blob: 53700eaf12ca50858c275ef6b38006e15ba17751 [file] [log] [blame]
# pylint: disable-msg=C0111
import logging, os
from datetime import datetime
import django.core
from django.db import models as dbmodels, connection
except django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured:
raise ImportError('Django database not yet configured. Import either '
'setup_django_environment or '
'setup_django_lite_environment from '
'autotest_lib.frontend before any imports that '
'depend on django models.')
from xml.sax import saxutils
import common
from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import model_logic, model_attributes
from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import rdb_model_extensions
from autotest_lib.frontend import settings, thread_local
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import enum, host_protections, global_config
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import host_queue_entry_states
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import control_data, priorities
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import decorators
# job options and user preferences
DEFAULT_REBOOT_BEFORE = model_attributes.RebootBefore.IF_DIRTY
DEFAULT_REBOOT_AFTER = model_attributes.RebootBefore.NEVER
class AclAccessViolation(Exception):
Raised when an operation is attempted with proper permissions as
dictated by ACLs.
class AtomicGroup(model_logic.ModelWithInvalid, dbmodels.Model):
An atomic group defines a collection of hosts which must only be scheduled
all at once. Any host with a label having an atomic group will only be
scheduled for a job at the same time as other hosts sharing that label.
name: A name for this atomic group, e.g. 'rack23' or 'funky_net'.
max_number_of_machines: The maximum number of machines that will be
scheduled at once when scheduling jobs to this atomic group.
The job.synch_count is considered the minimum.
description: Arbitrary text description of this group's purpose.
name = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
description = dbmodels.TextField(blank=True)
# This magic value is the default to simplify the scheduler logic.
# It must be "large". The common use of atomic groups is to want all
# machines in the group to be used, limits on which subset used are
# often chosen via dependency labels.
# TODO(dennisjeffrey): Revisit this so we don't have to assume that
# "infinity" is around 3.3 million.
max_number_of_machines = dbmodels.IntegerField(default=INFINITE_MACHINES)
invalid = dbmodels.BooleanField(default=False,
name_field = 'name'
objects = model_logic.ModelWithInvalidManager()
valid_objects = model_logic.ValidObjectsManager()
def enqueue_job(self, job, is_template=False):
"""Enqueue a job on an associated atomic group of hosts.
@param job: A job to enqueue.
@param is_template: Whether the status should be "Template".
queue_entry = HostQueueEntry.create(atomic_group=self, job=job,
def clean_object(self):
class Meta:
"""Metadata for class AtomicGroup."""
db_table = 'afe_atomic_groups'
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(
class Label(model_logic.ModelWithInvalid, dbmodels.Model):
name: label name
kernel_config: URL/path to kernel config for jobs run on this label.
platform: If True, this is a platform label (defaults to False).
only_if_needed: If True, a Host with this label can only be used if that
label is requested by the job/test (either as the meta_host or
in the job_dependencies).
atomic_group: The atomic group associated with this label.
name = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
kernel_config = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True)
platform = dbmodels.BooleanField(default=False)
invalid = dbmodels.BooleanField(default=False,
only_if_needed = dbmodels.BooleanField(default=False)
name_field = 'name'
objects = model_logic.ModelWithInvalidManager()
valid_objects = model_logic.ValidObjectsManager()
atomic_group = dbmodels.ForeignKey(AtomicGroup, null=True, blank=True)
def clean_object(self):
def enqueue_job(self, job, atomic_group=None, is_template=False):
"""Enqueue a job on any host of this label.
@param job: A job to enqueue.
@param atomic_group: The associated atomic group.
@param is_template: Whether the status should be "Template".
queue_entry = HostQueueEntry.create(meta_host=self, job=job,
class Meta:
"""Metadata for class Label."""
db_table = 'afe_labels'
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(
class Shard(dbmodels.Model, model_logic.ModelExtensions):
labels = dbmodels.ManyToManyField(Label, blank=True,
class Meta:
"""Metadata for class ParameterizedJob."""
db_table = 'afe_shards'
class Drone(dbmodels.Model, model_logic.ModelExtensions):
A scheduler drone
hostname: the drone's hostname
hostname = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
name_field = 'hostname'
objects = model_logic.ExtendedManager()
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not User.current_user().is_superuser():
raise Exception('Only superusers may edit drones')
super(Drone, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
def delete(self):
if not User.current_user().is_superuser():
raise Exception('Only superusers may delete drones')
super(Drone, self).delete()
class Meta:
"""Metadata for class Drone."""
db_table = 'afe_drones'
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(self.hostname)
class DroneSet(dbmodels.Model, model_logic.ModelExtensions):
A set of scheduler drones
These will be used by the scheduler to decide what drones a job is allowed
to run on.
name: the drone set's name
drones: the drones that are part of the set
DRONE_SETS_ENABLED = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
'SCHEDULER', 'drone_sets_enabled', type=bool, default=False)
DEFAULT_DRONE_SET_NAME = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
'SCHEDULER', 'default_drone_set_name', default=None)
name = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
drones = dbmodels.ManyToManyField(Drone, db_table='afe_drone_sets_drones')
name_field = 'name'
objects = model_logic.ExtendedManager()
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not User.current_user().is_superuser():
raise Exception('Only superusers may edit drone sets')
super(DroneSet, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
def delete(self):
if not User.current_user().is_superuser():
raise Exception('Only superusers may delete drone sets')
super(DroneSet, self).delete()
def drone_sets_enabled(cls):
"""Returns whether drone sets are enabled.
@param cls: Implicit class object.
def default_drone_set_name(cls):
"""Returns the default drone set name.
@param cls: Implicit class object.
def get_default(cls):
"""Gets the default drone set name, compatible with Job.add_object.
@param cls: Implicit class object.
return cls.smart_get(cls.DEFAULT_DRONE_SET_NAME)
def resolve_name(cls, drone_set_name):
Returns the name of one of these, if not None, in order of preference:
1) the drone set given,
2) the current user's default drone set, or
3) the global default drone set
or returns None if drone sets are disabled
@param cls: Implicit class object.
@param drone_set_name: A drone set name.
if not cls.drone_sets_enabled():
return None
user = User.current_user()
user_drone_set_name = user.drone_set and
return drone_set_name or user_drone_set_name or cls.get_default().name
def get_drone_hostnames(self):
Gets the hostnames of all drones in this drone set
return set(self.drones.all().values_list('hostname', flat=True))
class Meta:
"""Metadata for class DroneSet."""
db_table = 'afe_drone_sets'
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(
class User(dbmodels.Model, model_logic.ModelExtensions):
login :user login name
access_level: 0=User (default), 1=Admin, 100=Root
AUTOTEST_SYSTEM = 'autotest_system'
login = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
access_level = dbmodels.IntegerField(default=ACCESS_USER, blank=True)
# user preferences
reboot_before = dbmodels.SmallIntegerField(
choices=model_attributes.RebootBefore.choices(), blank=True,
reboot_after = dbmodels.SmallIntegerField(
choices=model_attributes.RebootAfter.choices(), blank=True,
drone_set = dbmodels.ForeignKey(DroneSet, null=True, blank=True)
show_experimental = dbmodels.BooleanField(default=False)
name_field = 'login'
objects = model_logic.ExtendedManager()
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
# is this a new object being saved for the first time?
first_time = ( is None)
user = thread_local.get_user()
if user and not user.is_superuser() and user.login != self.login:
raise AclAccessViolation("You cannot modify user " + self.login)
super(User, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
if first_time:
everyone = AclGroup.objects.get(name='Everyone')
def is_superuser(self):
"""Returns whether the user has superuser access."""
return self.access_level >= self.ACCESS_ROOT
def current_user(cls):
"""Returns the current user.
@param cls: Implicit class object.
user = thread_local.get_user()
if user is None:
user, _ = cls.objects.get_or_create(login=cls.AUTOTEST_SYSTEM)
user.access_level = cls.ACCESS_ROOT
return user
class Meta:
"""Metadata for class User."""
db_table = 'afe_users'
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(self.login)
class Host(model_logic.ModelWithInvalid, rdb_model_extensions.AbstractHostModel,
locked: if true, host is locked and will not be queued
From AbstractHostModel:
synch_id: currently unused
status: string describing status of host
invalid: true if the host has been deleted
protection: indicates what can be done to this host during repair
lock_time: DateTime at which the host was locked
dirty: true if the host has been used without being rebooted
locked_by: user that locked the host, or null if the host is unlocked
# Note: Only specify foreign keys here, specify all native host columns in
# rdb_model_extensions instead.
Protection = host_protections.Protection
labels = dbmodels.ManyToManyField(Label, blank=True,
locked_by = dbmodels.ForeignKey(User, null=True, blank=True, editable=False)
name_field = 'hostname'
objects = model_logic.ModelWithInvalidManager()
valid_objects = model_logic.ValidObjectsManager()
leased_objects = model_logic.LeasedHostManager()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Host, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def create_one_time_host(hostname):
"""Creates a one-time host.
@param hostname: The name for the host.
query = Host.objects.filter(hostname=hostname)
if query.count() == 0:
host = Host(hostname=hostname, invalid=True)
host = query[0]
if not host.invalid:
raise model_logic.ValidationError({
'hostname' : '%s already exists in the autotest DB. '
'Select it rather than entering it as a one time '
'host.' % hostname
}) = host_protections.Protection.DO_NOT_REPAIR
host.locked = False
return host
def resurrect_object(self, old_object):
super(Host, self).resurrect_object(old_object)
# invalid hosts can be in use by the scheduler (as one-time hosts), so
# don't change the status
self.status = old_object.status
def clean_object(self):
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
# extra spaces in the hostname can be a sneaky source of errors
self.hostname = self.hostname.strip()
# is this a new object being saved for the first time?
first_time = ( is None)
if not first_time:
if self.locked and not self.locked_by:
self.locked_by = User.current_user()
self.lock_time =
self.dirty = True
elif not self.locked and self.locked_by:
self.locked_by = None
self.lock_time = None
super(Host, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
if first_time:
everyone = AclGroup.objects.get(name='Everyone')
def delete(self):
for queue_entry in self.hostqueueentry_set.all():
queue_entry.deleted = True
super(Host, self).delete()
def on_attribute_changed(self, attribute, old_value):
assert attribute == 'status' + ' -> ' + self.status)
def enqueue_job(self, job, atomic_group=None, is_template=False):
"""Enqueue a job on this host.
@param job: A job to enqueue.
@param atomic_group: The associated atomic group.
@param is_template: Whther the status should be "Template".
queue_entry = HostQueueEntry.create(host=self, job=job,
# allow recovery of dead hosts from the frontend
if not self.active_queue_entry() and self.is_dead():
self.status = Host.Status.READY
block = IneligibleHostQueue(job=job, host=self)
def platform(self):
"""The platform of the host."""
# TODO(showard): slighly hacky?
platforms = self.labels.filter(platform=True)
if len(platforms) == 0:
return None
return platforms[0]
platform.short_description = 'Platform'
def check_no_platform(cls, hosts):
"""Verify the specified hosts have no associated platforms.
@param cls: Implicit class object.
@param hosts: The hosts to verify.
@raises model_logic.ValidationError if any hosts already have a
Host.objects.populate_relationships(hosts, Label, 'label_list')
errors = []
for host in hosts:
platforms = [ for label in host.label_list
if label.platform]
if platforms:
# do a join, just in case this host has multiple platforms,
# we'll be able to see it
errors.append('Host %s already has a platform: %s' % (
host.hostname, ', '.join(platforms)))
if errors:
raise model_logic.ValidationError({'labels': '; '.join(errors)})
def is_dead(self):
"""Returns whether the host is dead (has status repair failed)."""
return self.status == Host.Status.REPAIR_FAILED
def active_queue_entry(self):
"""Returns the active queue entry for this host, or None if none."""
active = list(self.hostqueueentry_set.filter(active=True))
if not active:
return None
assert len(active) == 1, ('More than one active entry for '
'host ' + self.hostname)
return active[0]
def _get_attribute_model_and_args(self, attribute):
return HostAttribute, dict(host=self, attribute=attribute)
class Meta:
"""Metadata for the Host class."""
db_table = 'afe_hosts'
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(self.hostname)
class HostAttribute(dbmodels.Model):
"""Arbitrary keyvals associated with hosts."""
host = dbmodels.ForeignKey(Host)
attribute = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=90)
value = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=300)
objects = model_logic.ExtendedManager()
class Meta:
"""Metadata for the HostAttribute class."""
db_table = 'afe_host_attributes'
class Test(dbmodels.Model, model_logic.ModelExtensions):
author: author name
description: description of the test
name: test name
time: short, medium, long
test_class: This describes the class for your the test belongs in.
test_category: This describes the category for your tests
test_type: Client or Server
path: path to pass to run_test()
sync_count: is a number >=1 (1 being the default). If it's 1, then it's an
async job. If it's >1 it's sync job for that number of machines
i.e. if sync_count = 2 it is a sync job that requires two
dependencies: What the test requires to run. Comma deliminated list
dependency_labels: many-to-many relationship with labels corresponding to
test dependencies.
experimental: If this is set to True production servers will ignore the test
run_verify: Whether or not the scheduler should run the verify stage
run_reset: Whether or not the scheduler should run the reset stage
test_retry: Number of times to retry test if the test did not complete
successfully. (optional, default: 0)
TestTime = enum.Enum('SHORT', 'MEDIUM', 'LONG', start_value=1)
name = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
author = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=255)
test_class = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=255)
test_category = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=255)
dependencies = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True)
description = dbmodels.TextField(blank=True)
experimental = dbmodels.BooleanField(default=True)
run_verify = dbmodels.BooleanField(default=False)
test_time = dbmodels.SmallIntegerField(choices=TestTime.choices(),
test_type = dbmodels.SmallIntegerField(
sync_count = dbmodels.IntegerField(default=1)
path = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
test_retry = dbmodels.IntegerField(blank=True, default=0)
run_reset = dbmodels.BooleanField(default=True)
dependency_labels = (
dbmodels.ManyToManyField(Label, blank=True,
name_field = 'name'
objects = model_logic.ExtendedManager()
def admin_description(self):
"""Returns a string representing the admin description."""
escaped_description = saxutils.escape(self.description)
return '<span style="white-space:pre">%s</span>' % escaped_description
admin_description.allow_tags = True
admin_description.short_description = 'Description'
class Meta:
"""Metadata for class Test."""
db_table = 'afe_autotests'
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(
class TestParameter(dbmodels.Model):
A declared parameter of a test
test = dbmodels.ForeignKey(Test)
name = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=255)
class Meta:
"""Metadata for class TestParameter."""
db_table = 'afe_test_parameters'
unique_together = ('test', 'name')
def __unicode__(self):
return u'%s (%s)' % (,
class Profiler(dbmodels.Model, model_logic.ModelExtensions):
name: profiler name
test_type: Client or Server
description: arbirary text description
name = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
description = dbmodels.TextField(blank=True)
name_field = 'name'
objects = model_logic.ExtendedManager()
class Meta:
"""Metadata for class Profiler."""
db_table = 'afe_profilers'
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(
class AclGroup(dbmodels.Model, model_logic.ModelExtensions):
name: name of ACL group
description: arbitrary description of group
name = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
description = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True)
users = dbmodels.ManyToManyField(User, blank=False,
hosts = dbmodels.ManyToManyField(Host, blank=True,
name_field = 'name'
objects = model_logic.ExtendedManager()
def check_for_acl_violation_hosts(hosts):
"""Verify the current user has access to the specified hosts.
@param hosts: The hosts to verify against.
@raises AclAccessViolation if the current user doesn't have access
to a host.
user = User.current_user()
if user.is_superuser():
accessible_host_ids = set( for host in Host.objects.filter(aclgroup__users=user))
for host in hosts:
# Check if the user has access to this host,
# but only if it is not a metahost or a one-time-host.
no_access = (isinstance(host, Host)
and not host.invalid
and int( not in accessible_host_ids)
if no_access:
raise AclAccessViolation("%s does not have access to %s" %
(str(user), str(host)))
def check_abort_permissions(queue_entries):
"""Look for queue entries that aren't abortable by the current user.
An entry is not abortable if:
* the job isn't owned by this user, and
* the machine isn't ACL-accessible, or
* the machine is in the "Everyone" ACL
@param queue_entries: The queue entries to check.
@raises AclAccessViolation if a queue entry is not abortable by the
current user.
user = User.current_user()
if user.is_superuser():
not_owned = queue_entries.exclude(job__owner=user.login)
# I do this using ID sets instead of just Django filters because
# filtering on M2M dbmodels is broken in Django 0.96. It's better in
# 1.0.
# TODO: Use Django filters, now that we're using 1.0.
accessible_ids = set( for entry
in not_owned.filter(host__aclgroup__users__login=user.login))
public_ids = set( for entry
in not_owned.filter(host__aclgroup__name='Everyone'))
cannot_abort = [entry for entry in not_owned.select_related()
if not in accessible_ids
or in public_ids]
if len(cannot_abort) == 0:
entry_names = ', '.join('%s-%s/%s' % (, entry.job.owner,
for entry in cannot_abort)
raise AclAccessViolation('You cannot abort the following job entries: '
+ entry_names)
def check_for_acl_violation_acl_group(self):
"""Verifies the current user has acces to this ACL group.
@raises AclAccessViolation if the current user doesn't have access to
this ACL group.
user = User.current_user()
if user.is_superuser():
if == 'Everyone':
raise AclAccessViolation("You cannot modify 'Everyone'!")
if not user in self.users.all():
raise AclAccessViolation("You do not have access to %s"
def on_host_membership_change():
"""Invoked when host membership changes."""
everyone = AclGroup.objects.get(name='Everyone')
# find hosts that aren't in any ACL group and add them to Everyone
# TODO(showard): this is a bit of a hack, since the fact that this query
# works is kind of a coincidence of Django internals. This trick
# doesn't work in general (on all foreign key relationships). I'll
# replace it with a better technique when the need arises.
orphaned_hosts = Host.valid_objects.filter(aclgroup__id__isnull=True)
# find hosts in both Everyone and another ACL group, and remove them
# from Everyone
hosts_in_everyone = Host.valid_objects.filter(aclgroup__name='Everyone')
acled_hosts = set()
for host in hosts_in_everyone:
# Has an ACL group other than Everyone
if host.aclgroup_set.count() > 1:
def delete(self):
if ( == 'Everyone'):
raise AclAccessViolation("You cannot delete 'Everyone'!")
super(AclGroup, self).delete()
def add_current_user_if_empty(self):
"""Adds the current user if the set of users is empty."""
if not self.users.count():
def perform_after_save(self, change):
"""Called after a save.
@param change: Whether there was a change.
if not change:
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
change = bool(
if change:
# Check the original object for an ACL violation
super(AclGroup, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
class Meta:
"""Metadata for class AclGroup."""
db_table = 'afe_acl_groups'
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(
class Kernel(dbmodels.Model):
A kernel configuration for a parameterized job
version = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=255)
cmdline = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True)
def create_kernels(cls, kernel_list):
"""Creates all kernels in the kernel list.
@param cls: Implicit class object.
@param kernel_list: A list of dictionaries that describe the kernels,
in the same format as the 'kernel' argument to
@return A list of the created kernels.
if not kernel_list:
return None
return [cls._create(kernel) for kernel in kernel_list]
def _create(cls, kernel_dict):
version = kernel_dict.pop('version')
cmdline = kernel_dict.pop('cmdline', '')
if kernel_dict:
raise Exception('Extraneous kernel arguments remain: %r'
% kernel_dict)
kernel, _ = cls.objects.get_or_create(version=version,
return kernel
class Meta:
"""Metadata for class Kernel."""
db_table = 'afe_kernels'
unique_together = ('version', 'cmdline')
def __unicode__(self):
return u'%s %s' % (self.version, self.cmdline)
class ParameterizedJob(dbmodels.Model):
Auxiliary configuration for a parameterized job.
test = dbmodels.ForeignKey(Test)
label = dbmodels.ForeignKey(Label, null=True)
use_container = dbmodels.BooleanField(default=False)
profile_only = dbmodels.BooleanField(default=False)
upload_kernel_config = dbmodels.BooleanField(default=False)
kernels = dbmodels.ManyToManyField(
Kernel, db_table='afe_parameterized_job_kernels')
profilers = dbmodels.ManyToManyField(
Profiler, through='ParameterizedJobProfiler')
def smart_get(cls, id_or_name, *args, **kwargs):
"""For compatibility with Job.add_object.
@param cls: Implicit class object.
@param id_or_name: The ID or name to get.
@param args: Non-keyword arguments.
@param kwargs: Keyword arguments.
return cls.objects.get(pk=id_or_name)
def job(self):
"""Returns the job if it exists, or else None."""
jobs = self.job_set.all()
assert jobs.count() <= 1
return jobs and jobs[0] or None
class Meta:
"""Metadata for class ParameterizedJob."""
db_table = 'afe_parameterized_jobs'
def __unicode__(self):
return u'%s (parameterized) - %s' % (, self.job())
class ParameterizedJobProfiler(dbmodels.Model):
A profiler to run on a parameterized job
parameterized_job = dbmodels.ForeignKey(ParameterizedJob)
profiler = dbmodels.ForeignKey(Profiler)
class Meta:
"""Metedata for class ParameterizedJobProfiler."""
db_table = 'afe_parameterized_jobs_profilers'
unique_together = ('parameterized_job', 'profiler')
class ParameterizedJobProfilerParameter(dbmodels.Model):
A parameter for a profiler in a parameterized job
parameterized_job_profiler = dbmodels.ForeignKey(ParameterizedJobProfiler)
parameter_name = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=255)
parameter_value = dbmodels.TextField()
parameter_type = dbmodels.CharField(
max_length=8, choices=model_attributes.ParameterTypes.choices())
class Meta:
"""Metadata for class ParameterizedJobProfilerParameter."""
db_table = 'afe_parameterized_job_profiler_parameters'
unique_together = ('parameterized_job_profiler', 'parameter_name')
def __unicode__(self):
return u'%s - %s' % (,
class ParameterizedJobParameter(dbmodels.Model):
Parameters for a parameterized job
parameterized_job = dbmodels.ForeignKey(ParameterizedJob)
test_parameter = dbmodels.ForeignKey(TestParameter)
parameter_value = dbmodels.TextField()
parameter_type = dbmodels.CharField(
max_length=8, choices=model_attributes.ParameterTypes.choices())
class Meta:
"""Metadata for class ParameterizedJobParameter."""
db_table = 'afe_parameterized_job_parameters'
unique_together = ('parameterized_job', 'test_parameter')
def __unicode__(self):
return u'%s - %s' % (self.parameterized_job.job().name,
class JobManager(model_logic.ExtendedManager):
'Custom manager to provide efficient status counts querying.'
def get_status_counts(self, job_ids):
"""Returns a dict mapping the given job IDs to their status count dicts.
@param job_ids: A list of job IDs.
if not job_ids:
return {}
id_list = '(%s)' % ','.join(str(job_id) for job_id in job_ids)
cursor = connection.cursor()
SELECT job_id, status, aborted, complete, COUNT(*)
FROM afe_host_queue_entries
WHERE job_id IN %s
GROUP BY job_id, status, aborted, complete
""" % id_list)
all_job_counts = dict((job_id, {}) for job_id in job_ids)
for job_id, status, aborted, complete, count in cursor.fetchall():
job_dict = all_job_counts[job_id]
full_status = HostQueueEntry.compute_full_status(status, aborted,
job_dict.setdefault(full_status, 0)
job_dict[full_status] += count
return all_job_counts
class Job(dbmodels.Model, model_logic.ModelExtensions):
owner: username of job owner
name: job name (does not have to be unique)
priority: Integer priority value. Higher is more important.
control_file: contents of control file
control_type: Client or Server
created_on: date of job creation
submitted_on: date of job submission
synch_count: how many hosts should be used per autoserv execution
run_verify: Whether or not to run the verify phase
run_reset: Whether or not to run the reset phase
timeout: DEPRECATED - hours from queuing time until job times out
timeout_mins: minutes from job queuing time until the job times out
max_runtime_hrs: DEPRECATED - hours from job starting time until job
times out
max_runtime_mins: minutes from job starting time until job times out
email_list: list of people to email on completion delimited by any of:
white space, ',', ':', ';'
dependency_labels: many-to-many relationship with labels corresponding to
job dependencies
reboot_before: Never, If dirty, or Always
reboot_after: Never, If all tests passed, or Always
parse_failed_repair: if True, a failed repair launched by this job will have
its results parsed as part of the job.
drone_set: The set of drones to run this job on
parent_job: Parent job (optional)
test_retry: Number of times to retry test if the test did not complete
successfully. (optional, default: 0)
# TIMEOUT is deprecated.
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
'AUTOTEST_WEB', 'job_timeout_default', default=24)
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MINS = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
'AUTOTEST_WEB', 'job_timeout_mins_default', default=24*60)
# MAX_RUNTIME_HRS is deprecated. Will be removed after switch to mins is
# completed.
DEFAULT_MAX_RUNTIME_HRS = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
'AUTOTEST_WEB', 'job_max_runtime_hrs_default', default=72)
DEFAULT_MAX_RUNTIME_MINS = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
'AUTOTEST_WEB', 'job_max_runtime_mins_default', default=72*60)
DEFAULT_PARSE_FAILED_REPAIR = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
'AUTOTEST_WEB', 'parse_failed_repair_default', type=bool,
owner = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=255)
name = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=255)
priority = dbmodels.SmallIntegerField(default=priorities.Priority.DEFAULT)
control_file = dbmodels.TextField(null=True, blank=True)
control_type = dbmodels.SmallIntegerField(
blank=True, # to allow 0
created_on = dbmodels.DateTimeField()
synch_count = dbmodels.IntegerField(blank=True, default=0)
timeout = dbmodels.IntegerField(default=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
run_verify = dbmodels.BooleanField(default=False)
email_list = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=250, blank=True)
dependency_labels = (
dbmodels.ManyToManyField(Label, blank=True,
reboot_before = dbmodels.SmallIntegerField(
choices=model_attributes.RebootBefore.choices(), blank=True,
reboot_after = dbmodels.SmallIntegerField(
choices=model_attributes.RebootAfter.choices(), blank=True,
parse_failed_repair = dbmodels.BooleanField(
# max_runtime_hrs is deprecated. Will be removed after switch to mins is
# completed.
max_runtime_hrs = dbmodels.IntegerField(default=DEFAULT_MAX_RUNTIME_HRS)
max_runtime_mins = dbmodels.IntegerField(default=DEFAULT_MAX_RUNTIME_MINS)
drone_set = dbmodels.ForeignKey(DroneSet, null=True, blank=True)
parameterized_job = dbmodels.ForeignKey(ParameterizedJob, null=True,
parent_job = dbmodels.ForeignKey('self', blank=True, null=True)
test_retry = dbmodels.IntegerField(blank=True, default=0)
run_reset = dbmodels.BooleanField(default=True)
timeout_mins = dbmodels.IntegerField(default=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MINS)
shard = dbmodels.ForeignKey(Shard, blank=True, null=True)
# custom manager
objects = JobManager()
def labels(self):
"""All the labels of this job"""
# We need to convert dependency_labels to a list, because all() gives us
# back an iterator, and storing/caching an iterator means we'd only be
# able to read from it once.
return list(self.dependency_labels.all())
def is_server_job(self):
"""Returns whether this job is of type server."""
return self.control_type == control_data.CONTROL_TYPE.SERVER
def parameterized_jobs_enabled(cls):
"""Returns whether parameterized jobs are enabled.
@param cls: Implicit class object.
return global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
'AUTOTEST_WEB', 'parameterized_jobs', type=bool)
def check_parameterized_job(cls, control_file, parameterized_job):
"""Checks that the job is valid given the global config settings.
First, either control_file must be set, or parameterized_job must be
set, but not both. Second, parameterized_job must be set if and only if
the parameterized_jobs option in the global config is set to True.
@param cls: Implict class object.
@param control_file: A control file.
@param parameterized_job: A parameterized job.
if not (bool(control_file) ^ bool(parameterized_job)):
raise Exception('Job must have either control file or '
'parameterization, but not both')
parameterized_jobs_enabled = cls.parameterized_jobs_enabled()
if control_file and parameterized_jobs_enabled:
raise Exception('Control file specified, but parameterized jobs '
'are enabled')
if parameterized_job and not parameterized_jobs_enabled:
raise Exception('Parameterized job specified, but parameterized '
'jobs are not enabled')
def create(cls, owner, options, hosts):
"""Creates a job.
The job is created by taking some information (the listed args) and
filling in the rest of the necessary information.
@param cls: Implicit class object.
@param owner: The owner for the job.
@param options: An options object.
@param hosts: The hosts to use.
control_file = options.get('control_file')
parameterized_job = options.get('parameterized_job')
# The current implementation of parameterized jobs requires that only
# control files or parameterized jobs are used. Using the image
# parameter on autoupdate_ParameterizedJob doesn't mix pure
# parameterized jobs and control files jobs, it does muck enough with
# normal jobs by adding a parameterized id to them that this check will
# fail. So for now we just skip this check.
# cls.check_parameterized_job(control_file=control_file,
# parameterized_job=parameterized_job)
user = User.current_user()
if options.get('reboot_before') is None:
options['reboot_before'] = user.get_reboot_before_display()
if options.get('reboot_after') is None:
options['reboot_after'] = user.get_reboot_after_display()
drone_set = DroneSet.resolve_name(options.get('drone_set'))
if options.get('timeout_mins') is None and options.get('timeout'):
options['timeout_mins'] = options['timeout'] * 60
job = cls.add_object(
# timeout needs to be deleted in the future.
job.dependency_labels = options['dependencies']
if options.get('keyvals'):
for key, value in options['keyvals'].iteritems():
JobKeyval.objects.create(job=job, key=key, value=value)
return job
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
# The current implementation of parameterized jobs requires that only
# control files or parameterized jobs are used. Using the image
# parameter on autoupdate_ParameterizedJob doesn't mix pure
# parameterized jobs and control files jobs, it does muck enough with
# normal jobs by adding a parameterized id to them that this check will
# fail. So for now we just skip this check.
# cls.check_parameterized_job(control_file=self.control_file,
# parameterized_job=self.parameterized_job)
super(Job, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
def queue(self, hosts, atomic_group=None, is_template=False):
"""Enqueue a job on the given hosts.
@param hosts: The hosts to use.
@param atomic_group: The associated atomic group.
@param is_template: Whether the status should be "Template".
if not hosts:
if atomic_group:
# No hosts or labels are required to queue an atomic group
# Job. However, if they are given, we respect them below.
atomic_group.enqueue_job(self, is_template=is_template)
# hostless job
entry = HostQueueEntry.create(job=self, is_template=is_template)
for host in hosts:
host.enqueue_job(self, atomic_group=atomic_group,
def create_recurring_job(self, start_date, loop_period, loop_count, owner):
"""Creates a recurring job.
@param start_date: The starting date of the job.
@param loop_period: How often to re-run the job, in seconds.
@param loop_count: The re-run count.
@param owner: The owner of the job.
rec = RecurringRun(job=self, start_date=start_date,
def user(self):
"""Gets the user of this job, or None if it doesn't exist."""
return User.objects.get(login=self.owner)
except self.DoesNotExist:
return None
def abort(self):
"""Aborts this job."""
for queue_entry in self.hostqueueentry_set.all():
def tag(self):
"""Returns a string tag for this job."""
return '%s-%s' % (, self.owner)
def keyval_dict(self):
"""Returns all keyvals for this job as a dictionary."""
return dict((keyval.key, keyval.value)
for keyval in self.jobkeyval_set.all())
class Meta:
"""Metadata for class Job."""
db_table = 'afe_jobs'
def __unicode__(self):
return u'%s (%s-%s)' % (,, self.owner)
class JobKeyval(dbmodels.Model, model_logic.ModelExtensions):
"""Keyvals associated with jobs"""
job = dbmodels.ForeignKey(Job)
key = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=90)
value = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=300)
objects = model_logic.ExtendedManager()
class Meta:
"""Metadata for class JobKeyval."""
db_table = 'afe_job_keyvals'
class IneligibleHostQueue(dbmodels.Model, model_logic.ModelExtensions):
"""Represents an ineligible host queue."""
job = dbmodels.ForeignKey(Job)
host = dbmodels.ForeignKey(Host)
objects = model_logic.ExtendedManager()
class Meta:
"""Metadata for class IneligibleHostQueue."""
db_table = 'afe_ineligible_host_queues'
class HostQueueEntry(dbmodels.Model, model_logic.ModelExtensions):
"""Represents a host queue entry."""
Status = host_queue_entry_states.Status
ACTIVE_STATUSES = host_queue_entry_states.ACTIVE_STATUSES
job = dbmodels.ForeignKey(Job)
host = dbmodels.ForeignKey(Host, blank=True, null=True)
status = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=255)
meta_host = dbmodels.ForeignKey(Label, blank=True, null=True,
active = dbmodels.BooleanField(default=False)
complete = dbmodels.BooleanField(default=False)
deleted = dbmodels.BooleanField(default=False)
execution_subdir = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True,
# If atomic_group is set, this is a virtual HostQueueEntry that will
# be expanded into many actual hosts within the group at schedule time.
atomic_group = dbmodels.ForeignKey(AtomicGroup, blank=True, null=True)
aborted = dbmodels.BooleanField(default=False)
started_on = dbmodels.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
finished_on = dbmodels.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
objects = model_logic.ExtendedManager()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(HostQueueEntry, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def create(cls, job, host=None, meta_host=None, atomic_group=None,
"""Creates a new host queue entry.
@param cls: Implicit class object.
@param job: The associated job.
@param host: The associated host.
@param meta_host: The associated meta host.
@param atomic_group: The associated atomic group.
@param is_template: Whether the status should be "Template".
if is_template:
status = cls.Status.TEMPLATE
status = cls.Status.QUEUED
return cls(job=job, host=host, meta_host=meta_host,
atomic_group=atomic_group, status=status)
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(HostQueueEntry, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
def execution_path(self):
Path to this entry's results (relative to the base results directory).
return os.path.join(self.job.tag(), self.execution_subdir)
def host_or_metahost_name(self):
"""Returns the first non-None name found in priority order.
The priority order checked is: (1) host name; (2) meta host name; and
(3) atomic group name.
elif self.meta_host:
assert self.atomic_group, "no host, meta_host or atomic group!"
def _set_active_and_complete(self):
if self.status in self.ACTIVE_STATUSES:, self.complete = True, False
elif self.status in self.COMPLETE_STATUSES:, self.complete = False, True
else:, self.complete = False, False
def on_attribute_changed(self, attribute, old_value):
assert attribute == 'status''%s/%d (%d) -> %s',,,,
def is_meta_host_entry(self):
'True if this is a entry has a meta_host instead of a host.'
return is None and self.meta_host is not None
# This code is shared between rpc_interface and models.HostQueueEntry.
# Sadly due to circular imports between the 2 ( making it
# a class method was the best way to refactor it. Attempting to put it in
# rpc_utils or a new utils module failed as that would require us to import
# but to call it from here we would have to import the
# thus creating a cycle.
def abort_host_queue_entries(cls, host_queue_entries):
"""Aborts a collection of host_queue_entries.
Abort these host queue entry and all host queue entries of jobs created
by them.
@param host_queue_entries: List of host queue entries we want to abort.
# This isn't completely immune to race conditions since it's not atomic,
# but it should be safe given the scheduler's behavior.
# TODO(milleral):
# The |abort_host_queue_entries| rpc does nearly exactly this,
# however, trying to re-use the code generates some horrible
# circular import error. I'd be nice to refactor things around
# sometime so the code could be reused.
# Fixpoint algorithm to find the whole tree of HQEs to abort to
# minimize the total number of database queries:
children = set()
new_children = set(host_queue_entries)
while new_children:
new_child_ids = [hqe.job_id for hqe in new_children]
new_children = HostQueueEntry.objects.filter(
complete=False, aborted=False).all()
# To handle circular parental relationships
new_children = set(new_children) - children
# Associate a user with the host queue entries that we're about
# to abort so that we can look up who to blame for the aborts.
now =
user = User.current_user()
aborted_hqes = [AbortedHostQueueEntry(queue_entry=hqe,
aborted_by=user, aborted_on=now) for hqe in children]
# Bulk update all of the HQEs to set the abort bit.
child_ids = [ for hqe in children]
def abort(self):
""" Aborts this host queue entry.
Abort this host queue entry and all host queue entries of jobs created by
this one.
if not self.complete and not self.aborted:
def compute_full_status(cls, status, aborted, complete):
"""Returns a modified status msg if the host queue entry was aborted.
@param cls: Implicit class object.
@param status: The original status message.
@param aborted: Whether the host queue entry was aborted.
@param complete: Whether the host queue entry was completed.
if aborted and not complete:
return 'Aborted (%s)' % status
return status
def full_status(self):
"""Returns the full status of this host queue entry, as a string."""
return self.compute_full_status(self.status, self.aborted,
def _postprocess_object_dict(self, object_dict):
object_dict['full_status'] = self.full_status()
class Meta:
"""Metadata for class HostQueueEntry."""
db_table = 'afe_host_queue_entries'
def __unicode__(self):
hostname = None
hostname =
return u"%s/%d (%d)" % (hostname,,
class AbortedHostQueueEntry(dbmodels.Model, model_logic.ModelExtensions):
"""Represents an aborted host queue entry."""
queue_entry = dbmodels.OneToOneField(HostQueueEntry, primary_key=True)
aborted_by = dbmodels.ForeignKey(User)
aborted_on = dbmodels.DateTimeField()
objects = model_logic.ExtendedManager()
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.aborted_on =
super(AbortedHostQueueEntry, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
class Meta:
"""Metadata for class AbortedHostQueueEntry."""
db_table = 'afe_aborted_host_queue_entries'
class RecurringRun(dbmodels.Model, model_logic.ModelExtensions):
job: job to use as a template
owner: owner of the instantiated template
start_date: Run the job at scheduled date
loop_period: Re-run (loop) the job periodically
(in every loop_period seconds)
loop_count: Re-run (loop) count
job = dbmodels.ForeignKey(Job)
owner = dbmodels.ForeignKey(User)
start_date = dbmodels.DateTimeField()
loop_period = dbmodels.IntegerField(blank=True)
loop_count = dbmodels.IntegerField(blank=True)
objects = model_logic.ExtendedManager()
class Meta:
"""Metadata for class RecurringRun."""
db_table = 'afe_recurring_run'
def __unicode__(self):
return u'RecurringRun(job %s, start %s, period %s, count %s)' % (, self.start_date, self.loop_period, self.loop_count)
class SpecialTask(dbmodels.Model, model_logic.ModelExtensions):
Tasks to run on hosts at the next time they are in the Ready state. Use this
for high-priority tasks, such as forced repair or forced reinstall.
host: host to run this task on
task: special task to run
time_requested: date and time the request for this task was made
is_active: task is currently running
is_complete: task has finished running
is_aborted: task was aborted
time_started: date and time the task started
time_finished: date and time the task finished
queue_entry: Host queue entry waiting on this task (or None, if task was not
started in preparation of a job)
Task = enum.Enum('Verify', 'Cleanup', 'Repair', 'Reset', 'Provision',
host = dbmodels.ForeignKey(Host, blank=False, null=False)
task = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=64, choices=Task.choices(),
blank=False, null=False)
requested_by = dbmodels.ForeignKey(User)
time_requested = dbmodels.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, blank=False,
is_active = dbmodels.BooleanField(default=False, blank=False, null=False)
is_complete = dbmodels.BooleanField(default=False, blank=False, null=False)
is_aborted = dbmodels.BooleanField(default=False, blank=False, null=False)
time_started = dbmodels.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
queue_entry = dbmodels.ForeignKey(HostQueueEntry, blank=True, null=True)
success = dbmodels.BooleanField(default=False, blank=False, null=False)
time_finished = dbmodels.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
objects = model_logic.ExtendedManager()
def save(self, **kwargs):
if self.queue_entry:
self.requested_by = User.objects.get(
super(SpecialTask, self).save(**kwargs)
def execution_path(self):
"""@see HostQueueEntry.execution_path()"""
return 'hosts/%s/%s-%s' % (,,
# property to emulate HostQueueEntry.status
def status(self):
Return a host queue entry status appropriate for this task. Although
SpecialTasks are not HostQueueEntries, it is helpful to the user to
present similar statuses.
if self.is_complete:
if self.success:
return HostQueueEntry.Status.COMPLETED
return HostQueueEntry.Status.FAILED
if self.is_active:
return HostQueueEntry.Status.RUNNING
return HostQueueEntry.Status.QUEUED
# property to emulate HostQueueEntry.started_on
def started_on(self):
"""Returns the time at which this special task started."""
return self.time_started
def schedule_special_task(cls, host, task):
"""Schedules a special task on a host if not already scheduled.
@param cls: Implicit class object.
@param host: The host to use.
@param task: The task to schedule.
existing_tasks = SpecialTask.objects.filter(, task=task,
if existing_tasks:
return existing_tasks[0]
special_task = SpecialTask(host=host, task=task,
return special_task
def abort(self):
""" Abort this special task."""
self.is_aborted = True
def activate(self):
Sets a task as active and sets the time started to the current time.
"""'Starting: %s', self)
self.is_active = True
self.time_started =
def finish(self, success):
"""Sets a task as completed.
@param success: Whether or not the task was successful.
"""'Finished: %s', self)
self.is_active = False
self.is_complete = True
self.success = success
if self.time_started:
self.time_finished =
class Meta:
"""Metadata for class SpecialTask."""
db_table = 'afe_special_tasks'
def __unicode__(self):
result = u'Special Task %s (host %s, task %s, time %s)' % (,, self.task, self.time_requested)
if self.is_complete:
result += u' (completed)'
elif self.is_active:
result += u' (active)'
return result