blob: 0e1f5abb4afdfc8a6fd6df8dc42b24f23cadc2b9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This file contains utility functions for host_history.
import collections
import datetime
import common
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros.graphite import es_utils
from autotest_lib.frontend import setup_django_environment
from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import models
def unix_time_to_readable_date(unix_time):
""" Converts unix time (float) to a human readable date string.
@param unix_time: Float of the current time since epoch time.
@returns: string formatted in the following way:
"yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss"
if unix_time:
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
int(unix_time)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
return None
def prepopulate_dict(keys, value, extras=None):
"""Creates a dictionary with val=value for each key.
@param keys: list of keys
@param value: the value of each entry in the dict.
@param extras: list of additional keys
@returns: dictionary
result = collections.OrderedDict()
extra_keys = tuple(extras if extras else [])
for key in keys + extra_keys:
result[key] = value
return result
def lock_history_to_intervals(initial_lock_val, t_start, t_end, lock_history):
"""Converts lock history into a list of intervals of locked times.
@param initial_lock_val: Initial value of the lock (False or True)
@param t_start: beginning of the time period we are interested in.
@param t_end: end of the time period we are interested in.
@param lock_history: Result of querying es for locks (dict)
This dictionary should contain keys 'locked' and 'time_recorded'
@returns: Returns a list of tuples where the elements of each tuples
represent beginning and end of intervals of locked, respectively.
locked_intervals = []
t_prev = t_start
state_prev = initial_lock_val
for entry in lock_history['hits']['hits']:
t_curr = entry['fields']['time_recorded']
#If it is locked, then we put into locked_intervals
if state_prev:
locked_intervals.append((t_prev, t_curr))
# update vars
t_prev = t_curr
state_prev = entry['fields']['locked'][0]
if state_prev:
locked_intervals.append((t_prev, t_end))
return locked_intervals
def find_most_recent_entry_before(t, type_str, hostname, fields, index):
"""Returns the fields of the most recent entry before t.
@param t: time we are interested in.
@param type_str: _type in esdb, such as 'host_history' (string)
@param hostname: hostname of DUT (string)
@param fields: list of fields we are interested in
@param index: index in elasticsearch to query data for.
@returns: time, field_value of the latest entry.
query = es_utils.create_range_eq_query_multiple(
equality_constraints=[('_type', type_str),
('hostname', hostname)],
range_constraints=[('time_recorded', None, t)],
sort_specs=[{'time_recorded': 'desc'}])
result = es_utils.execute_query(
query, index,
es_utils.METADATA_ES_SERVER, es_utils.ES_PORT)
if result['hits']['total'] > 0:
# If fields are not specified, the query returns all data for the
# record under key "_source"
key = 'fields' if fields else '_source'
return es_utils.convert_hit(result['hits']['hits'][0][key])
return {}
def host_history_intervals(t_start, t_end, hostname, size, index):
"""Gets stats for a host.
@param t_start: beginning of time period we are interested in.
@param t_end: end of time period we are interested in.
@param hostname: hostname for the host we are interested in (string)
@param size: maximum number of entries returned per query
@param index: index in elasticsearch to query data for.
@returns: dictionary, num_entries_found
dictionary of status: time spent in that status
num_entries_found: number of host history entries
found in [t_start, t_end]
lock_history_recent = find_most_recent_entry_before(
t=t_start, type_str='lock_history', hostname=hostname,
fields=['time_recorded', 'locked'], index=index)
# I use [0] and [None] because lock_history_recent's type is list.
t_lock = lock_history_recent.get('time_recorded', None)
t_lock_val = lock_history_recent.get('locked', None)
host_history_recent = find_most_recent_entry_before(
t=t_start, type_str='host_history', hostname=hostname,
fields=None, index=index)
t_host = host_history_recent.get('time_recorded', None)
t_host_stat = host_history_recent.get('status', None)
t_metadata = es_utils.get_metadata(host_history_recent,
['time_recorded', 'status'])
status_first = t_host_stat if t_host else 'Ready'
t = min([t for t in [t_lock, t_host, t_start] if t])
query_lock_history = es_utils.create_range_eq_query_multiple(
fields_returned=['locked', 'time_recorded'],
equality_constraints=[('_type', 'lock_history'),
('hostname', hostname)],
range_constraints=[('time_recorded', t, t_end)],
sort_specs=[{'time_recorded': 'asc'}])
lock_history_entries = es_utils.execute_query(
query_lock_history, index,
es_utils.METADATA_ES_SERVER, es_utils.ES_PORT)
locked_intervals = lock_history_to_intervals(t_lock_val, t, t_end,
query_host_history = es_utils.create_range_eq_query_multiple(
equality_constraints=[("_type", "host_history"),
("hostname", hostname)],
range_constraints=[("time_recorded", t_start, t_end)],
sort_specs=[{"time_recorded": "asc"}])
host_history_entries = es_utils.execute_query(
query_host_history, index,
es_utils.METADATA_ES_SERVER, es_utils.ES_PORT)
num_entries_found = host_history_entries['hits']['total']
t_prev = t_start
status_prev = status_first
metadata_prev = t_metadata
intervals_of_statuses = collections.OrderedDict()
for entry in host_history_entries['hits']['hits']:
t_curr = entry['_source']['time_recorded']
status_curr = entry['_source']['status']
metadata = es_utils.get_metadata(entry['_source'],
['time_recorded', 'status'])
t_prev, t_curr, status_prev, metadata_prev, locked_intervals))
# Update vars
t_prev = t_curr
status_prev = status_curr
metadata_prev = metadata
# Do final as well.
t_prev, t_end, status_prev, metadata_prev, locked_intervals))
return intervals_of_statuses, num_entries_found
def calculate_total_times(intervals_of_statuses):
"""Calculates total times in each status.
@param intervals_of_statuses: ordereddict where key=(ti, tf) and val=status
@returns: dictionary where key=status value=time spent in that status
total_times = prepopulate_dict(models.Host.Status.names, 0.0,
for key, status_info in intervals_of_statuses.iteritems():
ti, tf = key
total_times[status_info['status']] += tf - ti
return total_times
def aggregate_multiple_hosts(intervals_of_statuses_list):
"""Aggregates history of multiple hosts
@param intervals_of_statuses_list: A list of dictionaries where keys
are tuple (ti, tf), and value is the status along with other metadata.
@returns: A dictionary where keys are strings, e.g. 'status' and
value is total time spent in that status among all hosts.
stats_all = prepopulate_dict(models.Host.Status.names, 0.0,
num_hosts = len(intervals_of_statuses_list)
for intervals_of_statuses in intervals_of_statuses_list:
total_times = calculate_total_times(intervals_of_statuses)
for status, delta in total_times.iteritems():
stats_all[status] += delta
return stats_all, num_hosts
def get_stats_string_aggregate(labels, t_start, t_end, aggregated_stats,
"""Returns string reporting overall host history for a group of hosts.
@param labels: A list of labels useful for describing the group
of hosts these overall stats represent.
@param t_start: beginning of time period we are interested in.
@param t_end: end of time period we are interested in.
@param aggregated_stats: A dictionary where keys are string, e.g. 'status'
value is total time spent in that status among all hosts.
@returns: string representing the aggregate stats report.
result = 'Overall stats for hosts: %s \n' % (', '.join(labels))
result += ' %s - %s \n' % (unix_time_to_readable_date(t_start),
result += ' Number of total hosts: %s \n' % (num_hosts)
# This is multiplied by time_spent to get percentage_spent
multiplication_factor = 100.0 / ((t_end - t_start) * num_hosts)
for status, time_spent in aggregated_stats.iteritems():
# Normalize by the total time we are interested in among ALL hosts.
spaces = ' ' * (15 - len(status))
percent_spent = multiplication_factor * time_spent
result += ' %s: %s %.2f %%\n' % (status, spaces, percent_spent)
result += '- -- --- ---- ----- ---- --- -- -\n'
return result
def get_overall_report(label, t_start, t_end, intervals_of_statuses_list):
"""Returns string reporting overall host history for a group of hosts.
@param label: A string that can be useful for showing what type group
of hosts these overall stats represent.
@param t_start: beginning of time period we are interested in.
@param t_end: end of time period we are interested in.
@param intervals_of_statuses_list: A list of dictionaries where keys
are tuple (ti, tf), and value is the status along with other metadata,
e.g., task_id, task_name, job_id etc.
stats_all, num_hosts = aggregate_multiple_hosts(
return get_stats_string_aggregate(
label, t_start, t_end, stats_all,num_hosts)
def get_report_for_host(t_start, t_end, hostname, size,
print_each_interval, index):
"""Gets stats report for a host
@param t_start: beginning of time period we are interested in.
@param t_end: end of time period we are interested in.
@param hostname: hostname for the host we are interested in (string)
@param print_each_interval: True or False, whether we want to
display all intervals
@param index: index in elasticsearch to query data for.
@returns: stats report for this particular host (string)
intervals_of_statuses, num_entries_found = host_history_intervals(
t_start, t_end, hostname, size, index)
total_times = calculate_total_times(intervals_of_statuses)
return (get_stats_string(
t_start, t_end, total_times, intervals_of_statuses,
hostname, num_entries_found, print_each_interval),
def get_stats_string(t_start, t_end, total_times, intervals_of_statuses,
hostname, num_entries_found, print_each_interval):
"""Returns string reporting host_history for this host.
@param t_start: beginning of time period we are interested in.
@param t_end: end of time period we are interested in.
@param total_times: dictionary where key=status,
value=(time spent in that status)
@param intervals_of_statuses: dictionary where keys is tuple (ti, tf),
and value is the status along with other metadata.
@param hostname: hostname for the host we are interested in (string)
@param num_entries_found: Number of entries found for the host in es
@param print_each_interval: boolean, whether to print each interval
delta = t_end - t_start
result = 'usage stats for host: %s \n' % (hostname)
result += ' %s - %s \n' % (unix_time_to_readable_date(t_start),
result += ' Num entries found in this interval: %s\n' % (num_entries_found)
for status, value in total_times.iteritems():
spaces = (15 - len(status)) * ' '
result += ' %s: %s %.2f %%\n' % (status, spaces, 100*value/delta)
result += '- -- --- ---- ----- ---- --- -- -\n'
if print_each_interval:
for interval, status_info in intervals_of_statuses.iteritems():
t0, t1 = interval
t0_string = unix_time_to_readable_date(t0)
t1_string = unix_time_to_readable_date(t1)
status = status_info['status']
spaces = (15 - len(status)) * ' '
delta = int(t1-t0)
result += ' %s : %s %s %s %ss\n' % (t0_string, t1_string,
return result
def calculate_status_times(t_start, t_end, int_status, metadata,
"""Returns a list of intervals along w/ statuses associated with them.
@param t_start: start time
@param t_end: end time
@param int_status: status of [t_start, t_end] if not locked
@param metadata: metadata of the status change, e.g., task_id, task_name.
@param locked_intervals: list of tuples denoting intervals of locked states
@returns: dictionary where key = (t_interval_start, t_interval_end),
val = (status, metadata)
t_interval_start: beginning of interval for that status
t_interval_end: end of the interval for that status
status: string such as 'Repair Failed', 'Locked', etc.
metadata: A dictionary of metadata, e.g.,
{'task_id':123, 'task_name':'Reset'}
statuses = collections.OrderedDict()
prev_interval_end = t_start
# TODO: Put allow more information here in info/locked status
status_info = {'status': int_status,
'metadata': metadata}
locked_info = {'status': 'Locked',
'metadata': {}}
if not locked_intervals:
statuses[(t_start, t_end)] = status_info
return statuses
for lock_start, lock_end in locked_intervals:
if lock_start > t_end:
# optimization to break early
# case 0
# Timeline of status change: t_start t_end
# Timeline of lock action: lock_start lock_end
elif lock_end < t_start:
# case 1
# t_start t_end
# lock_start lock_end
elif lock_end < t_end and lock_start > t_start:
# case 2
# t_start t_end
# lock_start lock_end
statuses[(prev_interval_end, lock_start)] = status_info
statuses[(lock_start, lock_end)] = locked_info
elif lock_end > t_start and lock_start < t_start:
# case 3
# t_start t_end
# lock_start lock_end
statuses[(t_start, lock_end)] = locked_info
elif lock_start < t_end and lock_end > t_end:
# case 4
# t_start t_end
# lock_start lock_end
statuses[(prev_interval_end, lock_start)] = status_info
statuses[(lock_start, t_end)] = locked_info
prev_interval_end = lock_end
# Otherwise we are in the case where lock_end < t_start OR
# lock_start > t_end, which means the lock doesn't apply.
if t_end > prev_interval_end:
# This is to avoid logging the same time
statuses[(prev_interval_end, t_end)] = status_info
return statuses