blob: 1c9e4b029c18313f621021117c0a1f8e08e856e8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
metadata_pb = "chromiumos.config.api.test.metadata.v1"
load("@proto//google/protobuf/struct.proto", google_pb = "google.protobuf")
_TEST_NAME_PREFIX = "remoteTestDrivers/tauto/tests/"
"bluetooth": "scope.hardware_topology.bluetooth == scope.hardware_features.PRESENT",
def _define_client_test(
owner_emails = [],
owner_groups = [],
suites = [],
common_deps = [],
dep_expressions = [],
named_args = {},
attrs = [metadata_pb.Attribute(name = "suite:" + s) for s in suites]
contacts = ([metadata_pb.Contact(email = e) for e in owner_emails]
+ [metadata_pb.Contact(mdb_group = g) for g in owner_groups])
details = google_pb.Struct(fields = {
"purpose": google_pb.Value(string_value = purpose),
"doc": google_pb.Value(string_value = doc),
"named_args": google_pb.Value(string_value = to_json(named_args))
info = metadata_pb.Informational(
authors = contacts,
details = details,
missing = [dep for dep in common_deps if dep not in _COMMON_DEPS]
if missing:
fail(str(missing) + " are not known common dependencies! " +
"Please add to or check spelling.")
dep_strs = dep_expressions + [_COMMON_DEPS[dep] for dep in common_deps]
deps = [metadata_pb.DUTCondition(expression = " && ".join(dep_strs))]
return metadata_pb.Test(
name = _TEST_NAME_PREFIX + test_name,
attributes = attrs,
informational = info,
conditions = deps,
test_common = struct(
define_client_test = _define_client_test,