blob: c3a7bd52a3c696dc79d0bdfb25c68e8e844d7ea9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <getopt.h>
#include <libyuv.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/at_exit.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "camera_characteristics.h"
#include "common_types.h"
#include "media_v4l2_device.h"
struct TestCropping {
bool check_cropping = false;
uint32_t sensor_pixel_array_size_width = 0;
uint32_t sensor_pixel_array_size_height = 0;
struct TestProfile {
std::string test_list;
std::string dev_name;
bool check_1280x960 = false;
bool check_1600x1200 = false;
bool support_constant_framerate = false;
bool check_maximum_resolution = false;
TestCropping cropping_profile;
uint32_t skip_frames = 0;
uint32_t lens_facing;
/* Test lists:
* default: for devices without ARC++, and devices with ARC++ which use
* camera HAL v1.
* halv3: for devices with ARC++ which use camera HAL v3.
* external-camera: for third-party labs to verify new camera modules.
static const char kDefaultTestList[] = "default";
static const char kHalv3TestList[] = "halv3";
static const char kExternalCameraTestList[] = "external-camera";
/* Camera Facing */
static const char kFrontCamera[] = "user";
static const char kBackCamera[] = "world";
struct TestProfile g_profile;
static void PrintUsage(int argc, char** argv) {
printf("Usage: %s [options]\n\n"
"--help Print usage\n"
"--device=DEVICE_NAME Video device name [/dev/video]\n"
"--usb-info=VID:PID Device vendor id and product id\n"
"--test-list=TEST Select different test list\n"
" [%s | %s | %s]\n",
argv[0], kDefaultTestList, kHalv3TestList,
int RunTest(V4L2Device* device, V4L2Device::IOMethod io,
uint32_t buffers, uint32_t capture_time_in_sec, uint32_t width,
uint32_t height, uint32_t pixfmt, float fps,
V4L2Device::ConstantFramerate constant_framerate,
uint32_t skip_frames) {
int32_t retcode = 0;
if (!device->InitDevice(io, width, height, pixfmt, fps, constant_framerate,
retcode = 1;
if (!retcode && !device->StartCapture())
retcode = 2;
if (!retcode && !device->Run(capture_time_in_sec))
retcode = 3;
if (!device->StopCapture())
retcode = 4;
if (!device->UninitDevice())
retcode = 5;
return retcode;
bool GetSupportedFormats(
V4L2Device* device, SupportedFormats* supported_formats) {
SupportedFormat format;
uint32_t num_format = 0;
device->EnumFormat(&num_format, false);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_format; ++i) {
if (!device->GetPixelFormat(i, &format.fourcc)) {
printf("[Error] Get format error\n");
return false;
uint32_t num_frame_size;
if (!device->EnumFrameSize(format.fourcc, &num_frame_size, false)) {
printf("[Error] Enumerate frame size error\n");
return false;
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < num_frame_size; ++j) {
if (!device->GetFrameSize(j, format.fourcc, &format.width,
&format.height)) {
printf("[Error] Get frame size error\n");
return false;
uint32_t num_frame_rate;
if (!device->EnumFrameInterval(format.fourcc, format.width,
format.height, &num_frame_rate, false)) {
printf("[Error] Enumerate frame interval error\n");
return false;
float frame_rate;
for (uint32_t k = 0; k < num_frame_rate; ++k) {
if (!device->GetFrameInterval(k, format.fourcc, format.width,
format.height, &frame_rate)) {
printf("[Error] Get frame interval error\n");
return false;
// All supported resolution should have at least 1 fps.
if (frame_rate < 1.0) {
printf("[Error] Frame rate should be at least 1.\n");
return false;
return true;
SupportedFormat GetMaximumResolution(const SupportedFormats& formats) {
SupportedFormat max_format;
memset(&max_format, 0, sizeof(max_format));
for (const auto& format : formats) {
if (format.width >= max_format.width) {
max_format.width = format.width;
if (format.height >= max_format.height) {
max_format.height = format.height;
return max_format;
// Find format according to width and height. If multiple formats support the
// same resolution, choose V4L2_PIX_FMT_MJPEG first.
const SupportedFormat* FindFormatByResolution(const SupportedFormats& formats,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height) {
const SupportedFormat* result_format = nullptr;
for (const auto& format : formats) {
if (format.width == width && format.height == height) {
if (!result_format || format.fourcc == V4L2_PIX_FMT_MJPEG) {
result_format = &format;
return result_format;
// Find format according to V4L2 fourcc. If multiple resolution support the
// same fourcc, choose the first one.
const SupportedFormat* FindFormatByFourcc(const SupportedFormats& formats,
uint32_t fourcc) {
for (const auto& format : formats) {
if (format.fourcc == fourcc) {
return &format;
return nullptr;
const SupportedFormat* GetResolutionForCropping(
const SupportedFormats& formats,
TestCropping cropping_profile) {
// FOV requirement cannot allow cropping twice. If two streams resolution are
// 1920x1080 and 1600x1200, we need a larger resolution which aspect ratio
// is the same as sensor aspect ratio.
float sensor_aspect_ratio =
static_cast<float>(cropping_profile.sensor_pixel_array_size_width) /
// We need to compare the aspect ratio from sensor resolution.
// The sensor resolution may not be just the size. It may be a little larger.
// Add a margin to check if the sensor aspect ratio fall in the specific
// aspect ratio.
// 16:9=1.778, 16:10=1.6, 3:2=1.5, 4:3=1.333
const float kAspectRatioMargin = 0.04;
const float kFrameRate = 30.0;
for (const auto& format : formats) {
if (format.width >= 1920 && format.height >= 1200) {
float aspect_ratio = static_cast<float>(format.width) / format.height;
if (std::fabs(sensor_aspect_ratio - aspect_ratio) < kAspectRatioMargin) {
for (const auto& frame_rate : format.frame_rates) {
if (std::fabs(frame_rate - kFrameRate) <=
std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) {
return &format;
return nullptr;
// This is for Android testCameraToSurfaceTextureMetadata CTS test case.
bool CheckConstantFramerate(const std::vector<int64_t>& timestamps,
float require_fps) {
// Timestamps are from driver. We only allow 1.5% error buffer for the frame
// duration. The margin is aligned to CTS tests.
float slop_margin = 0.015;
float slop_max_frame_duration_ms = (1000.f / require_fps) * (1 + slop_margin);
float slop_min_frame_duration_ms = (1000.f / require_fps) * (1 - slop_margin);
for (size_t i = 1; i < timestamps.size(); i++) {
float frame_duration_ms =
(timestamps[i] - timestamps[i - 1]) / 1000000.f;
if (frame_duration_ms > slop_max_frame_duration_ms ||
frame_duration_ms < slop_min_frame_duration_ms) {
printf("[Error] Frame duration %f out of frame rate bounds [%f,%f]\n",
frame_duration_ms, slop_min_frame_duration_ms,
return false;
return true;
bool TestIO(const std::string& dev_name) {
uint32_t buffers = 4;
uint32_t width = 640;
uint32_t height = 480;
uint32_t pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV;
float fps = 30.0;
uint32_t time_to_capture = 3; // The unit is second.
uint32_t skip_frames = 0;
V4L2Device::ConstantFramerate constant_framerate =
std::unique_ptr<V4L2Device> device(
new V4L2Device(dev_name.c_str(), buffers));
if (!device->OpenDevice())
return false;
v4l2_capability cap;
if (!device->ProbeCaps(&cap))
return false;
if (cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_STREAMING) {
int mmap_ret = RunTest(device.get(), V4L2Device::IO_METHOD_MMAP, buffers,
time_to_capture, width, height, pixfmt, fps, constant_framerate,
int userp_ret = RunTest(device.get(), V4L2Device::IO_METHOD_USERPTR,
buffers, time_to_capture, width, height, pixfmt, fps,
constant_framerate, skip_frames);
if (mmap_ret && userp_ret) {
printf("[Error] Stream I/O failed.\n");
return false;
} else {
printf("[Error] Streaming capability is mandatory.\n");
return false;
return true;
// Test all required resolutions with 30 fps.
// If device supports constant framerate, the test will toggle the setting
// and check actual fps. Otherwise, use the default setting of
bool TestResolutions(const std::string& dev_name,
bool check_1280x960,
bool check_1600x1200,
TestCropping cropping_profile,
bool test_constant_framerate) {
const int kMaxRetryTimes = 5;
uint32_t buffers = 4;
uint32_t time_to_capture = 3;
uint32_t skip_frames = 0;
V4L2Device::IOMethod io = V4L2Device::IO_METHOD_MMAP;
std::unique_ptr<V4L2Device> device(
new V4L2Device(dev_name.c_str(), buffers));
if (!device->OpenDevice())
return false;
std::vector<V4L2Device::ConstantFramerate> constant_framerate_setting;
if (test_constant_framerate) {
} else {
SupportedFormats supported_formats;
if (!GetSupportedFormats(device.get(), &supported_formats)) {
printf("[Error] Get supported formats failed in %s.\n", dev_name.c_str());
return false;
SupportedFormat max_resolution = GetMaximumResolution(supported_formats);
const float kFrameRate = 30.0;
SupportedFormats required_resolutions;
required_resolutions.push_back(SupportedFormat(320, 240, 0, kFrameRate));
required_resolutions.push_back(SupportedFormat(640, 480, 0, kFrameRate));
required_resolutions.push_back(SupportedFormat(1280, 720, 0, kFrameRate));
required_resolutions.push_back(SupportedFormat(1920, 1080, 0, kFrameRate));
if (check_1280x960) {
required_resolutions.push_back(SupportedFormat(1280, 960, 0, kFrameRate));
if (check_1600x1200) {
required_resolutions.push_back(SupportedFormat(1600, 1200, 0, kFrameRate));
if (cropping_profile.check_cropping) {
const SupportedFormat* cropping_resolution =
GetResolutionForCropping(supported_formats, cropping_profile);
if (cropping_resolution != nullptr) {
printf("[Info] Add resolution without cropping %dx%d.\n",
cropping_resolution->width, cropping_resolution->height);
} else if (max_resolution.width >= 1920 && max_resolution.height >= 1200) {
printf("[Error] Can not find cropping resolution.\n");
return false;
v4l2_streamparm param;
if (!device->GetParam(&param)) {
printf("[Error] Can not get stream param on device '%s'\n",
return false;
for (const auto& test_resolution : required_resolutions) {
// Skip the resolution that is larger than the maximum.
if (max_resolution.width < test_resolution.width ||
max_resolution.height < test_resolution.height) {
const SupportedFormat* test_format = FindFormatByResolution(
supported_formats, test_resolution.width, test_resolution.height);
if (test_format == nullptr) {
printf("[Error] %dx%d not found in %s\n", test_resolution.width,
test_resolution.height, dev_name.c_str());
return false;
bool frame_rate_30_supported = false;
for (const auto& frame_rate : test_format->frame_rates) {
if (std::fabs(frame_rate - kFrameRate) <=
std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) {
frame_rate_30_supported = true;
if (!frame_rate_30_supported) {
printf("[Error] Cannot test 30 fps for %dx%d (%08X) failed in %s\n",
test_format->width, test_format->height, test_format->fourcc,
return false;
for (const auto& constant_framerate : constant_framerate_setting) {
int retry_count = 0;
for (retry_count = 0; retry_count < kMaxRetryTimes; retry_count++) {
if (RunTest(device.get(), io, buffers, time_to_capture,
test_format->width, test_format->height, test_format->fourcc,
kFrameRate, constant_framerate, skip_frames)) {
printf("[Error] Could not capture frames for %dx%d (%08X) in %s\n",
test_format->width, test_format->height, test_format->fourcc,
return false;
// Make sure the driver didn't adjust the format.
v4l2_format fmt;
if (!device->GetV4L2Format(&fmt)) {
return false;
if (test_format->width != fmt.fmt.pix.width ||
test_format->height != fmt.fmt.pix.height ||
test_format->fourcc != fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat ||
std::fabs(kFrameRate - device->GetFrameRate()) >
std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) {
printf("[Error] Capture test %dx%d (%08X) %.2f fps failed in %s\n",
test_format->width, test_format->height, test_format->fourcc,
kFrameRate, dev_name.c_str());
return false;
if (constant_framerate != V4L2Device::ENABLE_CONSTANT_FRAMERATE) {
float actual_fps = (device->GetNumFrames() - 1) /
// 1 fps buffer is because |time_to_capture| may be too short.
// EX: 30 fps and capture 3 secs. We may get 89 frames or 91 frames.
// The actual fps will be 29.66 or 30.33.
if (fabsf(actual_fps - kFrameRate) > 1) {
printf("[Error] Capture test %dx%d (%08X) failed with fps %.2f in "
"%s\n", test_format->width, test_format->height,
test_format->fourcc, actual_fps, dev_name.c_str());
if (!CheckConstantFramerate(device->GetFrameTimestamps(), kFrameRate)) {
printf("[Error] Capture test %dx%d (%08X) failed and didn't meet "
"constant framerate in %s\n", test_format->width,
test_format->height, test_format->fourcc, dev_name.c_str());
if (retry_count == kMaxRetryTimes) {
printf("[Error] Cannot meet constant framerate requirement %d times\n",
return false;
return true;
bool TestFirstFrameAfterStreamOn(const std::string& dev_name,
uint32_t skip_frames) {
uint32_t buffers = 4;
uint32_t pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_MJPEG;
uint32_t fps = 30;
V4L2Device::ConstantFramerate constant_framerate =
V4L2Device::IOMethod io = V4L2Device::IO_METHOD_MMAP;
std::unique_ptr<V4L2Device> device(
new V4L2Device(dev_name.c_str(), buffers));
if (!device->OpenDevice())
return false;
SupportedFormats supported_formats;
if (!GetSupportedFormats(device.get(), &supported_formats)) {
printf("[Error] Get supported formats failed in %s.\n", dev_name.c_str());
return false;
const SupportedFormat* test_format = FindFormatByFourcc(
supported_formats, V4L2_PIX_FMT_MJPEG);
if (test_format == nullptr) {
printf("[Info] The camera doesn't support MJPEG format.\n");
return true;
uint32_t width = test_format->width;
uint32_t height = test_format->height;
const size_t kTestLoop = 20;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kTestLoop; i++) {
if (!device->InitDevice(io, width, height, pixfmt, fps, constant_framerate,
return false;
if (!device->StartCapture())
return false;
uint32_t buf_index, data_size;
int ret;
while ((ret = device->ReadOneFrame(&buf_index, &data_size)) == 0);
if (ret < 0) {
return false;
const V4L2Device::Buffer& buffer = device->GetBufferInfo(buf_index);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> yuv_buffer(new uint8_t[width * height * 2]);
int res = libyuv::MJPGToI420(
reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(buffer.start), data_size,
yuv_buffer.get(), width,
yuv_buffer.get() + width * height, width / 2,
yuv_buffer.get() + width * height * 5 / 4, width / 2,
width, height, width, height);
if (res) {
printf("[Error] First frame is not a valid mjpeg image.\n");
static_cast<char*>(buffer.start), data_size);
return false;
if (!device->EnqueueBuffer(buf_index))
return false;
if (!device->StopCapture())
return false;
if (!device->UninitDevice())
return false;
return true;
// ChromeOS spec requires world-facing camera should be at least 1920x1080 and
// user-facing camera should be at least 1280x720.
bool TestMaximumSupportedResolution(const std::string& dev_name,
uint32_t facing) {
uint32_t buffers = 4;
std::unique_ptr<V4L2Device> device(
new V4L2Device(dev_name.c_str(), buffers));
if (!device->OpenDevice())
return false;
SupportedFormats supported_formats;
if (!GetSupportedFormats(device.get(), &supported_formats)) {
printf("[Error] Get supported formats failed in %s.\n", dev_name.c_str());
return false;
SupportedFormat max_resolution = GetMaximumResolution(supported_formats);
uint32_t required_width = 0, required_height = 0;
std::string facing_str = "";
if (facing == FACING_FRONT) {
required_width = 1080;
required_height = 720;
facing_str = kFrontCamera;
} else if (facing == FACING_BACK) {
required_width = 1920;
required_height = 1080;
facing_str = kBackCamera;
} else {
printf("[Error] Undefined facing: %d\n", facing);
return false;
if (max_resolution.width < required_width ||
max_resolution.height < required_height) {
printf("[Error] The maximum resolution %dx%d does not meet requirement "
"%dx%d for %s-facing\n", max_resolution.width,
max_resolution.height, required_width, required_height,
return false;
return true;
const TestProfile GetTestProfile(const std::string& dev_name,
const std::string& usb_info,
const std::string& test_list) {
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> mapping = {{usb_info, dev_name}};
CameraCharacteristics characteristics;
DeviceInfos device_infos =
if (device_infos.size() > 1) {
printf("[Error] One device should not have multiple configs.\n");
TestProfile profile;
profile.test_list = test_list;
profile.dev_name = dev_name;
// Get parameter from config file.
if (device_infos.size() == 1) {
profile.check_1280x960 = !device_infos[0].resolution_1280x960_unsupported;
profile.check_1600x1200 = !device_infos[0].resolution_1600x1200_unsupported;
profile.support_constant_framerate =
profile.skip_frames = device_infos[0].frames_to_skip_after_streamon;
profile.check_maximum_resolution = true;
profile.lens_facing = device_infos[0].lens_facing;
// If there is a camera config and test list is not HAL v1, then we can
// check cropping requirement according to the sensor physical size.
if (test_list != kDefaultTestList) {
profile.cropping_profile.check_cropping = true;
profile.cropping_profile.sensor_pixel_array_size_width =
profile.cropping_profile.sensor_pixel_array_size_height =
bool check_constant_framerate = false;
if (test_list == kHalv3TestList) {
profile.skip_frames = 0;
check_constant_framerate = true;
if (test_list == kExternalCameraTestList) {
profile.check_1280x960 = true;
profile.check_1600x1200 = true;
profile.support_constant_framerate = true;
profile.skip_frames = 0;
profile.check_maximum_resolution = false;
check_constant_framerate = true;
printf("[Info] check 1280x960: %d\n", profile.check_1280x960);
printf("[Info] check 1600x1200: %d\n", profile.check_1600x1200);
printf("[Info] check constant framerate: %d\n", check_constant_framerate);
printf("[Info] check cropping: %d\n",
printf("[Info] num of skip frames after stream on: %d\n",
return profile;
TEST(TestList, TestIO) {
TEST(TestList, TestResolutions) {
if (g_profile.test_list == kDefaultTestList) {
ASSERT_TRUE(TestResolutions(g_profile.dev_name, g_profile.check_1280x960,
g_profile.cropping_profile, false));
} else if (g_profile.test_list == kHalv3TestList) {
if (g_profile.support_constant_framerate) {
ASSERT_TRUE(TestResolutions(g_profile.dev_name, g_profile.check_1280x960,
g_profile.cropping_profile, true));
} else {
printf("[Error] Hal v3 should support constant framerate.\n");
} else if (g_profile.test_list == kExternalCameraTestList) {
ASSERT_TRUE(TestResolutions(g_profile.dev_name, g_profile.check_1280x960,
g_profile.cropping_profile, true));
TEST(TestList, TestMaximumSupportedResolution) {
if (g_profile.test_list == kExternalCameraTestList)
if (g_profile.check_maximum_resolution) {
TEST(TestList, TestFirstFrameAfterStreamOn) {
if (g_profile.test_list == kDefaultTestList)
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
base::CommandLine::Init(argc, argv);
base::ShadowingAtExitManager at_exit_manager;
const base::CommandLine* cmd_line = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
std::string dev_name = "/dev/video";
std::string usb_info = "";
std::string test_list = kDefaultTestList;
base::CommandLine::SwitchMap switches = cmd_line->GetSwitches();
for (base::CommandLine::SwitchMap::const_iterator it = switches.begin();
it != switches.end(); ++it) {
if (it->first == "h" || it->first == "help") {
PrintUsage(argc, argv);
if (it->first == "device") {
dev_name = it->second;
if (it->first == "usb-info") {
usb_info = it->second;
if (it->first == "test-list") {
test_list = it->second;
PrintUsage(argc, argv);
LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected switch: " << it->first << ":" << it->second;
g_profile = GetTestProfile(dev_name, usb_info, test_list);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();