blob: ec1b68e5a0d2503111ed61b41e1b6e0790e1fba8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
AUTHOR = 'Chromium OS team'
NAME = 'tast.mustpass-chrome'
TEST_TYPE = 'Server'
# Android changes can't break Chrome tests (so we don't need to run them in the
# Android PFQ), but OS changes can (so we need to run them in the CQ).
ATTRIBUTES = 'suite:bvt-tast-cq, suite:bvt-tast-chrome-pfq'
MAX_RESULT_SIZE_KB = 50 * 1024
# uses binaries installed from autotest_server_package.tar.bz2.
DOC = '''
Run the Tast must-pass Chrome test suite.
Tast is an integration-testing framework analagous to the test-running portion
of Autotest. See for
more information.
This test runs Chrome-dependent Tast-based tests that are required to pass
against a remote DUT. It fails if any individual Tast tests fail.
See http://go/tast-failures for information about investigating failures.
def run(machine):
test_exprs=['(!disabled && !"group:*" && !informational && '
'("dep:chrome" || "dep:chrome_login") && '
ignore_test_failures=False, max_run_sec=1200)
parallel_simple(run, machines)