blob: 3f70c423e0eddc2e65fe209761c88e48e97aeeb2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import argparse
import logging
import re
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
RO = 'ro'
RW = 'rw'
BID = 'bid'
CR50_FILE = '/opt/google/cr50/firmware/'
CR50_STATE = '/var/cache/cr50*'
GET_CR50_VERSION = 'cat /var/cache/cr50-version'
GET_CR50_MESSAGES ='grep "cr50-.*\[" /var/log/messages'
UPDATE_FAILURE = 'unexpected cr50-update exit code'
DUMMY_VER = '-1.-1.-1'
# This dictionary is used to search the usb_updater output for the version
# strings. There are two usb_updater commands that will return versions:
# 'fwver' and 'binvers'.
# 'fwver' is used to get the running RO and RW versions from cr50
# 'binvers' gets the version strings for each RO and RW region in the given
# file
# The value in the dictionary is the regular expression that can be used to
# find the version strings for each region.
# --fwver
# example output:
# open_device 18d1:5014
# found interface 3 endpoint 4, chunk_len 64
# -------
# start
# target running protocol version 6
# keyids: RO 0xaa66150f, RW 0xde88588d
# offsets: backup RO at 0x40000, backup RW at 0x44000
# Current versions:
# RO 0.0.10
# RW 0.0.21
# match groupdict:
# {
# 'ro': '0.0.10',
# 'rw': '0.0.21'
# }
# --binvers
# example output:
# read 524288(0x80000) bytes from /tmp/cr50.bin
# RO_A:0.0.10 RW_A:0.0.21[00000000:00000000:00000000]
# RO_B:0.0.10 RW_B:0.0.21[00000000:00000000:00000000]
# match groupdict:
# {
# 'rw_b': '0.0.21',
# 'rw_a': '0.0.21',
# 'ro_b': '0.0.10',
# 'ro_a': '0.0.10',
# 'bid_a': '00000000:00000000:00000000',
# 'bid_b': '00000000:00000000:00000000'
# }
'--fwver' : '\nRO (?P<ro>\S+).*\nRW (?P<rw>\S+)',
'--binvers' : 'RO_A:(?P<ro_a>[\d\.]+).*' \
'RW_A:(?P<rw_a>[\d\.]+)(\[(?P<bid_a>[\d\:A-z]+)\])?.*' \
'RO_B:(?P<ro_b>\S+).*' \
ERASED_BID_INT = 0xffffffff
# With an erased bid, the flags and board id will both be erased
# Any image with this board id will run on any device
EMPTY_IMAGE_BID = '00000000:00000000:00000000'
usb_update = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# use /dev/tpm0 to send the command
usb_update.add_argument('-s', '--systemdev', dest='systemdev',
# fwver, binver, and board id are used to get information about cr50 or an
# image.
usb_update.add_argument('-b', '--binvers', '-f', '--fwver', '-i', '--board_id',
dest='info_cmd', action='store_true')
# upstart and post_reset will post resets instead of rebooting immediately
usb_update.add_argument('-u', '--upstart', '-p', '--post_reset',
dest='post_reset', action='store_true')
usb_update.add_argument('extras', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)
def AssertVersionsAreEqual(name_a, ver_a, name_b, ver_b):
"""Raise an error ver_a isn't the same as ver_b
name_a: the name of section a
ver_a: the version string for section a
name_b: the name of section b
ver_b: the version string for section b
AssertionError if ver_a is not equal to ver_b
assert ver_a == ver_b, ('Versions do not match: %s %s %s %s' %
(name_a, ver_a, name_b, ver_b))
def GetNewestVersion(ver_a, ver_b):
"""Compare the versions. Return the newest one. If they are the same return
a = [int(x) for x in ver_a.split('.')]
b = [int(x) for x in ver_b.split('.')]
if a > b:
return ver_a
if b > a:
return ver_b
return None
def GetVersion(versions, name):
"""Return the version string from the dictionary.
Get the version for each key in the versions dictionary that contains the
substring name. Make sure all of the versions match and return the version
string. Raise an error if the versions don't match.
version: dictionary with the partition names as keys and the
partition version strings as values.
name: the string used to find the relevant items in versions.
the version from versions or "-1.-1.-1" if an invalid RO was detected.
ver = None
key = None
for k, v in versions.iteritems():
if name in k:
if v == DUMMY_VER:'Detected invalid %s %s', name, v)
return v
elif ver:
AssertVersionsAreEqual(key, ver, k, v)
ver = v
key = k
return ver
def FindVersion(output, arg):
"""Find the ro and rw versions.
output: The string to search
arg: string representing the usb_updater option, either '--binvers' or
a tuple of the ro and rw versions
versions =[arg], output)
versions = versions.groupdict()
ro = GetVersion(versions, RO)
rw = GetVersion(versions, RW)
# --binver is the only usb_updater command that may have bid keys in its
# versions dictionary. If no bid keys exist, bid will be None.
bid = GetVersion(versions, BID)
# Right now most images that aren't board id locked don't support getting
# the board id. To make all non board id locked board ids equal, replace
# an empty board id with None
# TODO(mruthven): Remove once all cr50 images support getting the board id.
bid = None if bid == EMPTY_IMAGE_BID else bid
return ro, rw, bid
def GetSavedVersion(client):
"""Return the saved version from /var/cache/cr50-version"""
result =
return FindVersion(result, '--fwver')
def GetRLZ(client):
"""Get the RLZ brand code from vpd.
client: the object to run commands on
The current RLZ code
return'vpd -g rlz_brand_code').stdout.strip()
def SetRLZ(client, rlz):
"""Set the RLZ brand code in vpd
client: the object to run commands on
rlz: 4 character string.
TestError if the RLZ code is too long or if setting the code failed.
rlz = rlz.strip()
if len(rlz) > SYMBOLIC_BID_LENGTH:
raise error.TestError('RLZ is too long. Use a max of 4 characters')
if rlz == GetRLZ(client):
elif rlz:'vpd -s rlz_brand_code=%s' % rlz)
else:'vpd -d rlz_brand_code')
if rlz != GetRLZ(client):
raise error.TestError('Could not set RLZ code')
def UsbUpdater(client, args):
"""Run usb_update with the given args.
client: the object to run commands on
args: a list of strings that contiain the usb_updater args
the result of usb_update
options = usb_update.parse_args(args)
result ='status trunksd')
if options.systemdev and 'running' in result.stdout:'stop trunksd')
# If we are updating the cr50 image, usb_update will return a non-zero exit
# status so we should ignore it.
ignore_status = not options.info_cmd
# immediate reboots are only honored if the command is sent using /dev/tpm0
expect_reboot = (options.systemdev and not options.post_reset and
not options.info_cmd)
result ='usb_updater %s' % ' '.join(args),
# After a posted reboot, the usb_update exit code should equal 1.
if result.exit_status and result.exit_status != UPDATE_OK:
raise error.TestFail('Unexpected usb_update exit code after %s %d' %
(' '.join(args), result.exit_status))
return result
def GetVersionFromUpdater(client, args):
"""Return the version from usb_updater"""
result = UsbUpdater(client, args).stdout.strip()
return FindVersion(result, args[0])
def GetFwVersion(client):
"""Get the running version using 'usb_updater --fwver'"""
return GetVersionFromUpdater(client, ['--fwver', '-s'])
def GetBinVersion(client, image=CR50_FILE):
"""Get the image version using 'usb_updater --binvers image'"""
# TODO(mruthven) b/37958867: change to ["--binvers", image] when usb_updater
# is fixed
return GetVersionFromUpdater(client, ['--binvers', image, image])
def GetVersionString(ver):
"""Combine the RO and RW tuple into a understandable string"""
return 'RO %s RW %s%s' % (ver[0], ver[1],
' BID %s' % ver[2] if ver[2] else '')
def GetRunningVersion(client):
"""Get the running Cr50 version.
The version from usb_updater and /var/cache/cr50-version should be the
same. Get both versions and make sure they match.
client: the object to run commands on
running_ver: a tuple with the ro and rw version strings
- If the version in /var/cache/cr50-version is not the same as the
version from 'usb_updater --fwver'
running_ver = GetFwVersion(client)
saved_ver = GetSavedVersion(client)
AssertVersionsAreEqual('Running', GetVersionString(running_ver),
'Saved', GetVersionString(saved_ver))
return running_ver
def CheckForFailures(client, last_message):
"""Check for any unexpected cr50-update exit codes.
This only checks the cr50 update messages that have happened since
last_message. If a unexpected exit code is detected it will raise an error>
client: the object to run commands on
last_message: the last cr50 message from the last update run
the last cr50 message in /var/log/messages
- If there is a unexpected cr50-update exit code after last_message
in /var/log/messages
messages =
if last_message:
messages = messages.rsplit(last_message, 1)[-1].split('\n')
failures = []
for message in messages:
if UPDATE_FAILURE in message:
if len(failures):
raise error.TestFail('Detected unexpected exit code during update: '
'%s' % failures)
return messages[-1]
def VerifyUpdate(client, ver='', last_message=''):
"""Verify that the saved update state is correct and there were no
unexpected cr50-update exit codes since the last update.
client: the object to run commands on
ver: the expected version tuple (ro ver, rw ver)
last_message: the last cr50 message from the last update run
new_ver: a tuple containing the running ro and rw versions
last_message: The last cr50 update message in /var/log/messages
# Check that there were no unexpected reboots from cr50-result
last_message = CheckForFailures(client, last_message)
logging.debug('last cr50 message %s', last_message)
new_ver = GetRunningVersion(client)
if ver != '':
if DUMMY_VER != ver[0]:
AssertVersionsAreEqual('Old RO', ver[0], 'Updated RO', new_ver[0])
AssertVersionsAreEqual('Old RW', ver[1], 'Updated RW', new_ver[1])
return new_ver, last_message
def ClearUpdateStateAndReboot(client):
"""Removes the cr50 status files in /var/cache and reboots the AP"""'rm %s' % CR50_STATE)
def InstallImage(client, src, dest=CR50_FILE):
"""Copy the image at src to dest on the dut
client: the object to run commands on
src: the image location of the server
dest: the desired location on the dut
The filename where the image was copied to on the dut, a tuple
containing the RO and RW version of the file
# Send the file to the DUT
client.send_file(src, dest)
ver = GetBinVersion(client, dest)'sync')
return dest, ver
def GetBoardIdInfoTuple(board_id_str):
"""Convert the string into board id args.
Split the board id string board_id:(mask|board_id_inv):flags to a tuple of
its parts. The board id will be converted to its symbolic value. The flags
and the mask/board_id_inv will be converted to an int.
the symbolic board id, mask|board_id_inv, and flags
if not board_id_str:
return None
board_id, param2, flags = board_id_str.split(':')
board_id = GetSymbolicBoardId(board_id)
return board_id, int(param2, 16), int(flags, 16)
def GetBoardIdInfoString(board_id_info, symbolic=False):
"""Convert the board id list or str into a symbolic or non symbolic str.
This can be used to convert the board id info list into a symbolic or non
symbolic board id string. It can also be used to convert a the board id
string into a board id string with a symbolic or non symbolic board id
board_id_info: A string of the form board_id:(mask|board_id_inv):flags
or a list with the board_id, (mask|board_id_inv), flags
(board_id|symbolic_board_id):(mask|board_id_inv):flags. Will return
None if if the given board id info is not valid
if not board_id_info:
return None
# Get the board id string, the mask value, and the flag value based on the
# board_id_info type
if isinstance(board_id_info, str):
board_id, param2, flags = GetBoardIdInfoTuple(board_id_info)
board_id, param2, flags = board_id_info
# Get the hex string for board id
board_id = '%08x' % GetIntBoardId(board_id)
# Convert the board id hex to a symbolic board id
if symbolic:
board_id = GetSymbolicBoardId(board_id)
# Return the board_id_str:8_digit_hex_mask: 8_digit_hex_flags
return '%s:%08x:%08x' % (board_id, param2, flags)
def GetSymbolicBoardId(board_id):
"""Convert an integer board id to a symbolic string
board_id: the board id to convert to the symbolic board id
the 4 character symbolic board id
symbolic_board_id = ''
board_id = GetIntBoardId(board_id)
# Convert the int to a symbolic board id
for i in range(SYMBOLIC_BID_LENGTH):
symbolic_board_id += chr((board_id >> (i * 8)) & 0xff)
symbolic_board_id = symbolic_board_id[::-1]
# Verify the created board id is 4 characters
if len(symbolic_board_id) != SYMBOLIC_BID_LENGTH:
raise error.TestFail('Created invalid symbolic board id %s' %
return symbolic_board_id
def ConvertSymbolicBoardId(symbolic_board_id):
"""Convert the symbolic board id str to an int
symbolic_board_id: a ASCII string. It can be up to 4 characters
the symbolic board id string converted to an int
board_id = 0
for c in symbolic_board_id:
board_id = ord(c) | (board_id << 8)
return board_id
def GetIntBoardId(board_id):
""""Return the usb_updater interpretation of board_id
board_id: a int or string value of the board id
a int representation of the board id
if type(board_id) == int:
return board_id
if len(board_id) <= SYMBOLIC_BID_LENGTH:
return ConvertSymbolicBoardId(board_id)
return int(board_id, 16)
def GetExpectedFlags(flags):
"""If flags are not specified, usb_updater will set them to 0xff00
flags: The int value or None
the original flags or 0xff00 if flags is None
return flags if flags != None else 0xff00
def GetChipBoardId(client):
"""Return the board id and flags
client: the object to run commands on
a tuple with the int values of board id, board id inv, flags
TestFail if the second board id response field is not ~board_id
result = UsbUpdater(client, ['-s', '-i']).stdout.strip()
board_id_info = result.split('Board ID space: ')[-1].strip().split(':')
board_id, board_id_inv, flags = [int(val, 16) for val in board_id_info]'BOARD_ID: %x:%x:%x', board_id, board_id_inv, flags)
if board_id == board_id_inv == flags == ERASED_BID_INT:'board id is erased')
elif board_id & board_id_inv:
raise error.TestFail('board_id_inv should be ~board_id got %x %x' %
(board_id, board_id_inv))
return board_id, board_id_inv, flags
def CheckChipBoardId(client, board_id, flags):
"""Compare the given board_id and flags to the running board_id and flags
Interpret board_id and flags how usb_updater would interpret them, then
compare those interpreted values to the running board_id and flags.
client: the object to run commands on
board_id: a hex str, symbolic str, or int value for board_id
flags: the int value of flags or None
TestFail if the new board id info does not match
# Read back the board id and flags
new_board_id, _, new_flags = GetChipBoardId(client)
expected_board_id = GetIntBoardId(board_id)
expected_flags = GetExpectedFlags(flags)
if new_board_id != expected_board_id or new_flags != expected_flags:
raise error.TestFail('Failed to set board id expected %x:%x, but got '
'%x:%x' % (expected_board_id, expected_flags,
new_board_id, new_flags))
def SetChipBoardId(client, board_id, flags=None):
"""Sets the board id and flags
client: the object to run commands on
board_id: a string of the symbolic board id or board id hex value. If
the string is less than 4 characters long it will be
considered a symbolic value
flags: a int flag value. If board_id is a symbolic value, then this will
be ignored.
TestFail if we were unable to set the flags to the correct value
board_id_arg = board_id
if flags != None:
board_id_arg += ':' + hex(flags)
# Set the board id using the given board id and flags
result = UsbUpdater(client, ['-s', '-i', board_id_arg]).stdout.strip()
CheckChipBoardId(client, board_id, flags)