blob: 956772172c0332e865f5ce182c8cf62583c70301 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A module handling the logs.
The structure of this module:
RoundLog: the test results of every round are saved in a log file.
includes: fw, and round_name (i.e., the date time of the round
--> GestureLogs: includes gesture name, and variation
--> ValidatorLogs: includes name, details, criteria, score, metrics
SummaryLog: derived from multiple RoundLogs
--> SimpleTable: (key, vlog) pairs
key: (fw, round_name, gesture_name, variation_name, validator_name)
vlog: name, details, criteria, score, metrics
TestResult: encapsulation of scores and metrics
used by a client program to query the test results
--> StatisticsScores: includes average, ssd, and count
--> StatisticsMetrics: includes average, min, max, and more
How the logs work:
(1) ValidatorLogs are contained in a GestureLog.
(2) Multiple GestureLogs are packed in a RoundLog which is saved in a
separate pickle log file.
(3) To construct a SummaryLog, it reads RoundLogs from all pickle logs
in the specified log directory. It then creates a SimpleTable
consisting of (key, ValidatorLog) pairs, where
key is a 5-tuple:
(fw, round_name, gesture_name, variation_name, validator_name).
(4) The client program, i.e., firmware_summary module, contains a
SummaryLog, and queries all statistics using get_result() which returns
a TestResult object containing both StatisticsScores and
import glob
import numpy as np
import pickle
import os
import test_conf as conf
import validators as val
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from common_util import Debug, print_and_exit
from firmware_constants import AXIS
MetricProps = namedtuple('MetricProps', ['description', 'note', 'stat_func'])
def _setup_debug(debug_flag):
"""Set up the global debug_print function."""
if 'debug_print' not in globals():
global debug_print
debug = Debug(debug_flag)
debug_print = debug.print_msg
def _calc_sample_standard_deviation(sample):
"""Calculate the sample standard deviation (ssd) from a given sample.
To compute a sample standard deviation, the following formula is used:
sqrt(sum((x_i - x_average)^2) / N-1)
Note that N-1 is used in the denominator for sample standard deviation,
where N-1 is the degree of freedom. We need to set ddof=1 below;
otherwise, N would be used in the denominator as ddof's default value
is 0.
return np.std(np.array(sample), ddof=1)
class float_d2(float):
"""A float type with special __repr__ and __str__ methods that display
the float number to the 2nd decimal place."""
template = '%.2f'
def __str__(self):
"""Display the float to the 2nd decimal place."""
return self.template % self.real
def __repr__(self):
"""Display the float to the 2nd decimal place."""
return self.template % self.real
def convert_float_to_float_d2(value):
"""Convert the float(s) in value to float_d2."""
if isinstance(value, float):
return float_d2(value)
elif isinstance(value, tuple):
return tuple(float_d2(v) if isinstance(v, float) else v for v in value)
return value
class Metric:
"""A class to handle the name and the value of a metric."""
def __init__(self, name, value): = name
self.value = convert_float_to_float_d2(value)
def insert_key(self, key):
"""Insert the key to this metric."""
self.key = key
return self
class MetricNameProps:
"""A class keeping the information of metric name templates, descriptions,
and statistic functions.
def __init__(self):
def get_report_interval(report_rate):
"""Convert the report rate in Hz to report interval in ms.
@param report_rate: the report rate in Hz
Return: the report interval in ms
return '%.2f' % (1.0 / report_rate * 1000)
def _init_raw_metrics_props(self):
"""Initialize raw_metrics_props.
The raw_metrics_props is a dictionary from metric attribute to the
corresponding metric properties. Take MAX_ERR as an example of metric
attribute. Its metric properties include
. metric name template: 'max error in {} (mm)'
The metric name template will be expanded later. For example,
with name variations ['x', 'y'], the above template will be
expanded to:
'max error in x (mm)', and
'max error in y (mm)'
. name variations: for example, ['x', 'y'] for MAX_ERR
. metric name description: 'The max err of all samples'
. metric note: None
. the stat function used to calculate the statistics for the metric:
we use max() to calculate MAX_ERR in x/y for linearity.
About metric note:
We show tuples instead of percentages if the metrics values are
percentages. This is because such a tuple unveils more information
(i.e., the values of the nominator and the denominator) than a mere
percentage value. For examples,
1f-click miss rate (%): (20130710_063117) : (0, 1)
the tuple means (the number of missed clicks, total clicks)
intervals > xxx ms (%)
one_finger_tap.top_left (20130710_063117) : (1, 6)
the tuple means (the number of long intervals, total packets)
# stat_functions include: max, average,
# pct_by_numbers, pct_by_missed_numbers,
# pct_by_cases_neq, and pct_by_cases_less
average = lambda lst: float(sum(lst)) / len(lst)
get_sums = lambda lst: [sum(count) for count in zip(*lst)]
_pct = lambda lst: float(lst[0]) / lst[1] * 100
_missed_pct = lambda lst: float(lst[1] - lst[0]) / lst[1] * 100
# pct by numbers: lst means [(incorrect number, total number), ...]
# E.g., lst = [(2, 10), (0, 10), (0, 10), (0, 10)]
# pct_by_numbers would be (2 + 0 + 0 + 0) / (10 + 10 + 10 + 10) * 100%
pct_by_numbers = lambda lst: _pct(get_sums(lst))
# pct by misssed numbers: lst means
# [(actual number, expected number), ...]
# E.g., lst = [(0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1)]
# pct_by_missed_numbers would be
# 0 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 3
# 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4
# missed pct = (4 - 3) / 4 * 100% = 25%
pct_by_missed_numbers = lambda lst: _missed_pct(get_sums(lst))
# pct of incorrect cases in [(acutal_value, expected_value), ...]
# E.g., lst = [(1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1)]
# pct_by_cases_neq would be 1 / 4 * 100%
# This is used for CountTrackingIDValidator
pct_by_cases_neq = lambda lst: _pct(
[len([pair for pair in lst if pair[0] != pair[1]]), len(lst)])
# pct of incorrect cases in [(acutal_value, min expected_value), ...]
# E.g., lst = [(3, 3), (4, 3)]
# pct_by_cases_less would be 0 / 2 * 100%
# E.g., lst = [(2, 3), (5, 3)]
# pct_by_cases_less would be 1 / 2 * 100%
# This is used for CountPacketsIDValidator and PinchValidator
pct_by_cases_less = lambda lst: _pct(
[len([pair for pair in lst if pair[0] < pair[1]]), len(lst)])
max_report_interval_str = self.get_report_interval(conf.min_report_rate)
# A dictionary from metric attribute to its properties:
# {metric_attr: (template,
# name_variations,
# description,
# metric_note,
# stat_func)
# }
# Ordered by validators
self.raw_metrics_props = {
# Count Packets Validator
'pct of incorrect cases (%)--packets',
'an incorrect case is one where a swipe has less than '
'3 packets reported',
'(actual number of packets, expected number of packets)',
# Count TrackingID Validator
'TID': (
'pct of incorrect cases (%)--tids',
'an incorrect case is one where there are an incorrect number '
'of fingers detected',
'(actual tracking IDs, expected tracking IDs)',
# Drumroll Validator
'circle radius (mm)',
'Anything over 2mm is failure',
# Linearity Validator
'MAX_ERR': (
'max error in {} (mm)',
'The max err of all samples',
'RMS_ERR': (
'rms error in {} (mm)',
'The mean of all rms means of all trials',
# Physical Click Validator
'{}f-click miss rate (%)',
'the pct of finger IDs w/o a click',
'(acutual clicks, expected clicks)',
'{}f-click w/o finger IDs (%)',
'the pct of clicks w/o correct finger IDs',
'(clicks with correct finger IDs, actual clicks)',
# Pinch Validator
'PINCH': (
'pct of incorrect cases (%)--pinch',
'pct of incorrect cases over total cases',
'(actual relative motion (px), expected relative motion (px))',
# Range Validator
'RANGE': (
'{} edge not reached (mm)',
['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'],
'Min unreachable distance',
# Report Rate Validator
'pct of intervals > {} ms (%)',
'0% is required',
'(the number of long intervals, total packets)',
'average time interval (ms)',
'less than %s ms is required' % max_report_interval_str,
'max time interval (ms)',
'less than %s ms is required' % max_report_interval_str,
# Stationary Finger Validator
'max distance (mm)',
'max distance of any two points from any run',
# Set the metric attribute to its template
# E.g., self.MAX_ERR = 'max error in {} (mm)'
for key, props in self.raw_metrics_props.items():
template = props[0]
setattr(self, key, template)
def _derive_metrics_props(self):
"""Expand the metric name templates to the metric names, and then
derive the expanded metrics_props.
In _init_raw_metrics_props():
The raw_metrics_props is defined as:
'MAX_ERR': (
'max error in {} (mm)', # template
['x', 'y'], # name variations
'The max err of all samples', # description
max), # stat_func
By expanding the template with its corresponding name variations,
the names related with MAX_ERR will be:
'max error in x (mm)', and
'max error in y (mm)'
Here we are going to derive metrics_props as:
metrics_props = {
'max error in x (mm)':
MetricProps('The max err of all samples', max),
self.metrics_props = {}
for raw_props in self.raw_metrics_props.values():
template, name_variations, description, note, stat_func = raw_props
metric_props = MetricProps(description, note, stat_func)
if name_variations:
# Expand the template with every variations.
# E.g., template = 'max error in {} (mm)' is expanded to
# name = 'max error in x (mm)'
for variation in name_variations:
name = template.format(variation)
self.metrics_props[name] = metric_props
# Otherwise, the template is already the name.
# E.g., the template 'max distance (mm)' is same as the name.
self.metrics_props[template] = metric_props
class ValidatorLog:
"""A class handling the logs reported by validators."""
def __init__(self): = None
self.details = []
self.criteria = None
self.score = None
self.metrics = []
self.error = None
def reset(self):
"""Reset all attributes."""
self.details = []
self.score = None
self.metrics = []
self.error = None
def insert_details(self, msg):
"""Insert a msg into the details."""
class GestureLog:
"""A class handling the logs related with a gesture."""
def __init__(self): = None
self.variation = None
self.prompt = None
self.vlogs = []
class RoundLog:
"""Manipulate the test result log generated in a single round."""
def __init__(self, fw=None, round_name=None):
self._fw = fw
self._round_name = round_name
self._glogs = []
def dump(self, filename):
"""Dump the log to the specified filename."""
with open(filename, 'w') as log_file:
pickle.dump([self._fw, self._round_name, self._glogs], log_file)
except Exception, e:
msg = 'Error in dumping to the log file (%s): %s' % (filename, e)
def load(filename):
"""Load the log from the pickle file."""
with open(filename) as log_file:
return pickle.load(log_file)
except Exception, e:
msg = 'Error in loading the log file (%s): %s' % (filename, e)
def insert_glog(self, glog):
"""Insert the gesture log into the round log."""
if glog.vlogs:
class StatisticsScores:
"""A statistics class to compute the average, ssd, and count of
aggregate scores.
def __init__(self, scores):
self.all_data = ()
if scores:
self.average = np.average(np.array(scores))
self.ssd = _calc_sample_standard_deviation(scores)
self.count = len(scores)
self.all_data = (self.average, self.ssd, self.count)
class StatisticsMetrics:
"""A statistics class to compute the statistics including the min, max, or
average of aggregate metrics.
def __init__(self, metrics):
"""Collect all values for every metric.
@param metrics: a list of Metric objects.
# metrics_values: the raw metrics values
self.metrics_values = defaultdict(list)
self.metrics_dict = defaultdict(list)
for metric in metrics:
# Calculate the statistics of metrics using corresponding stat functions
def _calc_statistics(self, metrics_props):
"""Calculate the desired statistics for every metric.
@param metrics_props: a dictionary mapping a metric name to a
metric props including the description and stat_func
self.metrics_props = metrics_props
self.stats_values = {}
for metric_name, values in self.metrics_values.items():
assert metric_name in metrics_props, (
'The metric name "%s" cannot be found.' % metric_name)
stat_func = metrics_props[metric_name].stat_func
self.stats_values[metric_name] = stat_func(values)
class TestResult:
"""A class includes the statistics of the score and the metrics."""
def __init__(self, scores, metrics):
self.stat_scores = StatisticsScores(scores)
self.stat_metrics = StatisticsMetrics(metrics)
class SimpleTable:
"""A very simple data table."""
def __init__(self):
"""This initializes a simple table."""
self._table = defaultdict(list)
def insert(self, key, value):
"""Insert a row. If the key exists already, the value is appended."""
debug_print(' key: %s' % str(key))
def search(self, key):
"""Search rows with the specified key.
A key is a list of attributes.
If any attribute is None, it means no need to match this attribute.
match = lambda i, j: i == j or j is None
return filter(lambda (k, vlog): all(map(match, k, key)),
def items(self):
"""Return the table items."""
return self._table.items()
class SummaryLog:
"""A class to manipulate the summary logs.
A summary log may consist of result logs of different firmware versions
where every firmware version may consist of multiple rounds.
def __init__(self, log_dir, segment_weights, validator_weights, debug_flag):
self.log_dir = log_dir
self.segment_weights = segment_weights
self.validator_weights = validator_weights
self.ext_validator_weights = {}
for fw, validators in self.fw_validators.items():
self.ext_validator_weights[fw] = \
def _get_firmware_version(self, filename):
"""Get the firmware version from the given filename."""
return filename.split('-')[2]
def _read_logs(self):
"""Read the result logs in the specified log directory."""
# Get logs in the log_dir or its sub-directories.
log_filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.log_dir, '*.log'))
if not log_filenames:
log_filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.log_dir, '*', '*.log'))
if not log_filenames:
err_msg = 'Error: no log files in the test result directory: %s'
print_and_exit(err_msg % self.log_dir)
self.log_table = SimpleTable()
self.fws = set()
self.gestures = set()
# fw_validators keeps track of the validators of every firmware
self.fw_validators = defaultdict(set)
for log_filename in log_filenames:
# Convert set to list below
self.fws = sorted(list(self.fws))
self.gestures = sorted(list(self.gestures))
# Construct validators by taking the union of the validators of
# all firmwares.
self.validators = sorted(list(set.union(*self.fw_validators.values())))
for fw in self.fws:
self.fw_validators[fw] = sorted(list(self.fw_validators[fw]))
def _add_round_log(self, log_filename):
"""Add the round log, decompose the validator logs, and build
a flat summary log.
fw, round_name, glogs = RoundLog.load(log_filename)
debug_print(' fw(%s) round(%s)' % (fw, round_name))
# Iterate through every gesture_variation of the round log,
# and generate a flat dictionary of the validator logs.
for glog in glogs:
for vlog in glog.vlogs:
key = (fw, round_name,, glog.variation,
self.log_table.insert(key, vlog)
def _compute_extended_validator_weight(self, validators):
"""Compute extended validator weight from validator weight and segment
weight. The purpose is to merge the weights of split validators, e.g.
Linearity(*)Validator, so that their weights are not counted multiple
validators = ['CountTrackingIDValidator',
Note that both names of the validators
'Linearity(BothEnds)Validator' and
are created at run time from LinearityValidator and use
the relative weights defined by segment_weights.
validator_weights = {'CountTrackingIDValidator': 12,
'LinearityValidator': 10,
'NoGapValidator': 10}
segment_weights = {'Middle': 0.7,
'BothEnds': 0.3}
split_validator = {'Linearity': ['BothEnds', 'Middle'],}
adjusted_weight of Lineary(*)Validator:
Linearity(BothEnds)Validator = 0.3 / (0.3 + 0.7) * 10 = 3
Linearity(Middle)Validator = 0.7 / (0.3 + 0.7) * 10 = 7
extended_validator_weights: {'CountTrackingIDValidator': 12,
'Linearity(BothEnds)Validator': 3,
'Linearity(Middle)Validator': 7,
'NoGapValidator': 10}
extended_validator_weights = {}
split_validator = {}
# Copy the base validator weight into extended_validator_weights.
# For the split validators, collect them in split_validator.
for v in validators:
base_name, segment = val.get_base_name_and_segment(v)
if segment is None:
# It is a base validator. Just copy it into the
# extended_validaotr_weight dict.
extended_validator_weights[v] = self.validator_weights[v]
# It is a derived validator, e.g., Linearity(BothEnds)Validator
# Needs to compute its adjusted weight.
# Initialize the split_validator for this base_name if not yet.
if split_validator.get(base_name) is None:
split_validator[base_name] = []
# Append this segment name so that we know all segments for
# the base_name.
# Compute the adjusted weight for split_validator
for base_name in split_validator:
name = val.get_validator_name(base_name)
weight_list = [self.segment_weights[segment]
for segment in split_validator[base_name]]
weight_sum = sum(weight_list)
for segment in split_validator[base_name]:
derived_name = val.get_derived_name(name, segment)
adjusted_weight = (self.segment_weights[segment] / weight_sum *
extended_validator_weights[derived_name] = adjusted_weight
return extended_validator_weights
def get_result(self, fw=None, round=None, gesture=None, variation=None,
"""Get the result statistics of a validator which include both
the score and the metrics.
key = (fw, round, gesture, variation, validator)
rows =
scores = [vlog.score for _key, vlogs in rows for vlog in vlogs]
metrics = [metric.insert_key(_key) for _key, vlogs in rows
for vlog in vlogs
for metric in vlog.metrics]
return TestResult(scores, metrics)
def get_final_weighted_average(self):
"""Calculate the final weighted average."""
weighted_average = {}
# for fw in self.fws:
for fw, validators in self.fw_validators.items():
scores = [self.get_result(fw=fw, validator=val).stat_scores.average
for val in validators]
_, weights = zip(*sorted(self.ext_validator_weights[fw].items()))
weighted_average[fw] = np.average(scores, weights=weights)
return weighted_average