blob: 353605d6ebac963f47c9c90c15598814528d4ff6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import httplib
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import re
import urlparse
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error, global_config
# Local stateful update path is relative to the CrOS source directory.
LOCAL_STATEFUL_UPDATE_PATH = 'src/platform/dev/stateful_update'
LOCAL_CHROOT_STATEFUL_UPDATE_PATH = '/usr/bin/stateful_update'
REMOTE_STATEUL_UPDATE_PATH = '/usr/local/bin/stateful_update'
STATEFUL_UPDATE = '/tmp/stateful_update'
UPDATER_BIN = '/usr/bin/update_engine_client'
UPDATED_MARKER = '/var/run/update_engine_autoupdate_completed'
UPDATER_LOGS = '/var/log/messages /var/log/update_engine'
class ChromiumOSError(error.InstallError):
"""Generic error for ChromiumOS-specific exceptions."""
class RootFSUpdateError(ChromiumOSError):
"""Raised when the RootFS fails to update."""
class StatefulUpdateError(ChromiumOSError):
"""Raised when the stateful partition fails to update."""
def url_to_version(update_url):
"""Return the version based on update_url.
@param update_url: url to the image to update to.
# The Chrome OS version is generally the last element in the URL. The only
# exception is delta update URLs, which are rooted under the version; e.g.,
# http://.../update/.../0.14.755.0/au/0.14.754.0. In this case we want to
# strip off the au section of the path before reading the version.
return re.sub('/au/.*', '',
def url_to_image_name(update_url):
"""Return the image name based on update_url.
From a URL like:
return lumpy-release/R27-3837.0.0
@param update_url: url to the image to update to.
@returns a string representing the image name in the update_url.
return '/'.join(urlparse.urlparse(update_url).path.split('/')[-2:])
class ChromiumOSUpdater():
"""Helper class used to update DUT with image of desired version."""
KERNEL_A = {'name': 'KERN-A', 'kernel': 2, 'root': 3}
KERNEL_B = {'name': 'KERN-B', 'kernel': 4, 'root': 5}
def __init__(self, update_url, host=None, local_devserver=False): = host
self.update_url = update_url
self._update_error_queue = multiprocessing.Queue(2)
self.local_devserver = local_devserver
if not local_devserver:
self.update_version = url_to_version(update_url)
self.update_version = None
def check_update_status(self):
"""Return current status from update-engine."""
update_status = self._run(
'%s -status 2>&1 | grep CURRENT_OP' % UPDATER_BIN)
return update_status.stdout.strip().split('=')[-1]
def reset_update_engine(self):
"""Restarts the update-engine service."""
self._run('rm -f %s' % UPDATED_MARKER)
self._run('initctl stop update-engine')
except error.AutoservRunError:
logging.warn('Stopping update-engine service failed. Already dead?')
self._run('initctl start update-engine')
if self.check_update_status() != UPDATER_IDLE:
raise ChromiumOSError('%s is not in an installable state' %
def _run(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs):
"""Abbreviated form of"""
return, *args, **kwargs)
def rootdev(self, options=''):
"""Returns the stripped output of rootdev <options>.
@param options: options to run rootdev.
return self._run('rootdev %s' % options).stdout.strip()
def get_kernel_state(self):
"""Returns the (<active>, <inactive>) kernel state as a pair."""
active_root = int(re.findall('\d+\Z', self.rootdev('-s'))[0])
if active_root == self.KERNEL_A['root']:
return self.KERNEL_A, self.KERNEL_B
elif active_root == self.KERNEL_B['root']:
return self.KERNEL_B, self.KERNEL_A
raise ChromiumOSError('Encountered unknown root partition: %s' %
def _cgpt(self, flag, kernel, dev='$(rootdev -s -d)'):
"""Return numeric cgpt value for the specified flag, kernel, device. """
return int(self._run('cgpt show -n -i %d %s %s' % (
kernel['kernel'], flag, dev)).stdout.strip())
def get_kernel_priority(self, kernel):
"""Return numeric priority for the specified kernel.
@param kernel: information of the given kernel, KERNEL_A or KERNEL_B.
return self._cgpt('-P', kernel)
def get_kernel_success(self, kernel):
"""Return boolean success flag for the specified kernel.
@param kernel: information of the given kernel, KERNEL_A or KERNEL_B.
return self._cgpt('-S', kernel) != 0
def get_kernel_tries(self, kernel):
"""Return tries count for the specified kernel.
@param kernel: information of the given kernel, KERNEL_A or KERNEL_B.
return self._cgpt('-T', kernel)
def get_stateful_update_script(self):
"""Returns the path to the stateful update script on the target."""
# We attempt to load the local stateful update path in 3 different
# ways. First we use the location specified in the autotest global
# config. If this doesn't exist, we attempt to use the Chromium OS
# Chroot path to the installed script. If all else fails, we use the
# stateful update script on the host.
stateful_update_path = os.path.join(
'CROS', 'source_tree', default=''),
if not os.path.exists(stateful_update_path):
logging.warn('Could not find Chrome OS source location for '
'stateful_update script at %s, falling back to chroot '
'copy.', stateful_update_path)
if not os.path.exists(stateful_update_path):
logging.warn('Could not chroot stateful_update script, falling '
'back on client copy.')
statefuldev_script = REMOTE_STATEUL_UPDATE_PATH
stateful_update_path, STATEFUL_UPDATE, delete_dest=True)
statefuldev_script = STATEFUL_UPDATE
return statefuldev_script
def reset_stateful_partition(self):
"""Clear any pending stateful update request."""
statefuldev_cmd = [self.get_stateful_update_script()]
statefuldev_cmd += ['--stateful_change=reset', '2>&1']
# This shouldn't take any time at all.
self._run(' '.join(statefuldev_cmd), timeout=10)
def revert_boot_partition(self):
"""Revert the boot partition."""
part = self.rootdev('-s')
logging.warn('Reverting update; Boot partition will be %s', part)
return self._run('/postinst %s 2>&1' % part)
def trigger_update(self):
"""Triggers a background update on a test image.
@raise RootFSUpdateError if anything went wrong.
autoupdate_cmd = '%s --check_for_update --omaha_url=%s' % (
UPDATER_BIN, self.update_url)'triggering update via: %s', autoupdate_cmd)
# This should return immediately, hence the short timeout.
self._run(autoupdate_cmd, timeout=10)
except error.AutoservRunError, e:
raise RootFSUpdateError('update triggering failed on %s: %s' %
(, str(e)))
def _update_root(self):'Updating root partition...')
# Run update_engine using the specified URL.
autoupdate_cmd = '%s --update --omaha_url=%s 2>&1' % (
UPDATER_BIN, self.update_url)
self._run(autoupdate_cmd, timeout=900)
except error.AutoservRunError:
update_error = RootFSUpdateError('update-engine failed on %s' %
raise update_error
# Check that the installer completed as expected.
status = self.check_update_status()
update_error = RootFSUpdateError('update-engine error on %s: %s' %
(, status))
raise update_error
def update_stateful(self, clobber=True):
"""Updates the stateful partition.
@param clobber: If True, a clean stateful installation.
"""'Updating stateful partition...')
# For production devservers we create a static tree of payloads rooted
# at archive.
if not self.local_devserver:
statefuldev_url = self.update_url.replace('update',
statefuldev_url = self.update_url.replace('update',
# Attempt stateful partition update; this must succeed so that the newly
# installed host is testable after update.
statefuldev_cmd = [self.get_stateful_update_script(), statefuldev_url]
if clobber:
self._run(' '.join(statefuldev_cmd), timeout=600)
except error.AutoservRunError:
update_error = StatefulUpdateError('stateful_update failed on %s' %
raise update_error
def run_update(self, force_update, update_root=True):
"""Update the DUT with image of specific version.
@param force_update: True to update DUT even if it's running the same
version already.
@param update_root: True to force a kernel update. If it's False and
force_update is True, stateful update will be used to clean up
the DUT.
booted_version = self.get_build_id()
if (self.check_version() and not force_update):'System is already up to date. Skipping update.')
return False
if self.update_version:'Updating from version %s to %s.',
booted_version, self.update_version)
# Check that Dev Server is accepting connections (from autoserv's host).
# If we can't talk to it, the machine host probably can't either.
auserver_host = urlparse.urlparse(self.update_url)[1]
except IOError:
raise ChromiumOSError(
'Update server at %s not available' % auserver_host)'Installing from %s to %s', self.update_url,
# Reset update state.
updaters = [
if not update_root:'Root update is skipped.')
updaters = updaters[1:]
# Run the updaters in parallel.
for updater in updaters: updater.start()
for updater in updaters: updater.join()
# Re-raise the first error that occurred.
if not self._update_error_queue.empty():
update_error = self._update_error_queue.get()
raise update_error'Update complete.')
return True
# Collect update engine logs in the event of failure.
if'Collecting update engine logs...')
def check_version(self):
"""Check the image running in DUT has the desired version.
@returns: True if the DUT's image version matches the version that
the autoupdater tries to update to.
booted_version = self.get_build_id()
return (self.update_version and
def check_version_to_confirm_install(self):
"""Check image running in DUT has the desired version to be installed.
The method should not be used to check if DUT needs to have a full
reimage. Only use it to confirm a image is installed.
The method is designed to verify version for following 4 scenarios with
samples of version to update to and expected booted version:
1. trybot paladin build.
update version: trybot-lumpy-paladin/R27-3837.0.0-b123
booted version: 3837.0.2013_03_21_1340
2. trybot release build.
update version: trybot-lumpy-release/R27-3837.0.0-b456
booted version: 3837.0.0
3. buildbot official release build.
update version: lumpy-release/R27-3837.0.0
booted version: 3837.0.0
4. non-official paladin rc build.
update version: lumpy-paladin/R27-3878.0.0-rc7
booted version: 3837.0.0-rc7
5. chrome-perf build.
update version: lumpy-chrome-perf/R28-3837.0.0-b2996
booted version: 3837.0.0
6. pgo-generate build.
update version: lumpy-release-pgo-generate/R28-3837.0.0-b2996
booted version: 3837.0.0-pgo-generate
When we are checking if a DUT needs to do a full install, we should NOT
use this method to check if the DUT is running the same version, since
it may return false positive for a DUT running trybot paladin build to
be updated to another trybot paladin build.
TODO: This logic has a bug if a trybot paladin build failed to be
installed in a DUT running an older trybot paladin build with same
platform number, but different build number (-b###). So to conclusively
determine if a tryjob paladin build is imaged successfully, we may need
to find out the date string from update url.
@returns: True if the DUT's image version (without the date string if
the image is a trybot build), matches the version that the
autoupdater is trying to update to.
# In the local_devserver case, we can't know the expected
# build, so just pass.
if not self.update_version:
return True
# Always try the default check_version method first, this prevents
# any backward compatibility issue.
if self.check_version():
return True
# Remove R#- and -b# at the end of build version
stripped_version = re.sub(r'(R\d+-|-b\d+)', '', self.update_version)
booted_version = self.get_build_id()
is_trybot_paladin_build = re.match(r'.+trybot-.+-paladin',
# Replace date string with 0 in booted_version
booted_version_no_date = re.sub(r'\d{4}_\d{2}_\d{2}_\d+', '0',
has_date_string = booted_version != booted_version_no_date
is_pgo_generate_build = re.match(r'.+-pgo-generate',
# Remove |-pgo-generate| in booted_version
booted_version_no_pgo = booted_version.replace('-pgo-generate', '')
has_pgo_generate = booted_version != booted_version_no_pgo
if is_trybot_paladin_build:
if not has_date_string:
logging.error('A trybot paladin build is expected. Version ' +
'"%s" is not a paladin build.', booted_version)
return False
return stripped_version == booted_version_no_date
elif is_pgo_generate_build:
if not has_pgo_generate:
logging.error('A pgo-generate build is expected. Version ' +
'"%s" is not a pgo-generate build.',
return False
return stripped_version == booted_version_no_pgo
if has_date_string:
logging.error('Unexpected date found in a non trybot paladin' +
' build.')
return False
# Versioned build, i.e., rc or release build.
return stripped_version == booted_version
def get_build_id(self):
"""Pulls the CHROMEOS_RELEASE_VERSION string from /etc/lsb-release."""
return self._run('grep CHROMEOS_RELEASE_VERSION'
' /etc/lsb-release').stdout.split('=')[1].strip()