blob: d91ff93b9f9697aff0f38d480c3a85ad89123362 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Class to wrap building detail table for board/netbook/testcategory."""
import os
import dash_util
from build_info import BuildInfo
from dash_view import AutotestDashView
class TableBuilder(object):
"""Class manages building header and body for details tables."""
def __init__(self, base_dir, netbook, board_type, category):
self._netbook = netbook
self._board_type = board_type
self._category = category
self._build_info = BuildInfo()
self._dash_view = AutotestDashView()
self._test_list = self._dash_view.GetTestNames(
netbook, board_type, category)
self._build_numbers = self._dash_view.GetBuilds(
netbook, board_type, category)
def _SplitTestList(self):
"""Determine and list the tests that passed and failed."""
all_set = set(self._test_list)
failed_list = [] # Maintains order discovered.
for build in self._build_numbers:
for test_name in self._test_list:
test_details = self._GetTestDetails(test_name, build)
if test_details:
for t in test_details:
test_status = t['status']
if not test_status == 'GOOD' and not test_name in failed_list:
return sorted(all_set - set(failed_list)), failed_list
def _BuildTableHeader(self, test_list):
"""Generate header with test names for columns."""
table_header = []
for test_name in test_list:
author, test_path = self._dash_view.GetAutotestInfo(test_name)
if len(test_name) > DEFAULT_TEST_NAME_LENGTH:
test_alias = test_name[:DEFAULT_TEST_NAME_LENGTH] + '...'
test_alias = test_name
table_header.append((test_path, test_alias.replace('_', ' '), test_name,
return table_header
def _GetBuildMetadata(self, build):
"""Retrieve info used to populate build header popups."""
started, finished, elapsed = self._dash_view.GetFormattedJobTimes(
self._netbook, self._board_type, self._category, build)
fstarted, ffinished, felapsed, ffinished_short = (
self._build_info.GetFormattedBuildTimes(self._board_type, build))
return (fstarted, ffinished, felapsed,
started, finished, elapsed,
def _GetTestDetails(self, test_name, build):
return self._dash_view.GetTestDetails(
self._netbook, self._board_type, self._category, test_name, build)
def _BuildTableBody(self, test_list):
"""Generate table body with test results in cells."""
table_body = []
for build in self._build_numbers:
chrome_version = self._build_info.GetChromeVersion(self._board_type,
test_status_list = []
for test_name in test_list:
# Include either the good details or the details of the
# first failure in the list (last chronological failure).
cell_content = []
test_details = self._GetTestDetails(test_name, build)
if test_details:
total_tests = len(test_details)
passed_tests = 0
failed_tests = 0
for t in test_details:
current_fail = False
test_status = t['status']
if test_status == 'GOOD':
passed_tests += 1
query = '%(tag)s' % t
failed_tests += 1
current_fail = True
query = '%(tag)s/%(test_name)s' % t
# Populate the detailed cell popups prudently.
host_info = []
chrome_version_attr = chrome_version
if chrome_version and len(chrome_version) == 2:
chrome_version_attr = '%s (%s)' % (chrome_version[0],
priority_attrs = [
('Chrome Version', 'chrome-version', chrome_version_attr),
('Platform', 'host-platform', None),
('Kernel Version', 'sysinfo-uname', None),
('Reason', 'reason', None)]
for popup_header, attr_key, default in priority_attrs:
attr_value = t['attr'].get(attr_key, default)
if attr_value:
host_info.append((popup_header, attr_value))
if (not cell_content) or (current_fail and failed_tests == 1):
cell_content = [test_name, t['hostname'], host_info, query,
if cell_content:
test_summaries = [passed_tests, total_tests]
self._netbook, self._board_type, build, test_name))
popup = self._GetBuildMetadata(build)
table_body.append(('', build, popup, test_status_list, chrome_version))
return table_body
def BuildTables(self):
"""Generate table body with test results in cells."""
good_tests, failed_tests = self._SplitTestList()
good_table_header = self._BuildTableHeader(good_tests)
good_table_body = self._BuildTableBody(good_tests)
result = [{'label': 'Good Tests',
'header': good_table_header,
'body': good_table_body}]
if failed_tests:
failed_table_header = self._BuildTableHeader(failed_tests)
failed_table_body = self._BuildTableBody(failed_tests)
result.insert(0, {'label': 'Failed Tests',
'header': failed_table_header,
'body': failed_table_body})
return result
def CountTestList(self):
"""Count the number of tests and failed ones."""
if self._build_numbers:
failed_list = []
build = self._build_numbers[0]
for test_name in self._test_list:
test_details = self._GetTestDetails(test_name, build)
if test_details:
for t in test_details:
test_status = t['status']
if not test_status == 'GOOD' and not test_name in failed_list:
return len(self._test_list), len(failed_list)
return 0, 0