blob: 398962041cf4d63da52899e2eaea7232ecc586ea [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Functional to validate RPM configs in the lab."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import logging
import common
from autotest_lib.site_utils.admin_audit import constants
class BatteryValidator(object):
"""Battery validator provides capacity verification of battery on the host.
The state detection and set state as:
- NORMAL - battery capacity >= 70%
- ACCEPTABLE - battery capacity >= 40%
- NEED_REPLACEMENT - battery capacity < 40%
- UNKNOWN - logic cannot read data to specify the state
- NOT_DETECTED - battery is not present on the host
# Battery capacity levels
# Attempts to try read battery data
def __init__(self, host):
"""Initialize the battery validator.
@params host CrosHost instance.
self._host = host
self._battery_path = None
self.charge_full = 0
self.charge_full_design = 0
def _read_battery_path(self):
"""Detect path to battery properties on the host."""
self._battery_path = None
info = self._host.get_power_supply_info()
if 'Battery' not in info:
logging.debug('Battery is not presented but expected!'
' In some cases it possible.')
return None
self._battery_path = info['Battery']['path']'Battery path: %s', self._battery_path)
return self._battery_path
def is_battery_expected(self):
"""Verify if battery expected on the host based on host info."""
host_info = self._host.host_info_store.get()
return host_info.get_label_value('power') == 'battery'
def _read_data_from_host(self):
"""Read data from the host."""
def read_val(file_name, field_type):
"""Read a value from file."""
path = os.path.join(self._battery_path, file_name)
out ='cat %s' % path,
return field_type(out)
return field_type(0)
self.charge_full = read_val('charge_full', float)
self.charge_full_design = read_val('charge_full_design', float)
cycle_count = read_val('cycle_count', int)
logging.debug('Battery cycle_count: %d', cycle_count)
def _validate_by_host(self):
"""Validate battery by reading data from the host."""
logging.debug('Try to validate from host side.')
if self._host.is_up():
for _ in range(self.READ_DATA_RETRY_COUNT):
if not self._battery_path:'Battery is not present/found on host')
return self._update_host_info(
return self._update_battery_state()
except Exception as e:
logging.debug('(Not critical) %s', e)
return None
def _validate_by_servo(self):
"""Validate battery by servo access."""
servo = self._host.servo
logging.debug('Try to validate from servo side.')
if servo:
for _ in range(self.READ_DATA_RETRY_COUNT):
if not servo.has_control('battery_full_charge_mah'):
self.charge_full = servo.get('battery_full_charge_mah')
self.charge_full_design = servo.get(
return self._update_battery_state()
except Exception as e:
logging.debug('(Not critical) %s', e)
return None
def validate(self):
"""Validate battery and update state.
Try to validate from host if device is sshable if not then try
read battery info by servo.
"""'Starting battery validation.')
state = None
if not self.is_battery_expected():
state = self._update_host_info(constants.HW_STATE_NOT_DETECTED)
if not state:
state = self._validate_by_host()
if not state:
state = self._validate_by_servo()
if not state:
state = self._update_host_info(constants.HW_STATE_UNKNOWN)
return state
def _update_battery_state(self):
"""Update battery state based on batter charging capacity
The logic will update state based on:
if capacity >= 70% then NORMAL
if capacity >= 40% then ACCEPTABLE
if capacity < 40% then NEED_REPLACEMENT
if self.charge_full == 0:
logging.debug('charge_full is 0. Skip update battery_state!')
if self.charge_full_design == 0:
logging.debug('charge_full_design is 0.'
' Skip update battery_state!')
capacity = (100.0 * self.charge_full / self.charge_full_design)
logging.debug('Battery capacity: %d', capacity)
if capacity >= self.BATTER_NORMAL_LEVEL:
return self._update_host_info(constants.HW_STATE_NORMAL)
if capacity >= self.BATTER_ACCEPTABLE_LEVEL:
return self._update_host_info(constants.HW_STATE_ACCEPTABLE)
return self._update_host_info(constants.HW_STATE_NEED_REPLACEMENT)
def _update_host_info(self, state):
"""Update state value to the battery_state in the host_info
@param state: new state value for the label
if self._host:
state_prefix = constants.BATTERY_STATE_PREFIX
host_info = self._host.host_info_store.get()
old_state = host_info.get_label_value(state_prefix)
host_info.set_version_label(state_prefix, state)'Set %s as `%s` (previous: `%s`)', state_prefix,
state, old_state)
return state