blob: 57571cb4f31758d2f677d920b2c753f76ee0175d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import common, constants, logging, os, socket, stat, sys, threading, time
from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
class LocalDns(object):
"""A wrapper around miniFakeDns that runs the server in a separate thread
and redirects all DNS queries to it.
# This is a symlink. We look up the real path at runtime by following it.
_resolv_bak_file = 'resolv.conf.bak'
def __init__(self, fake_ip="", local_port=53):
import miniFakeDns # So we don't need to install it in the chroot.
self._dns = miniFakeDns.DNSServer(fake_ip=fake_ip, port=local_port)
self._stopper = threading.Event()
self._thread = threading.Thread(,
def __get_host_by_name(self, hostname):
"""Resolve the dotted-quad IPv4 address of |hostname|
This used to use suave python code, like this:
hosts = socket.getaddrinfo(hostname, 80, socket.AF_INET)
(fam, socktype, proto, canonname, (host, port)) = hosts[0]
return host
But that hangs sometimes, and we don't understand why. So, use
a subprocess with a timeout.
host = utils.system_output('%s -c "import socket; '
'print socket.gethostbyname(\'%s\')"' % (
sys.executable, hostname),
ignore_status=True, timeout=2)
except Exception as e:
return None
return host or None
def __attempt_resolve(self, hostname, ip, expected=True):
logging.debug('Attempting to resolve %s to %s' % (hostname, ip))
host = self.__get_host_by_name(hostname)
logging.debug('Resolve attempt for %s got %s' % (hostname, host))
return host and (host == ip) == expected
def run(self):
"""Start the mock DNS server and redirect all queries to it."""
# Redirect all DNS queries to the mock DNS server.
# Follow resolv.conf symlink.
resolv = os.path.realpath(constants.RESOLV_CONF_FILE)
# Grab path to the real file, do following work in that directory.
resolv_dir = os.path.dirname(resolv)
resolv_bak = os.path.join(resolv_dir, self._resolv_bak_file)
resolv_contents = 'nameserver'
# Test to make sure the current resolv.conf isn't already our
# specially modified version. If this is the case, we have
# probably been interrupted while in the middle of this test
# in a previous run. The last thing we want to do at this point
# is to overwrite a legitimate backup.
if (utils.read_one_line(resolv) == resolv_contents and
logging.error('Current resolv.conf is setup for our local '
'server, and a backup already exists! '
'Skipping the backup step.')
# Back up the current resolv.conf.
os.rename(resolv, resolv_bak)
# To stop flimflam from editing resolv.conf while we're working
# with it, we want to make the directory -r-xr-xr-x. Open an
# fd to the file first, so that we'll retain the ability to
# alter it.
resolv_fd = open(resolv, 'w')
self._resolv_dir_mode = os.stat(resolv_dir).st_mode
os.chmod(resolv_dir, (stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IXUSR |
stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IXGRP |
stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH))
assert utils.read_one_line(resolv) == resolv_contents
except Exception as e:
raise e
lambda: self.__attempt_resolve('', ''),
utils.TimeoutError('Timed out waiting for DNS changes.'),
def stop(self):
"""Restore the backed-up DNS settings and stop the mock DNS server."""
# Follow resolv.conf symlink.
resolv = os.path.realpath(constants.RESOLV_CONF_FILE)
# Grab path to the real file, do following work in that directory.
resolv_dir = os.path.dirname(resolv)
resolv_bak = os.path.join(resolv_dir, self._resolv_bak_file)
os.chmod(resolv_dir, self._resolv_dir_mode)
if os.path.exists(resolv_bak):
os.rename(resolv_bak, resolv)
# This probably means shill restarted during the execution
# of our test, and has cleaned up the .bak file we created.
raise error.TestError('Backup file %s no longer exists! '
'Connection manager probably crashed '
'during the test run.' %
lambda: self.__attempt_resolve('',
utils.TimeoutError('Timed out waiting to revert DNS. '
'resolv.conf contents are: ' +
# Stop the DNS server.