blob: ad3f68a8a385b0933ed2f7d3cc8c6a8fefff14df [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
''' Guide users to record various gestures so that the gesture files can be
replayed later to test trackpad drivers.
import getopt
import glob
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import termios
import time
import tty
import types
import mini_color
import trackpad_util
from trackpad_util import read_trackpad_test_conf
def _getch():
''' Get a single character '''
fin = sys.stdin
old_attrs = termios.tcgetattr(fin)
ch =
except ValueError:
ch = ''
termios.tcsetattr(fin, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_attrs)
return ch
def _check_program_existence(program):
return os.system('which %s > /dev/null 2>&1' % program) == 0
def _system_output(command):
''' Execute a system command and return its output '''
import tempfile
tmp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
command_list = command.split()
# Check if the program exits
if _check_program_existence(command_list[0]):
print 'Warning: "%s" does not exist in $PATH' % program
subprocess.Popen(command_list, stdout=tmp).wait()
output =
return output
return None
class Record:
''' Record device events from the device event file '''
def __init__(self, (trackpad_device_file, opt_func_list, tester,
self.trackpad_device_file = trackpad_device_file
self.opt_func_list = opt_func_list
self.tester_name = tester
self.flag_continue = flag_continue
self.filename_attr = read_trackpad_test_conf('filename_attr', '.')
self.system_model = trackpad_util.get_model()
self.functionality_list = \
read_trackpad_test_conf('functionality_list', '.')
self.func_dict = dict((, func)
for func in self.functionality_list)
self.display = trackpad_util.Display()
print 'Model name: %s' % self.system_model
def _create_file_name(self, func, subname):
''' Create the file name based on filename_attr
func: an object describing the functionality the functionality name of the gesture data file
func.area: the area of this functionality
subname: an individual subname of the functionality.
It could look as simple as a tuple of strings
('up', 'down'),
or it could look more complicated as a tuple of tuples
(('physical', 'tap'), ('left', 'right'), ('0', '90', '180'))
File name composition:
(1) The file name must start with a functionality with optional subname.
(2) And then there are a couple of optional attributes, e.g., model,
firmware_version, etc. A user can create some other optional
attributes too, e.g.,
['ODM': XXX],
['OEM': YYY],
['register_set': 'v3.5'],
(3) The 'tester' name is required.
(4) The file name ends with a timestamp before an optional file
(5) If the file extension is not necessary, just use the following line
in filename_attr in the configuration file:
['ext': None],
An example file name for two_finger_scroll with subname='down' and
filename_attr = [
['model', 'alex'],
['firmware_version', None],
['ODM': XXX],
['tester', 'john'],
['ext', 'dat']
in the configuration file looks as:
if subname is not None:
if isinstance(subname, tuple):
name_list = list(subname)
name_list = [, subname]
full_func_name = '.'.join(name_list)
full_func_name =
file_name = full_func_name
time_format = '%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'
for attr in self.filename_attr:
# Add prefix as appropriate
if attr[0] == 'prefix':
prefix = trackpad_util.get_prefix(func)
if prefix is not None:
file_name = '-'.join([prefix, file_name])
# Add timestamp just before file extension
if attr[0] == 'ext':
# Express the time in UTC
file_name = '-'.join([file_name, time.strftime(time_format,
# Add the tester name
if attr[0] == 'tester':
attr[1] = self.tester_name
# Add the model name
if attr[0] == 'model' and attr[1] == 'DEFAULT':
attr[1] = self.system_model
# Now, add any other attribute
if attr[1] is not None:
sep = '.' if attr[0] == 'ext' else '-'
file_name = sep.join([file_name, attr[1]])
return (file_name, full_func_name)
def _terminate(self):
''' Terminate the recording process '''
def _record(self, func_name, subname, gesture_files_path, record_program):
''' Guide a user to record a gesture data file with proper prompts
func_name: the functionality name of the gesture data file
subname: the subname of the functionality
gesture_files_path: the path to save gesture data files
record_program: the device event recording program
Return True for continuing, and False to break the loop in record_all()
func = self.func_dict[func_name]
prompt = func.prompt
if isinstance(subname, tuple):
subprompt = reduce(lambda s1, s2: s1 + s2,
tuple(func.subprompt[s] for s in subname))
elif subname is None or func.subprompt is None:
subprompt = None
subprompt = func.subprompt[subname]
if subprompt is None:
color_prompt = prompt
color_prompt = mini_color.string(prompt, '{', '}', 'green')
color_prompt = color_prompt.format(*subprompt)
func_msg = ' <%s>:\n%s%s'
color_func_msg = mini_color.string(func_msg, '<', '>', 'blue')
prefix_space = ' '
prompt_choice = prefix_space + 'Enter your choice: '
prompt_msg = '''
Press 's' to save this file and record next gesture,
'a' to save this file and record another file for this gesture.
'd' to delete and record again,
'q' to save this file and exit, or
'x' to discard this file and exit.'''
while True:
(file_name, full_func_name) = self._create_file_name(func, subname)
file_path = os.path.join(gesture_files_path, file_name)
# Skip recording this file if this gesture exists already
area_func = file_name.split(self.tester_name)[0]
files = glob.glob(os.path.join(gesture_files_path, area_func) + '*')
if files:
print ' Skip recording existing "%s" gestures.' % area_func
return True
print color_func_msg % (full_func_name, prefix_space, color_prompt)
self.rec_f = open(file_path, 'w')
# -1 in the following record_cmd means that the recording program
# does not terminate until it receives SIGINT or SIGTERM.
record_cmd = '%s %s -1' % (record_program,
self.rec_proc = subprocess.Popen(record_cmd.split(),
print prompt_msg
saved_msg = prefix_space + '(saved: %s)\n' % file_name
deleted_msg = prefix_space + '(deleted: %s)\n' % file_name
# Keep prompting the user until a valid choice is entered.
while True:
print prompt_choice,
choice = _getch().lower()
print choice
if choice == 's':
print saved_msg
return True
elif choice == 'a':
print saved_msg
elif choice == 'd':
if os.path.exists(file_path):
print deleted_msg
elif choice == 'q':
print saved_msg
return False
elif choice == 'x':
if os.path.exists(file_path):
print deleted_msg
return False
print prefix_space + 'Please press one of the above keys!'
def record_all(self):
''' Record all gestures specified in self.opt_func_list '''
def _span(seq1, seq2):
''' Span seq1 on seq2
where seq can be a tuple of string, or a tuple of tuples
E.g., seq1 = (('a', 'b'), 'c')
seq2 = ('1', ('2', '3'))
res = (('a', 'b', '1'), ('a', 'b', '2', '3'),
('c', '1'), ('c', '2', '3'))
E.g., seq1 = ('a', 'b')
seq2 = ('1', '2', '3')
res = (('a', '1'), ('a', '2'), ('a', '3'),
('b', '1'), ('b', '2'), ('b', '3'))
E.g., seq1 = (('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd'))
seq2 = ('1', '2', '3')
res = (('a', 'b', '1'), ('a', 'b', '2'), ('a', 'b', '3'),
('c', 'd', '1'), ('c', 'd', '2'), ('c', 'd', '3'))
to_list = lambda s: list(s) if isinstance(s, tuple) else [s]
return tuple(tuple(to_list(s1) + to_list(s2)) for s1 in seq1
for s2 in seq2)
# Set up a gesture set to store the gesture files
gs = trackpad_util.setup_tester_gesture_set(self.tester_name,
# Check whether the record program exists
record_program = trackpad_util.record_program
if not _check_program_existence(record_program):
print 'Warning: "%s" does not exist in $PATH' % record_program
print 'Begin recording ...\n'
# Iterate through every functionality to record gesture files.
for func_name, subname in self.opt_func_list:
if subname is None:
continued = self._record(func_name, None, gs, record_program)
# If subname is a sequence of sequence, it looks like
# (('click', 'tap'), ('l0', 'l1', 'l2', 'r0', 'r1', 'r2')), or
# (('click', 'tap'), ('left', 'right'), ('0', '1', '2'))
# Otherwise, subname is a one-level sequence and looks like
# ('up', 'down')
span_subname = reduce(_span, subname) \
if isinstance(subname[0], tuple) else subname
for sub in span_subname:
continued = self._record(func_name, sub, gs, record_program)
if not continued:
if not continued:
print '\n You choose to exit %s' % sys.argv[0]
print ' Gesture files have been saved in %s \n' % gs
def _usage():
''' Print the usage of this program. '''
example_device_file = '/dev/input/event6'
example_func_list = 'any_finger_click.l3,r2,r0+no_cursor_wobble'
example_tester = 'john'
# Print the usage
print 'Usage: $ sudo %s [options]\n' % sys.argv[0]
print 'options:'
print " -c, --continue: continue recording gestures in the tester's" \
" gesture set."
print ' -d, --device=<device>'
print ' <device>: /dev/input/eventN'
print ' the device file for trackpad\n'
print ' -f, --functionality=<func_list>'
print ' <func_list>: functionality[.subname]'
print ' use "+" to concatenate functionalities to be recorded'
print ' without space\n'
print ' -t, --tester=<tester_name>'
print ' <tester_name>: the name of the tester\n'
print ' -h, --help: show this help\n'
# Print some examples
print 'Examples:'
print ' $ sudo %s # use default settings in %s' % \
(sys.argv[0], trackpad_util.trackpad_test_conf)
print ' $ sudo %s -c' % sys.argv[0]
print ' $ sudo %s -d %s' % (sys.argv[0], example_device_file)
print ' $ sudo %s -f %s' % (sys.argv[0], example_func_list)
print ' $ sudo %s -t %s' % (sys.argv[0], example_tester)
def _parse_options():
''' Parse the command line options. '''
short_opt = 'chd:f:t:'
long_opt = ['continue', 'help', 'device=', 'functionality=', 'tester=']
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], short_opt, long_opt)
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
print 'Error: %s' % str(err)
trackpad_device_file = None
func_list = None
tester = None
flag_continue = False
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
elif opt in ('-c', '--continue'):
flag_continue = True
elif opt in ('-d', '--device'):
if os.path.exists(arg):
trackpad_device_file = arg
print 'Warning: %s does not exist.' % arg
elif opt in ('-f', '--functionality'):
func_list = arg
elif opt in ('-t', '--tester'):
tester = arg
print 'Error: This option %s is not handled in program.' % opt
print ' Need to fix the program to support it.'
return (trackpad_device_file, func_list, tester, flag_continue)
def _verify_file_existence(filename):
''' Verify the existence of a file '''
if filename is not None and not os.path.exists(filename):
print 'Warning: %s does not exist.' % filename
return None
return filename
def _get_trackpad_device_file(trackpad_device_file):
''' Get and verify trackpad device file
Priority 1: if there is a command line option of the device file
and the device file exists
Priority 2: Get the device file from trackpad_util module
# Verify the existence of the device file in the command line option
trackpad_device_file = trackpad_util.file_exists(trackpad_device_file)
if trackpad_device_file is not None:
msg = 'The device file on command line: %s' % trackpad_device_file
trackpad_device_file, msg = trackpad_util.get_trackpad_device_file()
print msg
if trackpad_device_file is None:
return trackpad_device_file
def _get_functionality_list(func_list_str):
''' Get and verify functionality list
Construct a functionality list based on its command line option.
Verify the validity of the functionality list created from command line.
If there is no command line option for functionality list, or if the
functionality list on command line is not valid, use the functionality
list in the configuration file instead.
functionality_list = read_trackpad_test_conf('functionality_list', '.')
if func_list_str is None:
verified_opt_func_list = []
for func in functionality_list:
if func.enabled:
verified_opt_func_list.append((, func.subname))
if '+' in func_list_str:
opt_func_list = func_list_str.split('+')
opt_func_list = [func_list_str]
# Construct a functionality dictionary from trackpad_test.conf
func_dict = dict((, f.subname) for f in functionality_list)
# Verify whether each of the command line functionalities exists in
# functionality_list of trackpad_test.conf
verified_opt_func_list = []
for func_full_name in opt_func_list:
if '.' in func_full_name:
func_name, subname_str = func_full_name.split('.')
subname = subname_str.split(',') if subname_str else None
func_name = func_full_name
subname = None
# Check the validity of func_name
if not func_dict.has_key(func_name):
if subname is None:
# When no specific subname is given, use whole subname.
verified_subname = func_dict[func_name]
# Check the validity of each subname
sub_list = [s for s in subname if s in func_dict[func_name]]
if not sub_list:
print 'No valid subname in %s' % func_name
print 'Please look up valid subname in %s' % \
verified_subname = tuple(sub_list)
verified_opt_func_list.append((func_name, verified_subname))
return verified_opt_func_list
def _get_tester(tester):
''' Get tester name which is part of the gesture file name
Priority 1: if there is a command line option specifying tester name
Priority 2: if the tester in the configuration file is defined
Priority 3: prompt the user to enter tester name
if tester is None:
# Read filename_attr from the configuration file
filename_attr = read_trackpad_test_conf('filename_attr', '.')
# If the tester name is not specified in the configuration file,
# prompt the user to enter name here.
name_msg = 'Please enter your name to be shown in a gesture file name: '
for attr in filename_attr:
if attr[0] == 'tester':
tester = raw_input(name_msg) if attr[1] is None else attr[1]
return tester
def _get_options():
''' Get and verify all command line options
Command line options supersede corresponding items specified in
# Parse command line options
options = _parse_options()
trackpad_device_file, func_list_str, tester, flag_continue = options
# Verify the command line options. Check the configuration file if needed.
trackpad_device_file = _get_trackpad_device_file(trackpad_device_file)
verified_opt_func_list = _get_functionality_list(func_list_str)
tester = _get_tester(tester)
return (trackpad_device_file, verified_opt_func_list, tester, flag_continue)
if __name__ == '__main__':