blob: d1cd0dceee2487d2595e435f82d55ccbfe9d2f12 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Purpose: This test verifies that DUT can process datagrams transmitted at
# different Quality of Service (QoS) levels.
# QoS values: BE = best effort, BK = background, VI = video, VO = voice
{ "name":"CheckWMM",
[ "create", { "type":"hostap" } ],
[ "config", { "channel":"2437", "mode":"11g", "wme":None } ],
[ "connect", { "security":"none" } ],
[ "client_ping", { "count":"10", "qos":"BE" } ],
[ "client_ping", { "count":"10", "qos":"BK" } ],
[ "client_ping", { "count":"10", "qos":"VI" } ],
[ "client_ping", { "count":"10", "qos":"VO" } ],
[ "server_ping", { "count":"10", "qos":"BE" } ],
[ "server_ping", { "count":"10", "qos":"BK" } ],
[ "server_ping", { "count":"10", "qos":"VI" } ],
[ "server_ping", { "count":"10", "qos":"VO" } ],
# XXX check tx/rx stats
[ "destroy" ],