blob: 22b446014727ca4332e8e61186069c66b3c45f77 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import glob
import hashlib
import logging
import os
import time
from autotest_lib.client.bin import test
from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.cros import factory
from autotest_lib.client.cros.factory import leds
from autotest_lib.client.cros.rf import agilent_scpi
from autotest_lib.client.cros.rf import lan_scpi
from autotest_lib.client.cros.rf import rf_utils
from autotest_lib.client.cros.rf.config import PluggableConfig
base_config = PluggableConfig({
'channels': [
# channel, freq, fixed_rate, range, level,
# power_adjustment, min_avg_power, max_avg_power
# The test will fail if the observed average power is not
# between min_avg_power and max_avg_power.
( 1, 2412e6, 11, 0, -14, -28, None, None),
( 6, 2437e6, 11, 0, -14, -28, None, None),
( 11, 2462e6, 11, 0, -14, -28, None, None),
( 36, 5180e6, 7, -10, -40, -28, None, None),
( 64, 5320e6, 7, -10, -40, -32, None, None),
(157, 5785e6, 7, -10, -40, -40, None, None),
SET_BGSCAN = "/usr/local/lib/flimflam/test/set-bgscan"
class factory_Wifi(test.test):
version = 1
def run_once(self, n4010a_host, n4010a_port=5025, module_paths=None,
config_path=None, set_ethernet_ip=None):
module_names = []
if set_ethernet_ip:
kernel_release = utils.system_output('uname -r').strip()
if module_paths:
module_paths = [
path.replace('${kernel_release}', kernel_release)
for path in module_paths]
for path in module_paths:
assert os.path.exists(path), path
assert path.endswith('.ko'), path
# Remove .ko suffix to get the module name
# Remove the current versions of the modules (in reverse, since
# there may be dependencies)
for module_name in reversed(module_names):
utils.system('rmmod %s' % module_name, ignore_status=True)
# Insert the custom modules
for module in module_paths:
utils.system('insmod %s' % module)
# Disable Flimflam background scans, which may interrupt
# our test.
utils.system("%s ScanInterval=10000" % SET_BGSCAN,
with leds.Blinker(((leds.LED_NUM, 0.25),
(leds.LED_CAP, 0.25),
(leds.LED_SCR, 0.25),
(leds.LED_CAP, 0.25))):
self._run(n4010a_host, n4010a_port, config_path)
if module_names:
# Try to remove the custom modules
utils.system('rmmod %s' % ' '.join(reversed(module_names)),
# Try to modprobe the default modules back in
for module_name in module_names:
utils.system('modprobe %s' % module_name,
utils.system("%s ScanInterval=180" % SET_BGSCAN,
def _run(self, n4010a_host, n4010a_port, config_path):
config = base_config.Read(config_path)
n4010a = agilent_scpi.N4010ASCPI(n4010a_host, n4010a_port, timeout=5)"Tester ID: %s" %
power_by_channel = {}
failures = []
pattern = "/sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy*/ath9k"
matches = glob.glob(pattern)
if len(matches) != 1:
raise error.TestError('Expected one match for %s but got %s'
% (pattern, matches))
ath9k = matches[0]
for channel_info in config['channels']:
(channel, freq, fixed_rate, range, level, power_adjustment,
min_avg_power, max_avg_power) = channel_info
utils.system("echo 0 > %s/tx99" % ath9k,
# Set up TX99 (continuous transmit) and begin sending.
utils.system("iw wlan0 set channel %d" % channel)
utils.system("echo %d > %s/fixed_rate" % (fixed_rate, ath9k))
utils.system("echo 1 > %s/tx99" % ath9k)
power = n4010a.MeasurePower(freq, range=range, level=level)
power.avg_power -= power_adjustment
power.peak_power -= power_adjustment
if not rf_utils.IsInRange(
power.avg_power, min_avg_power, max_avg_power):
'Power for channel %d is %g, out of range (%g,%g)' %
(channel, power.avg_power,
min_avg_power, max_avg_power))
except lan_scpi.TimeoutError:
failures.append("Timeout on channel %d" % channel)
power = None
power_by_channel[channel] = power
if failures:
raise error.TestError('; '.join(failures))
finally:"Power: %s" % [
(k, power_by_channel[k])
for k in sorted(power_by_channel.keys())])
utils.system("echo 0 > %s/tx99" % ath9k,