blob: 7a1f3e1dc3890cccf03697d3c23a8a16b9cab652 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This module contains unit tests for the classes in the mtb module
import glob
import os
import sys
import unittest
import common_unittest_utils
import fuzzy
import mtb
import test_conf as conf
from firmware_constants import AXIS, GV, MTB, VAL
def get_mtb_packets(gesture_filename):
"""Get mtb_packets object by reading the gesture file."""
parser = mtb.MtbParser()
packets = parser.parse_file(gesture_filename)
mtb_packets = mtb.Mtb(packets)
return mtb_packets
class FakeMtb(mtb.Mtb):
"""A fake MTB class to set up x and y positions directly."""
def __init__(self, list_x, list_y):
self.list_x = list_x
self.list_y = list_y
def get_x_y(self, target_slot):
"""Return list_x, list_y directly."""
return (self.list_x, self.list_y)
class MtbTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Unit tests for mtb.Mtb class."""
def setUp(self):
self.test_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'tests')
self.data_dir = os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'data')
def _get_filepath(self, filename, gesture_dir=''):
return os.path.join(self.data_dir, gesture_dir, filename)
def _get_range_middle(self, criteria):
"""Get the middle range of the criteria."""
fc = fuzzy.FuzzyCriteria(criteria)
range_min , range_max = fc.get_criteria_value_range()
range_middle = (range_min + range_max) / 2.0
return range_middle
def _call_get_reversed_motions(self, list_x, list_y, expected_x,
expected_y, direction):
mtb = FakeMtb(list_x, list_y)
displacement = mtb.get_reversed_motions(0, direction, ratio=0.1)
self.assertEqual(displacement[AXIS.X], expected_x)
self.assertEqual(displacement[AXIS.Y], expected_y)
def test_get_reversed_motions_no_reversed(self):
list_x = (10, 22 ,36, 54, 100)
list_y = (1, 2 ,6, 10, 22)
self._call_get_reversed_motions(list_x, list_y, 0, 0, GV.TLBR)
def test_get_reversed_motions_reversed_x_y(self):
list_x = (10, 22 ,36, 154, 100)
list_y = (1, 2 ,6, 30, 22)
self._call_get_reversed_motions(list_x, list_y, -54, -8, GV.TLBR)
def _test_get_x_y(self, filename, slot, expected_value):
gesture_filename = self._get_filepath(filename)
mtb_packets = get_mtb_packets(gesture_filename)
list_x, list_y = mtb_packets.get_x_y(slot)
points = zip(list_x, list_y)
self.assertEqual(len(points), expected_value)
def test_get_x_y(self):
self._test_get_x_y('one_finger_with_slot_0.dat', 0, 12)
self._test_get_x_y('one_finger_without_slot_0.dat', 0, 9)
self._test_get_x_y('two_finger_with_slot_0.dat', 0, 121)
self._test_get_x_y('two_finger_with_slot_0.dat', 1, 59)
self._test_get_x_y('two_finger_without_slot_0.dat', 0, 104)
self._test_get_x_y('two_finger_without_slot_0.dat', 1, 10)
def test_get_x_y_multiple_slots(self):
filename = 'x_y_multiple_slots.dat'
filepath = self._get_filepath(filename)
mtb_packets = get_mtb_packets(filepath)
slots = (0, 1)
list_x, list_y = mtb_packets.get_x_y_multiple_slots(slots)
expected_list_x = {}
expected_list_y = {}
expected_list_x[0] = [1066, 1068, 1082, 1183, 1214, 1285, 1322, 1351,
1377, 1391]
expected_list_y[0] = [561, 559, 542, 426, 405, 358, 328, 313, 304, 297]
expected_list_x[1] = [770, 769, 768, 758, 697, 620, 585, 565, 538, 538]
expected_list_y[1] = [894, 894, 895, 898, 927, 968, 996, 1003, 1013,
for slot in slots:
self.assertEqual(list_x[slot], expected_list_x[slot])
self.assertEqual(list_y[slot], expected_list_y[slot])
def test_get_x_y_multiple_slots2(self):
"""Test slot state machine.
When the last slot in the previous packet is slot 0, and the first
slot in the current packet is also slot 0, the slot 0 will not be
displayed explicitly. This test ensures that the slot stat machine
is tracked properly.
filename = 'pinch_to_zoom.zoom_in.dat'
filepath = self._get_filepath(filename)
mtb_packets = get_mtb_packets(filepath)
slots = (0, 1)
list_x, list_y = mtb_packets.get_x_y_multiple_slots(slots)
expected_final_x = {}
expected_final_y = {}
expected_final_x[0] = 1318
expected_final_y[0] = 255
expected_final_x[1] = 522
expected_final_y[1] = 1232
for slot in slots:
self.assertEqual(list_x[slot][-1], expected_final_x[slot])
self.assertEqual(list_y[slot][-1], expected_final_y[slot])
def _test_get_points_for_every_tracking_id(self, filename, expected_values):
gesture_filename = self._get_filepath(filename)
mtb_packets = get_mtb_packets(gesture_filename)
points = mtb_packets.get_points_for_every_tracking_id()
for tracking_id in expected_values:
def test_get_points_for_every_tracking_id(self):
'two_finger_with_slot_0.dat', {2101: 121, 2102: 59})
'two_finger_without_slot_0.dat', {2097: 104, 2098: 10})
def _test_drumroll(self, filename, check_func):
gesture_filename = self._get_filepath(filename)
mtb_packets = get_mtb_packets(gesture_filename)
max_distance = mtb_packets.get_max_distance_of_all_tracking_ids()
def test_drumroll(self):
check_func = lambda x: x >= 50
self._test_drumroll('drumroll_lumpy.dat', check_func)
def test_drumroll1(self):
check_func = lambda x: x >= 50
self._test_drumroll('drumroll_lumpy_1.dat', check_func)
def test_drumroll_link(self):
check_func = lambda x: x >= 50
self._test_drumroll('drumroll_link.dat', check_func)
def test_no_drumroll_link(self):
check_func = lambda x: x <= 20
self._test_drumroll('no_drumroll_link.dat', check_func)
def test_no_drumroll_link(self):
check_func = lambda x: x >= 50
self._test_drumroll('drumroll_link_2.dat', check_func)
def test_get_points_for_every_tracking_id2(self):
gesture_filename = self._get_filepath('drumroll_link_2.dat')
mtb_packets = get_mtb_packets(gesture_filename)
points = mtb_packets.get_points_for_every_tracking_id()
# Check points in two tracking IDs: 95 and 104
# Tracking ID 95: slot 0 (no explicit slot 0 assigned). This is the
# only slot in the packet.
list_95 = [(789, 358), (789, 358), (789, 358), (789, 358), (789, 358),
(789, 359), (789, 359), (789, 359), (788, 359), (788, 360),
(788, 360), (787, 360), (787, 361), (490, 903), (486, 892),
(484, 895), (493, 890), (488, 893), (488, 893), (489, 893),
(490, 893), (490, 893), (491, 893), (492, 893)]
# Tracking ID 104: slot 0 (explicit slot 0 assigned). This is the 2nd
# slot in the packet. A slot 1 has already existed.
list_104 = [(780, 373), (780, 372), (780, 372), (780, 372), (780, 373),
(780, 373), (781, 373)]
self.assertEqual(list_95, points[95][MTB.POINTS])
self.assertEqual(list_104, points[104][MTB.POINTS])
def test_get_points_for_every_tracking_id3(self):
filename = 'drumroll_3.dat'
gesture_filename = self._get_filepath(filename)
mtb_packets = get_mtb_packets(gesture_filename)
points = mtb_packets.get_points_for_every_tracking_id()
# Check points in one tracking ID: 582
# Tracking ID 582: slot 9. This is the 2nd slot in the packet.
# A slot 8 has already existed.
list_582 = [(682, 173), (667, 186), (664, 189), (664, 190), (664, 189),
(665, 189), (665, 189), (667, 188), (675, 185), (683, 181),
(693, 172), (469, 381), (471, 395), (471, 396)]
self.assertEqual(list_582, points[582][MTB.POINTS])
def test_convert_to_evemu_format(self):
evemu_filename = self._get_filepath('one_finger_swipe.evemu.dat')
mtplot_filename = self._get_filepath('one_finger_swipe.dat')
packets = mtb.MtbParser().parse_file(mtplot_filename)
evemu_converted_iter = iter(mtb.convert_to_evemu_format(packets))
with open(evemu_filename) as evemuf:
for line_evemu_original in evemuf:
evemu_original = line_evemu_original.split()
evemu_converted_str = next(evemu_converted_iter, None)
self.assertNotEqual(evemu_converted_str, None)
if evemu_converted_str:
evemu_converted = evemu_converted_str.split()
self.assertEqual(len(evemu_original), 5)
self.assertEqual(len(evemu_converted), 5)
# Skip the timestamps for they are different in both formats.
# Prefix, type, code, and value should be the same.
for i in [0, 2, 3, 4]:
self.assertEqual(evemu_original[i], evemu_converted[i])
def test_calc_farthest_distance(self):
filename = 'drumroll_no_points.dat'
gesture_filename = self._get_filepath(filename)
mtb_packets = get_mtb_packets(gesture_filename)
points = mtb_packets.get_points_for_every_tracking_id()
for tracking_id in points.keys():
# The function _calc_farthest_distance() should not incur any
# exception in the tracking id 242 in which there are no points.
if tracking_id == 242:
this_id_points = points[tracking_id][MTB.POINTS]
distance = mtb_packets._calc_farthest_distance(this_id_points)
self.assertEqual(distance, 0)
def test_get_largest_gap_ratio(self):
"""Test get_largest_gap_ratio for one-finger and two-finger gestures."""
# The following files come with noticeable large gaps.
list_large_ratio = [
gesture_slots = {
'one_finger': [0,],
'two_finger': [0, 1],
'resting_finger': [1,],
'gap_new_finger': [0,],
'one_stationary_finger': [1,],
range_middle = self._get_range_middle(conf.no_gap_criteria)
gap_data_dir = self._get_filepath('gaps')
gap_data_filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(gap_data_dir, '*.dat'))
for filename in gap_data_filenames:
mtb_packets = get_mtb_packets(filename)
base_filename = os.path.basename(filename)
# What slots to check are based on the gesture name.
slots = []
for gesture in gesture_slots:
if base_filename.startswith(gesture):
slots = gesture_slots[gesture]
for slot in slots:
largest_gap_ratio = mtb_packets.get_largest_gap_ratio(slot)
if base_filename in list_large_ratio:
self.assertTrue(largest_gap_ratio >= range_middle)
self.assertTrue(largest_gap_ratio < range_middle)
def test_get_largest_accumulated_level_jumps(self):
"""Test get_largest_accumulated_level_jumps."""
dir_level_jumps = 'drag_edge_thumb'
filenames = [
# filenames with level jumps
# ----------------------------------
# test no points in some tracking ID
# Change tracking IDs quickly.
# filenames without level jumps
# ----------------------------------
# Rather small level jumps
largest_level_jumps = {
# Large jumps
'drag_edge_thumb.horizontal.dat': {AXIS.X: 0, AXIS.Y: 97},
# Smaller jumps
'drag_edge_thumb.horizontal_2.dat': {AXIS.X: 0, AXIS.Y: 24},
# test no points in some tracking ID
{AXIS.X: 97, AXIS.Y: 88},
# Change tracking IDs quickly.
{AXIS.X: 0, AXIS.Y: 14},
# Large jumps
'drag_edge_thumb.vertical.dat': {AXIS.X: 54, AXIS.Y: 0},
# The first slot 0 comes with smaller jumps only.
'drag_edge_thumb.vertical_2.dat': {AXIS.X: 20, AXIS.Y: 0},
# Large jumps
'drag_edge_thumb.diagonal.dat': {AXIS.X: 84, AXIS.Y: 58},
target_slot = 0
for filename in filenames:
filepath = self._get_filepath(filename, gesture_dir=dir_level_jumps)
packets = get_mtb_packets(filepath)
displacements = packets.get_displacements_for_slots(target_slot)
# There are no level jumps in a curvy line.
file_with_level_jump = 'curvy' not in filename
# Check the first slot only
tids = displacements.keys()
tid = tids[0]
# Check both axis X and axis Y
for axis in AXIS.LIST:
disp = displacements[tid][axis]
jump = packets.get_largest_accumulated_level_jumps(disp)
# Verify that there are no jumps in curvy files, and
# that there are jumps in the other files.
expected_jump = (0 if not file_with_level_jump
else largest_level_jumps[filename][axis])
self.assertTrue(jump == expected_jump)
def _test_get_report_rate(self, filename, value):
"""Test get_report_rate."""
gesture_filename = self._get_filepath(filename)
mtb_packets = get_mtb_packets(gesture_filename)
report_rate = round(mtb_packets.get_report_rate(), 2)
self.assertAlmostEqual(report_rate, value)
def test_get_report_rate(self):
"""Test get_report_rate."""
filename = '2f_scroll_diagonal.dat'
self._test_get_report_rate('2f_scroll_diagonal.dat', 40.31)
filename = 'one_finger_with_slot_0.dat'
self._test_get_report_rate(filename, 148.65)
filename = 'two_close_fingers_merging_changed_ids_gaps.dat'
self._test_get_report_rate(filename, 53.12)
if __name__ == '__main__':