blob: 8b89106e3f7963ee77cecf6e0778c037a878c6f9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
class IperfConfig(object):
"""Parameters for iperf test configuration."""
IPERF_PORT = 12866
def protocol(self):
"""@return test traffic protocol."""
return self._protocol
def is_downstream(self):
"""@return test traffic direction."""
return self._is_downstream
def test_time(self):
"""@return test run time."""
return self._test_time
def get_sink_cmd(self, cmd):
"""Constructs command to start iperf server.
Run iperf server in background so it's non-blocking.
Caller can terminate the server process through pkill.
@param cmd: a string, path to iperf binary on server.
@return a string, iperf command to run on server.
return '%s -s %s &> /dev/null' % (cmd, self._iperf_common_args)
def get_source_cmd(self, cmd, server_ip):
"""Constructs command to start iperf client.
@param cmd: a string, path to iperf binary on client.
@param server_ip: a string, IP address of server to connect to.
@return a string, iperf command to run on client.
return '%s -c %s%s' % (cmd, server_ip, self._iperf_client_args)
def _build_iperf_common_args(self):
"""@return iperf command-line args shared between server and client."""
iperf_args = ''
if self._protocol == self.PROTOCOL_UDP:
iperf_args += ' -u'
# '-w' flag is only relevant for TCP test.
if self._protocol == self.PROTOCOL_TCP:
iperf_args += ' -w %s' % self._tcp_wnd_size
# Set buffer size in bytes
iperf_args += ' -l %s' % self._bufsize
# Set iperf port
iperf_args += ' -p %s' % self.IPERF_PORT
return iperf_args
def _build_iperf_client_args(self):
"""@return iperf client command-line args."""
iperf_client_args = (self._iperf_common_args +
' -f m -t %s' % self._test_time)
if self._protocol == self.PROTOCOL_UDP:
iperf_client_args += ' -b %s' % self._udp_bw
return iperf_client_args
def __init__(self, protocol=None, is_downstream=None, test_time=None,
bufsize=None, tcp_wnd_size=None, udp_bw=None):
"""Initialize iperf configuration parameters.
@param protocol: a string, test traffic protocol.
@param is_downstream: a boolean, True == run downstream test.
@param test_time: an integer, number of seconds to run iperf.
@param bufsize: an integer, length of buffer in bytes.
@param tcp_wnd_size: a string, iperf TCP window size.
@param udp_bw: a string, iperf UDP bandwidth.
@raises TestFail if a param is invalid.
# Valid iperf test traffic protocol is UDP or TCP.
self._protocol = self.PROTOCOL_UDP
if protocol is not None:
if protocol not in [self.PROTOCOL_UDP, self.PROTOCOL_TCP]:
err = ('Invalid protocol %r. Valid values are %r and %r' %
(protocol, self.PROTOCOL_UDP, self.PROTOCOL_TCP))
raise error.TestFail(err)
self._protocol = protocol'Iperf protocol = %s.', self._protocol)
# Valid iperf test traffic direction is either downstream or upstream.
# Although iperf also supports bi-directional traffic, we do not use it.
self._is_downstream = True
if is_downstream is not None:
self._is_downstream = is_downstream'Iperf traffic is_downstream = %r.', self._is_downstream)
# Test time is a positive integer with no absolute bounds.
# Use TEST_TIME_SECONDS as a lower bound to meet usual dev need.
self._test_time = self.TEST_TIME_SECONDS
if test_time is not None:
self._test_time = int(test_time)'Iperf test time = %d.', self._test_time)
# Length of buffer to read or write should be a positive integer.
self._bufsize = self.BUFSIZE_BYTES
if bufsize is not None:
self._bufsize = int(bufsize)'Iperf buffer len = %d.', self._bufsize)
# Parse protocol-specific flags.
self._tcp_wnd_size = self.TCP_WINDOW_SIZE_KB
if self._protocol == self.PROTOCOL_TCP:
if tcp_wnd_size is not None:
self._tcp_wnd_size = tcp_wnd_size'Iperf TCP window size = %s.', self._tcp_wnd_size)
self._udp_bw = self.UDP_BANDWIDTH_MBPS
if self._protocol == self.PROTOCOL_UDP:
if udp_bw is not None:
self._udp_bw = udp_bw'Iperf UDP bandwidth = %s.', self._udp_bw)
self._iperf_common_args = self._build_iperf_common_args()
self._iperf_client_args = self._build_iperf_client_args()
def __str__(self):
"""@return class name and iperf config params."""
return (('%s(protocol = %s, is_downstream = %s, test_time = %d,'
' bufsize = %s, tcp_wnd_size = %s, udp_bw = %s)') %
(self.__class__.__name__, self._protocol, self._is_downstream,
self._test_time, self._bufsize, self._tcp_wnd_size,