blob: 4159b57ed0ee2b4c8a2c423624687bf945387694 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import dbus
import logging
import sys
import common
import constants
import login
import os
import ownership
from autotest_lib.client.bin import test, utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
class OwnershipTest(test.test):
"""Base class for tests that test device ownership and policies.
If your subclass overrides the initialize() or cleanup() methods, it
should make sure to invoke this class' version of those methods as well.
The standard super(...) function cannot be used for this, since the base
test class is not a 'new style' Python class.
version = 1
_testuser = ''
_testpass = 'testme'
def initialize(self):
super(OwnershipTest, self).initialize()
def connect_to_session_manager(self):
"""Create and return a DBus connection to session_manager.
Connects to the session manager over the DBus system bus. Returns
appropriately configured DBus interface object.
return ownership.connect_to_session_manager()
def compare_policy_response(self, policy_response,
owner=None, guests=None, new_users=None,
roaming=None, whitelist=None, proxies=None):
"""Check the contents of |policy_response| against given args.
Deserializes |policy_response| into a PolicyFetchResponse protobuf,
with an embedded (serialized) PolicyData protobuf that embeds a
(serialized) ChromeDeviceSettingsProto, and checks to see if this
protobuf turducken contains the information passed in.
@param policy_response: string serialization of a PolicyData protobuf.
@param owner: string representing the owner's name/account.
@param guests: boolean indicating whether guests should be allowed.
@param new_users: boolean indicating if user pods are on login screen.
@param roaming: boolean indicating whether data roaming is enabled.
@param whitelist: list of accounts that are allowed to log in.
@param proxies: dictionary - { 'proxy_mode': <string> }
@return True if |policy_response| has all the provided data, else False.
# Pull in protobuf definitions.
from device_management_backend_pb2 import PolicyFetchResponse
from device_management_backend_pb2 import PolicyData
from chrome_device_policy_pb2 import ChromeDeviceSettingsProto
from chrome_device_policy_pb2 import AllowNewUsersProto
from chrome_device_policy_pb2 import GuestModeEnabledProto
from chrome_device_policy_pb2 import ShowUserNamesOnSigninProto
from chrome_device_policy_pb2 import DataRoamingEnabledProto
from chrome_device_policy_pb2 import DeviceProxySettingsProto
response_proto = PolicyFetchResponse()
data_proto = PolicyData()
if owner != None: ownership.assert_username(data_proto, owner)
settings = ChromeDeviceSettingsProto()
if guests != None: ownership.assert_guest_setting(settings, guests)
if new_users != None: ownership.assert_show_users(settings, new_users)
if roaming != None: ownership.assert_roaming(settings, roaming)
if whitelist:
ownership.assert_new_users(settings, False)
ownership.assert_users_on_whitelist(settings, whitelist)
if proxies != None: ownership.assert_proxy_settings(settings, proxies)
def build_policy_data(self, owner=None, guests=None, new_users=None,
roaming=None, whitelist=None, proxies=None):
"""Generate and serialize a populated device policy protobuffer.
Creates a PolicyData protobuf, with an embedded
ChromeDeviceSettingsProto, containing the information passed in.
@param owner: string representing the owner's name/account.
@param guests: boolean indicating whether guests should be allowed.
@param new_users: boolean indicating if user pods are on login screen.
@param roaming: boolean indicating whether data roaming is enabled.
@param whitelist: list of accounts that are allowed to log in.
@param proxies: dictionary - { 'proxy_mode': <string> }
@return serialization of the PolicyData proto that we build.
# Pull in protobuf definitions.
from device_management_backend_pb2 import PolicyData
from chrome_device_policy_pb2 import ChromeDeviceSettingsProto
from chrome_device_policy_pb2 import AllowNewUsersProto
from chrome_device_policy_pb2 import GuestModeEnabledProto
from chrome_device_policy_pb2 import ShowUserNamesOnSigninProto
from chrome_device_policy_pb2 import DataRoamingEnabledProto
from chrome_device_policy_pb2 import DeviceProxySettingsProto
data_proto = PolicyData()
data_proto.policy_type = ownership.POLICY_TYPE
if owner != None: data_proto.username = owner
settings = ChromeDeviceSettingsProto()
if guests != None:
settings.guest_mode_enabled.guest_mode_enabled = guests
if new_users != None:
settings.show_user_names.show_user_names = new_users
if roaming != None:
settings.data_roaming_enabled.data_roaming_enabled = roaming
if whitelist:
settings.allow_new_users.allow_new_users = False
for user in whitelist:
if proxies != None:
settings.device_proxy_settings.proxy_mode = proxies['proxy_mode']
data_proto.policy_value = settings.SerializeToString()
return data_proto.SerializeToString()
def generate_policy(self, key, pubkey, policy, old_key=None):
"""Generate and serialize a populated, signed device policy protobuffer.
Creates a protobuf containing the device policy |policy|, signed with
|key|. Also includes the public key |pubkey|, signed with |old_key|
if provided. If not, |pubkey| is signed with |key|. The protobuf
is serialized to a string and returned.
# Pull in protobuf definitions.
from device_management_backend_pb2 import PolicyFetchResponse
if old_key == None:
old_key = key
policy_proto = PolicyFetchResponse()
policy_proto.policy_data = policy
policy_proto.policy_data_signature = ownership.sign(key, policy)
policy_proto.new_public_key = pubkey
policy_proto.new_public_key_signature = ownership.sign(old_key, pubkey)
return policy_proto.SerializeToString()
def push_policy(self, policy_string, sm):
"""Push a device policy to the session manager over DBus.
The serialized device policy |policy_string| is sent to the session
manager with the StorePolicy DBus call. Success of the store is
validated by fetching the policy again and comparing.
sm.StorePolicy(dbus.ByteArray(policy_string), byte_arrays=True)
retrieved_policy = sm.RetrievePolicy(byte_arrays=True)
if retrieved_policy != policy_string:
raise error.TestFail('Policy should not be %s' % retrieved_policy)
def get_policy(self, sm):
return sm.RetrievePolicy(byte_arrays=True)
def cleanup(self):
login.wait_for_browser() # Ensure login manager is there before nuking.
super(OwnershipTest, self).cleanup()