(ihf): Find exhaustive error conditions (especially ARM).
if 'llvmpipe' in result.lower() or 'soft' in result.lower():
raise error.TestFail('Refusing to run on SW rasterizer: ' +
result)'Initialize: Checking for old GPU hangs...')
messages = open(self._MESSAGES_FILE, 'r')
for line in messages:
for hang in self._HANGCHECK:
if hang in line:
self.existing_hangs[line] = line
def finalize(self):
Analyzes the state of the GPU, log history and emits warnings or errors
if the state changed since initialize. Also makes a note of the Chrome
version for later usage in the perf-dashboard.
new_gpu_hang = False
if utils.get_cpu_arch() != 'arm':'Cleanup: Checking for new GPU hangs...')
messages = open(self._MESSAGES_FILE, 'r')
for line in messages:
for hang in self._HANGCHECK:
if hang in line:
if not line in self.existing_hangs.keys():
logging.warning('Saw GPU hang during test.')
new_gpu_hang = True
if not utils.is_freon():
cmd = 'glxinfo | grep "OpenGL renderer string"'
cmd = xcommand(cmd)
output =
result = output.stdout.splitlines()[0]'glxinfo: %s', result)
# TODO(ihf): Find exhaustive error conditions (especially ARM).
if 'llvmpipe' in result.lower() or 'soft' in result.lower():
logging.warning('Finished test on SW rasterizer.')
raise error.TestFail('Finished test on SW rasterizer: ' +
if self._raise_error_on_hang and new_gpu_hang:
raise error.TestFail('Detected GPU hang during test.')
def get_memory_access_errors(self):
""" Returns the number of errors while reading memory stats. """
return self.graphics_kernel_memory.num_errors
def get_memory_keyvals(self):
""" Returns memory stats. """
return self.graphics_kernel_memory.get_memory_keyvals()