blob: ba87f7cfa54113201565baac403a4d1434d33910 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging, random, re, time
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.cros import cros_logging, cros_ui_test, rtc, sys_power
def get_last_msg_timestamp(patterns):
# The order in which processes are un-frozen is indeterminate
# and therfore this test may get resumed before the system has gotten
# a chance to finalize writes to logfile. Sleep and retry to take care of
# this race.
log_reader = cros_logging.LogReader(include_rotated_logs=False)
msg = log_reader.get_last_msg(patterns, retries=5, sleep_seconds=1)
if not msg:
raise error.TestError(
'Could not find a log message matching any of:\n' +
'\n'.join(patterns ))
timestamp = cros_logging.extract_kernel_timestamp(msg)
return (timestamp, msg)
def get_device_resume_time():
(_, msg) = get_last_msg_timestamp('PM: resume of devices complete after')
match ='PM: resume of devices complete after ([0-9.]+)',
if match is None:
raise error.TestError('Failed to find device resume time on line: '
+ msg)
# convert from msec to sec
return float( / 1000
def get_cpu_resume_time(start_resume):
# systems with only one logical CPU won't have this message
log_reader = cros_logging.LogReader(include_rotated_logs=False)
msg = log_reader.get_last_msg(r'CPU[0-9]+ is up')
if msg:
t = cros_logging.extract_kernel_timestamp(msg)
return t - start_resume
return 0
class power_UiResume(cros_ui_test.UITest):
version = 1
def run_once(self):
# Some idle time before initiating suspend-to-ram
idle_time = random.randint(7, 15)
# Safe enough number, can tweek if necessary
time_to_sleep = 10
# Keep trying the suspend/resume several times to get all positive
# time readings.
max_num_attempts = 5
for retry_count in range(max_num_attempts):
# Set the alarm
alarm_time = rtc.get_seconds() + time_to_sleep
logging.debug('alarm_time = %d', alarm_time)
# Request a suspend via dbus
# Waiting since it can take time to react to suspend request and
# we don't want to look at the logs before suspend.
# Get suspend and resume times from /var/log/messages
tms = {}
for (name, patterns) in sys_power.SUSPEND_RESUME_MESSAGES.items():
(timestamp, msg) = get_last_msg_timestamp(patterns)
tms[name] = timestamp
kernel_cpu_resume_time = get_cpu_resume_time(tms['START_RESUME'])
kernel_device_resume_time = get_device_resume_time()
suspend_time = tms['END_SUSPEND'] - tms['START_SUSPEND']
kernel_resume_time = tms['END_RESUME'] - tms['START_RESUME']
# if suspend time is positive it probably went ok and we can stop
if suspend_time > 0:
# Flag an error if the max attempts have been reached without a set
# of successful result values.
if retry_count >= max_num_attempts - 1:
raise error.TestError( \
"Negative time results, exceeded max retries.")
# Prepare the results
results = {}
results['seconds_system_suspend'] = suspend_time
results['seconds_system_resume_kernel'] = kernel_resume_time
results['seconds_system_resume_kernel_cpu'] = kernel_cpu_resume_time
results['seconds_system_resume_kernel_dev'] = kernel_device_resume_time
results['num_retry_attempts'] = retry_count