blob: 5324734cf2bde0b13971121b157eda6fd671aafd [file] [log] [blame]
'preview': {
'scale': 0.5,
'mtf_color_map_range': [0.2, 0.5]
'cam_stat': {
'img_width': 1280,
'img_height': 720,
'buf_time': 3.0,
'n_samples': 45
'cam_vc': {
'register_grid': False,
'min_corner_quality_ratio': 0.01,
'min_square_size_ratio': 0.022,
'min_corner_distance_ratio': 0.010,
'max_image_shift': 0.052,
'max_image_tilt': 1.5
'cam_ls': {
'check_low_freq': False,
'max_response': 0.01,
'max_shading_ratio': 0.20
'cam_mtf': {
'min_pass_mtf': 0.30,
'min_pass_lowest_mtf': 0.15,
'mtf_sample_count': 308,
'mtf_patch_width': 20,
'mtf_crop_ratio': 0.25,
'use_50p': False,
'n_thread': 4
'fixture': {
'serial_params': {
'baudrate': 9600,
'bytesize': 8,
'parity': 'N',
'stopbits': 1,
'xonxoff': False,
'rtscts': False,
'timeout': None
'driver': 'pl2303',
'off': 'OFF\r',
'light_seq': ['500LUXON\r', '1000LUXON\r', '30LUXON\r', 'OFF\r'],
'echo': r'\s*I\s+G\s*O\s*T\s+',
'light_delay': 3.0,
'serial_delay': 0.06,
'retry_delay': 1.0,
'n_retry': 50
'als': {
'mod_name': 'isl29018',
'val_path': '/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device0/illuminance0_input',
'scale_path': '/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device0/illuminance0_calibscale',
'calibscale': 100,
'calib_lux': 500,
'calib_target': 125,
'n_samples': 1,
'read_delay': 2.0,
'luxs': [500, 1000, 30],
'save_vpd': 'vpd -s "als_cal_data"="%d"',
'message': {
'start_test_zh': '開始測試',
'start_test_en': 'Starting the test',
'init_cam_zh': '初始化攝像頭',
'init_cam_en': 'Initializing the camera',
'set_cam_res_zh': '設定解析度',
'set_cam_res_en': 'Setting the camera resolution',
'try_read_cam_zh': '嘗試讀取影像',
'try_read_cam_en': 'Trying to read images',
'wait_cam_awb_zh': '白平衡調試',
'wait_cam_awb_en': 'Adjusting the white balance',
'record_img_zh': '讀取測試影像',
'record_img_en': 'Reading the test image',
'check_vc_zh': '定位測試圖樣',
'check_vc_en': 'Locating the test pattern',
'check_ls_zh': '檢測影像暗角',
'check_ls_en': 'Checking the vignetting level',
'check_mtf_zh': '檢測影像清晰度',
'check_mtf_en': 'Checking the image sharpness',
'init_als_zh': '初使化ALS',
'init_als_en': 'Initializing the ALS',
'read_als0_zh': '讀取500LUX ALS數值',
'read_als0_en': 'Reading the 500LUX ALS value',
'read_als1_zh': '讀取1000LUX ALS數值',
'read_als1_en': 'Reading the 1000LUX ALS value',
'read_als2_zh': '讀取30LUX ALS數值',
'read_als2_en': 'Reading the 30LUX ALS value',
'adjust_light_zh': '調整光源',
'adjust_light_en': "Switching the fixture's light intensity",
'wait_fixture_zh': '等待製具穩定',
'wait_fixture_en': 'Waiting for the fixture to cool down',
'dump_to_vpd_zh': '寫入ALS校正結果',
'dump_to_vpd_en': 'Writing the ALS calibration data to vpd',
'end_test_zh': '測試已全部完成',
'end_test_en': 'All tests are complete',
'save_to_usb_zh': '寫入記錄檔至U盤',
'save_to_usb_en': 'Writing the test result to the USB stick',
'fixture_fail_zh': '製具偵測失敗',
'fixture_fail_en': 'Failed to detect the fixture'
'start_test': "color_idle",
'init_cam': "color_idle",
'set_cam_res': "color_idle",
'try_read_cam': "color_idle",
'wait_cam_awb': "color_idle",
'record_img': "color_idle",
'check_vc': "color_idle",
'check_ls': "color_idle",
'check_mtf': "color_idle",
'init_als': "color_idle",
'read_als0': "color_idle",
'read_als1': "color_idle",
'read_als2': "color_idle",
'adjust_light': "color_idle",
'wait_fixture': "color_idle",
'dump_to_vpd': "color_idle",
'end_test': "color_idle",
'save_to_usb': "color_idle",
'fixture_fail': "color_bad"
'start_test': 0.5,
'init_cam': 0.1,
'set_cam_res': 0.1,
'try_read_cam': 2.0,
'wait_cam_awb': 3.0,
'record_img': 2.5,
'check_vc': 0.25,
'check_ls': 0.05,
'check_mtf': 0.75,
'init_als': 0.1,
'read_als0': 2.0,
'read_als1': 2.0,
'read_als2': 2.0,
'adjust_light': 0.5,
'wait_fixture': 3.0,
'dump_to_vpd': 9.0,
'end_test': 0,
'save_to_usb': 0.2,
'cam_finish': 9.25,
'als_finishAB': 22.85,
'als_finishFull': 31.85,
'AB': 23.05,
'Full': 31.85