blob: 9d9fc9404107202e5636bd99fbb90d7f9db05797 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack1-host1
bss = 68:7f:74:c7:f7:75
wan mac = 68:7f:74:c7:f7:74
model = linksys e2100l
class_name = Linksyse2100APConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row2-rack1-host1.cros
brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack1-host2
bss = c8:d7:19:06:1b:8f
bss5 = c8:d7:19:06:1b:91
wan mac = c8:d7:19:06:1b:8e
model = linksys ea3500
class_name = LinksyseDualBandAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row2-rack1-host2.cros
brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack1-host3
bss = 20:aa:4b:65:17:a0
bss5 = 20:aa:4b:65:17:a2
wan mac = 20:aa:4b:65:17:9e
model = linksys e4500
class_name = LinksyseDualBandAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row2-rack1-host3.cros
brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack1-host4
bss = 00:23:69:7e:bc:d3
wan mac = 00:23:69:7e:bc:d2
model = linksys wrt54g2 1.5
class_name = LinksysAP15Configurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row2-rack1-host4.cros
# This AP uses the same bss for both bands
brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack1-host5
bss = c0:c1:c0:42:e5:7e
bss5 = c0:c1:c0:42:e5:7e
wan mac = c0:c1:c0:42:e5:7d
model = linksys e2000
class_name = Linksyse2000APConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row2-rack1-host5.cros
brand = linksys
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack1-host6
bss = 98:fc:11:47:21:32
wan mac = 98:fc:11:47:21:31
model = wrt54g2
class_name = LinksysAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row2-rack1-host6.cros
brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack1-host7
bss = 58:6d:8f:ff:18:72
bss5 = 58:6d:8f:ff:18:74
wan mac = 58:6d:8f:ff:18:71
model = linksys e4200
class_name = LinksyseDualBandAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row2-rack1-host7.cros
brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack1-host8
bss = 20:aa:4b:84:af:b0
bss5 = 20:aa:4b:84:af:b2
wan mac = 20:aa:4b:84:af:af
model = linksys e2700
class_name = LinksyseDualBandAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row2-rack1-host8.cros
brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack1-host9
bss = 20:aa:4b:41:82:b9
wan mac = 20:aa:4b:41:82:b8
model = linksys e900
class_name = LinksyseSingleBandAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row2-rack1-host9.cros
brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack1-host11
bss = 20:aa:4b:cd:67:e5
bss5 = 20:aa:4b:cd:67:e6
wan mac = 20:aa:4b:cd:67:e4
model = linksys e2500
class_name = Linksyse2500APConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row2-rack1-host11.cros
brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack1-host12
bss = c0:c1:c0:8b:87:4f
wan mac = c0:c1:c0:8b:87:4e
model = linksys e1000
class_name = Linksyse1000APConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row2-rack1-host12.cros:8080
brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack1-host13
bss = c8:d7:19:64:7f:7c
wan mac = c8:d7:19:64:7f:7b
model = linksys e1200
class_name = LinksyseSingleBandAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row2-rack1-host13.cros
brand = cisco
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack1-host15
bss = 68:7f:74:25:8e:62
wan mac = 68:7f:74:25:8e:61
model = linksys wrt160nv3
class_name = LinksysWRT160APConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row2-rack1-host15.cros:8080
brand = keebox
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack1-host16
bss = 00:14:d1:7d:54:4e
wan mac = 00:14:d1:7d:54:4f
model = keebox w150nr
class_name = Keeboxw150nrAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row2-rack1-host16.cros
brand = trendnet
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack2-host1
bss = 00:14:d1:d9:ae:9b
wan mac = 00:14:d1:d9:ae:9c
model = tew 731br
class_name = Trendnet731brAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row2-rack2-host1.cros
brand = trendnet
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack2-host2
bss = 00:14:d1:cd:d5:2c
wan mac = 00:14:d1:cd:d5:2c
model = tew 691gr
class_name = Trendnet691grAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row2-rack2-host2.cros
brand = trendnet
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack2-host3
bss = 00:14:d1:c5:68:94
wan mac = 00:14:d1:c5:68:94
model = tew 639gr
class_name = TrendnetAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row2-rack2-host3.cros
brand = netgear
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack2-host4
bss = 84:1b:5e:f5:ac:50
wan mac = 84:1b:5e:f5:ac:51
model = wnr 1000 v3
class_name = Netgear1000APConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row2-rack2-host4.cros:8080
brand = netgear
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack2-host5
bss = 20:4e:7f:47:af:c6
bss5 = 20:4e:7f:47:af:c8
wan mac = 20:4e:7f:47:af:c7
model = 3700
class_name = Netgear3700APConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row2-rack2-host5.cros:8080
brand = netgear
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack2-host6
bss = 00:24:b2:b4:17:4e
wan mac = 00:24:b2:b4:17:4f
model = wgr614 v9
class_name = NetgearSingleBandAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row2-rack2-host6.cros:8080
brand = netgear
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack2-host7
bss = 84:1b:5e:86:8f:91
wan mac = 84:1b:5e:86:8f:92
model = wnr2000v3
class_name = Netgear2000APConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row2-rack2-host7.cros:8080
brand = netgear
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack2-host8
bss = 84:1b:5e:d8:fa:94
bss5 = 84:1b:5e:d8:fa:93
wan mac = 84:1b:5e:d8:fa:95
model = wndr3400 v2
class_name = NetgearDualBandAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row2-rack2-host8.cros:8080
brand = netgear
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack2-host9
bss = 84:1b:5e:cc:a0:d8
bss5 = 84:1b:5e:cc:a0:d7
wan mac = 84:1b:5e:cc:a0:d9
model = wndr3400 v2_2
class_name = NetgearDualBandAPConfigurator
admin_url = https://chromeos3-row2-rack2-host9.cros:8080
brand = netgear
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack2-host10
bss = 00:8e:f2:fc:ff:8f
bss5 = 00:8e:f2:fc:ff:91
wan mac = 00:8e:f2:fc:ff:90
model = wndr4300
class_name = Netgear4300APConfigurator
admin_url = https://chromeos3-row2-rack2-host10.cros:8080
brand = netgear
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack2-host11
bss = 84:1b:5e:e2:d6:c8
bss5 = 84:1b:5e:e2:d6:c7
wan mac = 84:1b:5e:e2:d6:c9
model = r6200
class_name = NetgearR6200APConfigurator
admin_url = https://chromeos3-row2-rack2-host11.cros:8080
brand = netgear
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack2-host12
bss = 84:1b:5e:e9:74:ee
bss5 = 84:1b:5e:e9:74:ed
wan mac = 84:1b:5e:e9:74:ef
model = wndr 3700 v3
class_name = NetgearDualBandAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row2-rack2-host12.cros:8080
brand = netgear
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack2-host13
bss = 2c:b0:5d:25:3c:56
bss5 = 2c:b0:5d:25:3c:55
wan mac = 2c:b0:5d:25:3c:57
model = wndr 4500 2
class_name = NetgearDualBandAPConfigurator
admin_url = https://chromeos3-row2-rack2-host13.cros:8080
brand = medialink
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row2-rack2-host14
bss = 14:35:8b:00:76:48
wan mac = 14:35:8b:00:76:4d
model = wapr150n
class_name = MediaLinkAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row2-rack2-host14.cros:8080
brand = western digital
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row3-rack1-host1
bss = 00:90:a9:09:82:c6
bss5 = 00:90:a9:09:82:c8
wan mac = 00:90:a9:09:82:c5
model = n600
class_name = WesternDigitalN600APConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row3-rack1-host1.cros
brand = dlink
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row3-rack1-host3
bss = 84:c9:b2:50:9a:c7
wan mac = 84:c9:b2:50:9a:c8
model = dir 655
class_name = DLinkDIR655APConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row3-rack1-host3.cros
brand = dlink
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row3-rack1-host4
bss = 00:24:01:6c:ec:55
wan mac = 00:24:01:6c:ec:56
model = wbr 1310
class_name = DLinkwbr1310APConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row3-rack1-host4.cros
brand = asus
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row3-rack1-host5
bss = c8:60:00:93:f5:b0
bss5 = c8:60:00:93:f5:b1
wan mac = c8:60:00:93:f5:b0
model = rt n56u
class_name = AsusAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row3-rack1-host5.cros:8080
brand = asus
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row3-rack1-host6
bss = 30:85:a9:aa:49:30
bss5 = 30:85:a9:aa:49:34
wan mac = 30:85:a9:aa:49:34
model = rt n65u
class_name = AsusQISAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row3-rack1-host6.cros:8080
brand = asus
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row3-rack1-host7
bss = 50:46:5d:00:bc:b0
bss5 = 50:46:5d:00:bc:b4
wan mac = 50:46:5d:00:bc:b0
model = rt n66u
class_name = AsusQISAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row3-rack1-host7.cros:8080
brand = asus
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row3-rack1-host8
bss = 50:46:5d:5c:d7:28
bss5 = 50:46:5d:5c:d7:2c
wan mac = 50:46:5d:5c:d7:28
model = rt ac66r
class_name = Asus66RAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row3-rack1-host8.cros:8080
brand = belkin
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row3-rack1-host12
bss = ec:1a:59:28:8b:d6
wan mac = ec:1a:59:28:8b:d7
model = f9k1002v4
class_name = BelkinF9KAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row3-rack1-host12.cros:8080
frequency = 2462
rpm_managed = True
ssid = fiber_g_ch5_wpa2
brand = google
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row3-rack1-host14
bss = f8:8f:ca:04:8f:24
wan mac = f8:8f:ca:04:8f:20
model = network box
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator
frequency = 5785
rpm_managed = True
ssid = fiber_a_ch149_wpa2
brand = google
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row3-rack1-host14
bss5 = f8:8f:ca:04:8f:21
wan mac = f8:8f:ca:04:8f:20
model = network box
security = wpa2
psk = chromeos
class_name = StaticAPConfigurator
brand = buffalo
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row3-rack1-host15
bss = 10:6f:3f:4d:84:1c
bss5 = 10:6f:3f:4d:48:24
wan mac = 10:6f:3f:4d:84:1c
model = wzr_d1800h
class_name = BuffalowzrAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row3-rack1-host15.cros:8080
brand = buffalo
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row3-rack1-host16
bss = 00:24:a5:b5:a3:17
wan mac = 00:24:a5:b5:a3:17
model = whr hp g300n
class_name = BuffaloAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row3-rack1-host16.cros:8080
brand = trendnet
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row4-rack1-host8
bss = d8:eb:97:a5:03:ff
bss5 = d8:eb:97:a5:04:03
wan mac = d8:eB:97:a5:03:ff
model = tew 812dru
class_name = Trendnet812druAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row4-rack1-host8.cros:8080
brand = trendnet
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row4-rack1-host9
bss = 00:14:d1:9d:aa:54
bss5 = 00:14:d1:9d:aa:58
wan mac = d8:eb:97:18:e2:d7
model = tew 692gr
class_name = Trendnet692grAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row4-rack1-host9.cros:8080
brand = trendnet
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row4-rack1-host11
bss = 00:14:d1:e0:ad:95
wan mac = 00:14:d1:e0:ad:96
model = tew 432brp
class_name = Trendnet432brpAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row4-rack1-host11.cros:8080
brand = trendnet
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row4-rack1-host12
bss = d8:eb:97:18:e2:d6
wan mac = d8:eb:97:18:e2:d7
model = tew 654tr
class_name = Trendnet654trAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row4-rack1-host12.cros:8080
brand = edimax
wan_hostname = chromeos3-row4-rack1-host13
bss = 80:1f:02:0e:17:aa
wan mac = 80:1f:02:0e:17:ab
model = br6428n
class_name = EdimaxAPConfigurator
admin_url = http://chromeos3-row4-rack1-host13.cros:8080