blob: 2f8fdc0f4b07dede26de4f8c8944e8f76faba5f9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Purpose: This test case verifies the API for accessing Profiles and Entries.
# It verifies that credentials are saved on successful connection and
# discarded when the profile is removed.
{ "name":"TestProfileCredentials",
[ "profile_pop", { "name":"test" } ],
[ "profile_create", { "name":"top" } ],
[ "profile_push", { "name":"top" } ],
[ "create", { "type":"hostap" } ],
[ "config", { "ssid":"ProfileTestSSID",
"channel":"2412", "mode":"11g",
"wep_key0": '"abcde"',
"wep_key1": '"vwxyz"',
"wep_key2": '"decba"',
"wep_key3": '"zyxwv"',
"deftxkey":"0" } ],
[ "connect", { "ssid":"ProfileTestSSID",
"security":"wep", "psk":"0:abcde" } ],
# Verify that credentials are saved on successful connect.
[ "client_check_service_properties",
{ "service":"ProfileTestSSID",
"SaveCredentials":1} ],
[ "disconnect" ],
[ "connect", { "ssid":"ProfileTestSSID" } ],
# Pop the profile and check that the credentials are gone.
[ "disconnect" ],
[ "profile_pop", { "name":"top" } ],
# Make sure that the credentials are gone.
[ "!connect", { "ssid":"ProfileTestSSID" } ],
# And, verify that we can connect if we provide the proper credentials.
[ "connect", { "ssid":"ProfileTestSSID",
"security":"wep", "psk":"0:abcde" } ],
# Cleanup.
[ "~disconnect" ],
[ "client_profile_delete_entry",
{ "profile":"default",
"entry":"ProfileTestSSID" } ],
[ "~deconfig" ],
[ "~destroy" ],
[ "~profile_remove", { "name":"top" } ],
[ "~profile_push", { "name":"test" } ],